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Download Autopsy
Version 4.17.0 for Windows
Download 64-bitDownload 32-bit
Download for Linux and OS X
Autopsy 4 will run on Linux and OS X. To do so:
3rd Party Modules
3rd party add-on modules can be found in the Module github repository.
From this repository, you can download all modules or just the ones that you want.
Older Versions
You can find other versions of Autopsy at:
Six files are made available with each release:
- autopsy-X.X.X-32bit.msi: A 32-bit Windows installer.
- autopsy-X.X.X-64bit.msi: A 64-bit Windows installer.
- Used for Linux and OS X installations and for module developers.
- One .asc file (GPG signature) for each of the above files.
See the support page for details on reporting bugs.
Announcements of new releases are sent to the sleuthkit-announce and sleuthkit-users email lists and the RSS feed .
Download and Register
Version 4.17.0 for Windows
