Jim Newton, P.E., DEE
Course Outline
This 30 hour course provides valuable information for those individuals who design, operate and maintain coastal structures. Completion of this course will provide the student the necessary information and testing to meet the continuing education requirements in order to renew their licenses. It was designed by an instructor who has developed and implemented numerous similar training courses.
This course requires the completion of a multiple-choice quiz at its conclusion in order to obtain the necessary certification.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the various coastal structure types;
- Understand the various layout and cross sections for the structure types;
- Understand the main types of concrete armor units;
- Understand basic failure modes for the structure types;
- Understand foundation and geotechnical requirements;
- Understand ice issues;
- Understand environmental considerations with respect to design;
- Understand construction considerations with respect to design;
- Understand other related design issues;
- Understand construction material requirements;
- Understand the use of earth and sand;
- Understand the use of stone;
- Understand concrete use and issues;
- Understand steel usage;
- Understand wood usage;
- Understand geotextile and plastic usage;
- Understand structure hydraulic response;
- Understand rubble-mound structure loading and response;
- Understand vertical front structure loading and response;
- Understand foundation load design;
- Understand scour and scour protection;
- Understand wave forces on slender cylindrical piles;
- Understand failure mode and failure functions;
- Understand single failure mode probability analysis;
- Understand parameter uncertainties in determining the reliability of structures;
- Understand a partial safety factor system for implementing reliability in design;
- Understand the maintenance of coastal projects;
- Understand inspecting coastal structures;
- Understand monitoring coastal structures;
- Understand repair of coastal structures; and
- Understand rehabilitation of coastal structures.
Intended Audience
The intended audience for this course is any professional who is involved in the design, operation and management of coastal structures.
Benefit to Attendees
Attendees of this course will understand the basic concepts of coastal engineering and how to implement these.
Course Introduction
With the advent of numerical models, reliable field instrumentation techniques and improved understanding of the physical relationships which influence coastal processes that lead to more sophisticated approaches in shore protection design, the US Army Corps of Engineers issued the Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM) in 2002 (EM-1110-2-1100). The over 2650 page manual was divided into six parts, each part covering multiple chapters. The parts are defined as
Part I – Introduction
Part II – Coastal Hydrodynamics
Part III – Coastal Sediment Processes
Part IV – Coastal Geology
Part V – Coastal Project Planning and Design
Part VI – Design of Coastal Project Elements
PDH has developed a series of courses which cover all Parts II through VI of the manual and offer 108 professional development hours to complete the entire manual. This course will look at Part VI – Design of Coastal Project Elements . This course will cover the types and functions of coastal structures, site-specific design conditions, materials and construction aspects, fundamentals of design, and provide example problems.
Course Content
In this course, you are required to study the US Army Corps of Engineers publication Coastal Engineering Manual, Part VI, Chapters 1-8, EM 1110-2-1100.
Part VI - Chapter 1
Part VI - Chapter 2
Part VI - Chapter 3
Part VI - Chapter 4
Part VI - Chapter 5
Part VI - Chapter 6
Part VI - Chapter 7
Part VI - Chapter 8
Please click on the above underlined hypertext to view, download or print the document for your study. Because of the large file size, we recommend that you first save the file to your computer by right clicking the mouse and choosing "Save Target As ...", and then open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Course Summary
This course discusses the basics of design of coastal project elements.
Related Links
For additional information related to this subject, please visit the following websites or web pages:
U.S Army Corps of Engineers
Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.
DISCLAIMER: The materials contained in the online course are not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of PDH Center or any other person/organization named herein. The materials are for general information only. They are not a substitute for competent professional advice. Application of this information to a specific project should be reviewed by a registered architect and/or professional engineer/surveyor. Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and assumes any and all resulting liability arising therefrom.
