Download mov files from iphone - accept
How to Play Mov Files on iPhone

Although you can open and stream MOV files in iTunes, it's not always possible upload the media onto an iPhone during a sync. While the iPhone supports MOV as an input format, it accepts the video only if it's compressed with specific codecs and encoded at a precise framerate. Its resolution, bitrate and frequency also need to fall within a certain range. To ensure that you can transfer and play an MOV file on your iPhone, make use of iTunes’ built-in video encoder. If you distribute MOV files of product demos, marketing reels, business presentations and so forth, optimize the media for playback on the Apple iPhone.
Launch iTunes. Click the “File” tab on the program menu. Select “Add File to Library” and search for the MOV file in the file browser window. Select the file and click “Open” to import the media into iTunes.
Click the “Movies” tab on the Library menu. An inventory of all the videos stored within the iTunes library appears in the main program window. Select the listing for the recently imported MOV file.
Click the “Advanced” tab and select “Create iPod or iPhone Version.” ITunes optimizes the MOV file for playback on the iPhone and shows a confirmation message when it's finished. The iPhone-compatible version of the MOV file is listed alongside the original video.
Turn on your iPhone and unlock the device if it's protected with a passcode. Connect it to your computer with the USB transfer cable. An iPhone tab loads under the Devices menu when iTunes recognizes the connected smartphone.
Click the iPhone tab. A browser display of the device’s contents appears in the main program window.
Click the “Movies” tab in the browser display. Verify that the “Sync Movies” box is checked. Select the option if it's not.
Click “Sync.” ITunes shows a confirmation message when syncing is finished and the iPhone-compatible version of the MOV file is stored on the device.
Tap the icon for the Videos app on your iPhone screen. Scroll through the list of stored movies and tap the entry of the iPhone-compatible version of the MOV file. The movie begins to stream on the device.
Control playback of the movie with the commands on the control bar overlay. When you're done viewing, press the home button to exit the Videos app.
- If you import an MOV file into iTunes and it already meets the iPhone’s specifications for video playback, you can forgo creating an iPhone version and progress to syncing.
Writer Bio
Based in New York City, I am an online video producer who has more than five years of experience working in digital media. I specialize in video compression and distribution, video software, online video sharing and portable device use. I received my B.A. in Film Studies in 2005 from Vassar College.
