Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation. 100+ Working Mods with Installation Instructions.
A SUPER UPDATED version of this post can be found here. The Ultimate Fallout 4 Compilation. It is just too much work to keep up with this one and that one so if this list looks enticing just click the button. I will do a heavy update to this one in the future.
Updates [1-12-16]: Added Craftable Letters and Numbers too the Settlement/Miscellaneous section.
Added High Poly Immersive Bottlecaps too the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Updates [1-11-16]: Added Clear Water too the Environment/Sky/Clean Up section.
Added Better Doors too the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Added Craftable Solar Panels too the Settlement/Miscellaneous section.
Updates [1-10-16]: Added Better Reflective Pipe Weapons too the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Removed Better Handmade Weapon Textures from the list.
Added Better Ammo Boxes too the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Removed Jesters Ammo Retexture Mod from the list.
Removed Better Ammo Boxes (5mm) from the list.
Added Electrical Tower 8K 4K too the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Added Better Beds - Poster and Comic too the Settlement/Miscellaneous section.
Added Better Beds - Vault Tec too the Settlement/Miscellaneous section.
Added Dog Bed for Dogmeat too the Settlement/Miscellaneous section.
Added 4K Moons too the Environment/Sky/Clean Up section.
Removed Cousin Planet in the Sky from the list.
Updates [1-9-16]: Added Anodized Black Steel Combat Armor too the Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other section.
Removed Uniform from the list.
Removed Flight Helmets Retexture from the list.
Removed Combat Armor Recolors from the list.
Removed Combat Leg Armor Variation from the list.
Hello: This collaboration was built too push your game as hard as it can, while also keeping compatibility as the main priority and using the least amount of cheat mods as possible. I wanted too create a different kind of experience, so I used a lot of Black, Chrome,LED, and Glow mods. I do not yet create mods, but have a very good understanding of how the Nexus Mod Manager works, and I have created a very large list of compatible mods and the order in which too install them. I've provided all the little details, just make sure you follow along step by step, pick the correct versions, overwrite when necessary, etc.
If you encounter any issues please let me know. If you know of any mods that you feel would be compatible, and would improve this list, please leave feedback in the comments section.
Advice: I would highly recommend that you go through this list and download the mods you are going too use BEFORE starting too install anything. This could turn 4 hours of work into 1 or less. If you do not wish to use ENB, just start from Step 3.
I would also recommend that you use a fresh install of Fallout 4 to prevent fragments of any mods you have previously used from clashing with the mods on this list. When uninstalling mods, remember too disable them first, then right click the mod and uninstall.
Important: You do not need too use ENB or a Shader. If you choose too use a Shader though, you need too install ENB. I wouldn't recommend attempting too use one without the other.
Step 1: Install ENB. This is very easy too do, just follow the quick tutorial in this Video.
Step 2: Install Shader. This is also very easy too do. Just follow the tutorial found at the bottom of the Mod Description Tab. My personal preference is:
Cinematic Excellence Reshade Presets | By: Archalyus | Natural Version
Step 3: Install Environment, Sky, and Clean Up textures.
Important: Always select the Download (MANUAL) button and then select the Download () button of the specific file you want. Most of them will have one main file, some are slightly more specific. I have included easy too follow directions for the more specific ones.
Feel free too skip any mods that are Manual Install only, but if you wish too install them the installation instructions can usually be located somewhere on the Mod Description Tab.
Environment/Sky/Clean Up Textures:
FAR - Faraway Area Reform (LOD) | By: SparrowPrince
WET - Water Enhancement Textures | By: SparrowPrince
Clear Water | By: cip3000 | Default Radiation Version
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes | By: Hein84 | 4K Version
Vivid Fallout - Rocks | By: Hein84 | 2K Version
New Road Enhanced | By: Rufus696
Better Quarry Sites | By: LucidAPs
A Little Bit of Green | By: dragonalex155 | Overwrite - Yes to All
Tookie's Textures - Grass and Plants | By: tookiejones | Overwrite - Yes to All
More Grass | By: Meltus
Commonwealth Trash Removal Overhaul | By: dirint | Overwrite - Yes to All
Clean Settlement - Mess Removal | By: Khormin | Installer - Select All | Overwrite - Yes to All
Remove Interior Fog | By: Abbalovesyou
Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars | By: Gorgulla | 1K Version
4K Moons | By: mehrdadhot | 4K Version 2
FO4 SUN | By: ramccoid
True Storms - Wastleand Edition | By: fadingsignal | Installer - Select Standard for first 4 - Select No for last 2.
Darker Nights | By: unforbidable | Installer - Select Light 4 - Select Vanilla for the rest
Darker Nights/True Storms Patch By: unforbidable | In the optional files! | Installer - Select Light 4 | Select - Standard
Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction | By: ChaosWWW | Original Version
Step 4: Install Structure, Item, Armor, Weapon, and Other textures.
Structure/Item/Armor/Weapon/Other Textures:
High Detail Retexture Pack - Miscellaneous Props | By: DrBrandt
Street Signs Retexture | By: Worriedwalrus | 4K Version
Electrical Tower 8K 4K | By: bubbliplop
Jesters Better Destroyed Vehicles | By: ThEjEsTeRoFeViL
Langleys Workshop | By: langley02
Shack Floors Re-Done 4K | By: TheMatthewBe | Bright 4K Version
New Roof | By: ciprriano | Grey Version
Better Doors | By: tainted07
Shop Vendor Simple Retexture | By: S-T-A-L-K-E-R | (Manual Install)
Pre-War Textures 4K | By: MatthewBe
HD Retexture | By: Flaconoil | Overwrite - Yes to All
Park Benches Rextured | By: Deanoman | Red Version
Better Computer Terminals | By: Jomla97 | 4K Standard Version
Minuteman Flag - Re-Colors | By: McGee
No More Broken Dressers | By: Elianora | 9000 GTX Version
Better Coolers | By: Tymoteus | Darker Version
Metal Box 2K Retexture | By: Deanoman
Metal Barrel Rextexture | By: jorhadoq | 4K Version
Radio Redone 4K | By: TheMatthewBe | Installer - Select Pine - Select 4K Radio
Creepy Mannequins | By: Reelo2228
Black Death Cigarettes | By: MysticalRanger
Vintage Vampire Pool Table | By: PruKatt
Better Ammo Boxes | By: DeviousMeth0ds | Installer - High Versions - Choose Your Preferences
Black Vertibird | By: Akalor
Realistic Pre-War Money | By: ment2008 | 100 Version
High Poly Immersive Bottlecaps | By: TWFH1 | Installer - Select 420 Dirty - Select Normal Size
Chrome Hazmat Suit | By: mGlushed
Chrome Synth Armor | By: SecretAgent99
Tron Inspired Vault Suit | By: SethSaiph | Older Files - LED Purple Version
Black Synth Uniform Recolor | By: Akalor
Black or Dark Raider Armors | By: Khilia
Black Road Leathers Recolor | By: Akalor
Metal Armor Black Re-color | By: agentbrea
Better Coursers Pack | By: Hematic
Anodized Black Steel Combat Armor | By: keithvsmith1977 | Violet Replacer Version | Overwrite - Yes to All
Black Harness | By: Piratekami
Black Army Fatigues | By: Akalor
Army Helmet Black Re-color | By: agentbrea
Scratchmade - Combat Shotgun and Rifle | By: Millenia
Better Reflective Pipe Weapons | By: Billyro
10mm Pistol - Stahl Arms STA-20 | By: SenyaTirall | Version 2.0
Chrome .44 Revolver | By: furzkugel
Chrome Laser Weapons | By: mGlushed | Laser Version
Chrome Portedbarrel and Blackwood Huntingstock | By: furzkugel
Gorgeous Glowing Plasma Weapons | By: Diranar | Installer - Select Purple
Nuka Cola Glow and Re-Texture | By: Tymoteus | Black Version
Nuka Cherry Glow and Re-Texture | By: Tymoteus
Bun's Radioactive Glowing Fusion Core Retextures | By: TheCinnamonBun | Military Version
ETSGS | By: herpderp2332 | Installer - Select Legacy Green - Select Glowing Holotapes - Select Hair Edition
LED BLACK Pip-Boy Deluxe | By: MegaTimX
Improved Map with Visible Roads | By: mm137 | Installer - Select Even Darker
Clean Black Pip-Boy Screen | By: GodMod99 | Overwrite - Yes to All
Enhanced Blood Textures | By: dDefinder | Installer - Select Defaults. Just push next.
Prydwen 2K Textures | By: tamu75
Step 5: Install Creature and textures.
Creature/ Textures:
GraFix Texture Overhaul | By: koojinn | Actors Version
4k HD Textures - Power Armor | By: Coldchaos | Overwrite - Yes to All
Radiant Birds | By: indipindi
Cheshire Cats | By: kenward | Blue Version | Overwrite - Yes to All
Ghost - White Dogmeat | By: kirkieball | Overwrite - Yes to All
Colorful Mirelurks | By: mm137 | Overwrite - Yes to All
Jesters Better Bloatflys | By: ThEjEsTeRoFeViL | 4K Version | Overwrite - Yes to All
Jesters Deathclaws | By: ThEjEsTeRoFeViL | Overwrite - Yes to All
All Deathclaws Glow | By: DOOM
D.E.C.A.Y - Better Ghouls | By: Thumblesteen | Overwrite - Yes to All
Better Curie | By: jdb1776 | (Manual Install)
Caliente's Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- | By: Caliente | Enhancer and Outfits | Install Enhancer then Outfits | Installer - Select Curvy
Young Female Face Retexture | By: Fuse00
Immersive Mouth and Teeth | By: ClearanceClarence | Installer - Select 2K
True Eyes - Fallout 4 Edition | By: JimtownIrish | Overwrite - Yes to All
Alternative Synth Eyes | By: TwistedMethod | Violet Version | Overwrite - Yes to All
Wasteland Salon - Hair Texture Improvement Mod | By: Limo
Step 6: Install Settlement and Miscellaneous mods:
Settlement/Miscellaneous Mods:
Snap-n-Build | By: ad3d0 | Installer - Select All Modules - Select NO PATCHES
Craftable Animated Bridges | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Elevators | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Ramps and Rails | By: DDProductions83
Stackable Wood Foundations | By: DDProductions83
Stackable Concrete Foundations | By: DDProductions83
Craftable BobbleHead Displays | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Floor Supports | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Glass Stuffs | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Pillars and Support Braces | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Spiral Staircases | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Solar Panels and Fusion Reactors | By: DDProductions83
Craftable Letters and Numbers | By: DDProductions83
Lightbox Floor and Ceiling Pieces | By: DDProductions83
Dog Bed for Dogmeat | By: seafaringgentleman
Better Beds - Vault Tec | By: Nikonthenet | Install All 4 Packs | Overwrite - NO too all
Better Beds - Poster and Comic | By: Nikonthenet | Install All 3 Packs | Overwrite - No too all
Working Food Planters | By: Dominik93
Eli's Craftable Flower Pots | By: Elianora
Lore Friendly Posters | By: Dhehonus
Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks | By: Fr4nsson
Colored Workshop Lights | By: mm137
Brighter Settlement Lights | By: Elvani | Installer - Select Brighter
Legendary Lamps | By: Spoonifico | Installer - Select Unidirectonal/Purple/200% No Shadows and Default for the rest.
Quieter Settlements | By: Lemures | Installer - Just push next.
Cinematic Sounds - Complete Collection | By: Foster | Installer - Select Shortest/Explosions/V1
Shaikujin's Better Warning | By: Shaikujin
A Simple Mod - No Intro | By: MeatBag101
keyNuker and keyRing - Hidden Keys | By: lyravega | Installer - Select keyNuker
Faster Terminal Displays | By: Old Nick
Longer Power Lines | By: Puma
Scrapper Range Extension | By: ScottyDoesKnow | 8X Version
Loot Detector - Corpse | By: xatmos | Main File + Purple Version | Install Main then Purple | Overwrite - Yes to All
Higher Settlement Budget | By: GrimTech
Rich Merchants | By: OverClocked56 | Less Caps Version
Step 7: Install more Optional mods.
Notice: These mods are completely optional and I expect the list will grow substantially over the next year. Feel free too try them out and suggest other mods that might fit nicely with this list.
Optional Mods:
Legendary Apocalypse | By: gibberishly | Install if you want an extreme challenge.
Check This Out:
Although I am not yet creating mods, I create music in my free-time. Check out my youtube if you would like for over 100 live music videos as well. I always appreciate a good listener. youtube.com/devlishrising.
Also currently looking for a modder that may want too turn a couple of my well-recorded tracks into radio tracks for the Pip-Boy. They are better than anything on my youtube I assure you.
I also have some requests for mods that I think would be good ideas and haven't yet been made that would make my build particularly better. I CHALLENGE YOU!
Mod Requests:
Black Hole Sun - A mod that replaces the sun with a black hole but doesn't mess the game up to much.
Legendary Gas Masks and Accessories - Would be nice to have anything equipable to be legendary.
Legendary Explosives - Would be nice to find legendary explosives of all kinds every now and then.
Edited by HaosWidasee, 12 January 2016 - 07:24 PM.