Question remarkable: Minecraft 1.13 pre release download
Minecraft 1.13 pre release download - that
1.13 - The Update Aquatic
1.13 - The Update Aquatic
Date of publishing
Java Edition version history |
◄ 1.12 • 1.13 • 1.14 ► |
- Dolphin
- Once fed raw fish, they will lead players to shipwrecks or ocean ruins.
- Their behavior is neutral unless attacked, which triggers all nearby dolphins to turn hostile toward that player. This trait is also shared with zombie pigmen, wolves, and other neutral mobs.
- Drowned
- Zombie-like mobs that can spawn in underwater areas.
- Regular zombies can also turn into drowned mobs if they are underwater long enough.
- Considered undead (inverts healing/harming potion effects, takes additional damage from Smite enchant).
- Like Zombies and Husks, Drowned don't like Turtle Eggs, so they would try to break them at night.
- Fish
- Includes cod, salmon, pufferfish, and tropical fish (replaces clownfish).
- Tropical fish have 3072 different colors, patterns, and shapes.
- Pufferfish can poison a player, and puff up to a larger size.
- When killed, a pufferfish will drop the pufferfish item, and tropical fish will drop the clownfish item.
- They will lay turtle eggs on sand and when they hatch, young sea turtles will crawl back to the water.
- When mature, sea turtles return to the beach where they hatched.
- Spawns on beaches in warm biomes.
- Phantom (Also known as Mob B)
- Swoops down from the sky in groups.
- Attracted to insomniacs (those who haven't slept in 3 Minecraft days).
- Undead mob (inverts healing/harming potion effects, takes additional damage from the smite enchant).
- Usually flies at high altitudes.
- Zombie Horse
- Only spawns via commands or spawn eggs.
- Unlike regular undead mobs, it doesn't burn in sunlight or attack villagers.
- Trident
- It can be thrown or used in melee combat.
- Loyalty enchantment makes it come back to a player.
- Impaler enchantment increases its damage to mobs classified as aquatic.
- Riptide enchantment lets a player lunge forward while using it.
- Channeling enchantment lets a player summon lightning.
- Items for smooth quartz, smooth red sandstone, smooth sandstone, and smooth stone.
- Dried Kelp
- Created when kelp is smelted in a furnace.
- It can be eaten faster than other foods.
- Restores 1 hunger point.
- Used to craft dried kelp blocks.
- Coral
- It comes as a plant, block, and fan form.
- It comes in multiple different colors.
- Found in the Coral Reef biome.
- Kelp
- Seagrass
- Grows on gravel and sand.
- As high as two blocks tall.
- Turtle Eggs
- Eventually hatch, and spawn young turtles will crawl to the water.
- Turtle eggs can only be picked up with silk touch enchantments.
- It can be stacked up to four blocks high, on top of a single block.
- Prismarine slabs and stairs.
- Trapdoors, buttons, and pressure plates made from all six types of wood.
- Bark blocks for all types of wood, crafted from four logs.
- Stripped logs for all types of wood that are created by [interact with item key] a woodblock with an axe equipped.
- A pumpkin block, without the face. The previous pumpkin block has been renamed to "Carved Pumpkin".
- Conduit
- Crafted from 8 nautilus shells and Heart of the sea.
- Activates when close with prismarine.
- Gives the conduit effect.
- It can damage nearby mobs when fully framed.
- Shipwrecks
- They are generated underwater.
- They are made of wood and other materials.
- They contain hidden loot chests, can contain up to three, but at least one.
- Underwater Ruins
- They are found in the oceans along with shipwrecks and ocean monuments.
- They are made out of stone bricks.
- Can (rarely) contain loot chests that always have treasure maps.
- Icebergs
- They generate in icy ocean biomes.
- They are made of packed ice, blue ice, and snow.
- Coral Reefs
- FS (Fullscreen) resolution.
- Used to change the resolution.
- Toggling automatic command suggestions added as an option (defaults on).
- Options when editing a world to make a backup and open the backups folder.
Data Packs
- Similar to resource packs, but for loot tables, advancements, functions, and structures.
- Can be changed from world to server side.
- Used by placing them into the world or server file, and it's also possible to use multiple data packs or none at all.
- Data packs are ZIP files with an in the root. The packs are located in .
- Structures will load from before checking data packs.
- Reloadable using the command.
- A command UI when typing commands in the chat, with different components of commands being displayed in different colors. Errors are displayed in red without having to run the command.
- An nbt argument in target selectors.
- A new command parsing library, known as brigadier.
Specific commands
- A command that allows a player to get, merge, and remove an entity and block nbt data.
- A command that allows a player to get, merge, and remove an entity and block nbt data.
- Will return the NBT data from the block at pos as its result (if a path is specified). A path can be specified to only retrieve that nbt data, but this is limited to numeric tags. An optional scale can be provided to scale the number retrieved.
- Will return the NBT data from one target entity as its result (if a path is specified). A path can be specified to only retrieve that nbt data, but this is limited to numeric tags. An optional scale can be provided to scale the number retrieved.
- Will merge the block nbt data at pos with the specified nbt data.
- Will merge the entity nbt data from a target with the specified nbt data. Merging player nbt data is not allowed.
- Will remove nbt data at the path from the block at pos.
- Will remove nbt data at the path from one target entity. Removing player nbt data is not allowed.
- Data paths look like this:
- Will remove nbt data at the path from one target entity. Removing player nbt data is not allowed.
- A command that controls loaded data packs.
- Has these subcommands:
- - will enable a specific pack.
- - will disable the specific pack.
- - will list all data packs or only the available/enabled ones.
- Data packs are enabled by default, but if disabled they are re-enabled via these commands:
- - enables the specific pack, putting it in its default position.
- - enables the specific pack, putting it on the lowest priority.
- - enables the specific pack, putting it on the highest priority.
- - enables the specific pack, putting it on a lower priority than the existing pack.
- - enables the specific pack, putting it on higher priority after the existing pack.
- Magma Block
- Spawns in underwater ravines.
- Creates air bubbles which a player can breathe in.
- Air bubbles make items, boats, mobs and players sink to the ocean floor.
- Soul Sand
- Creates air bubble which a player can breathe in.
- Air bubbles make items, mobs and players rise to the ocean surface.
- Water
- Items rise to the surface now.
- Will pass through slabs, fences, etc.[5]
- Water color changes based on biome.
- Debug stick to cycle between different block states. Used by right-clicking on a block.
- The fade effects on fireworks can now be added by combining the firework star with dyes.
- Updated LWJGL from version 2.9.4 to 3.1.2. This will increase FPS and allow smoother gameplay.
- Changed the translation file format from to JSON format, in order to support newlines. The new files use the format: [6]
- Swimming
- New swimming animation while a player is in water ("sprint" in the water).
- Previously, a player would "walk" in the water.
- A player can now swim in one-block-high places.
- Raw Fish
- Removed both cooked and raw fish and replaced with cooked and raw cod.
- Furnaces now have their own recipe book, and can now be customized via JSON files.
- Item frames can now be placed on floors or ceilings.
- Optimized cloud and fog rendering.
- Optimized world spawn position-finding code.
- Credits updated to include all of the Mojang staff.
- Fonts are now saved as TrueType font files.
- 3 new pieces of underwater music by C418 have been added (ID for commands is ): Shuniji, Dragon Fish, and Axolotl.
- 3D Anaglyph removed.
Snapshots and subsequent updates
There were 42 snapshots and ten pre-releases for 1.13.
Released on August 22, 2018, this is a minor update that added dead corals, a world list search bar, the command, made some changes to fish mobs, coral, squids, tropical fish buckets, and fixed 149 bugs.
Released on October 22, 2018, this update included a few performance improvements and upgrade issue fixes left over from 1.13.1.
- Originally, this update was intended to be released as two separate updates: 1.13 "Technically Updated" would have made the technical changes and 1.14 "Update Aquatic" would have added the ocean features, but Mojang later decided to merge the two updates into one.[7]
- Snapshot 18w03a was released on January 17, 2018. However, the snapshot contained some broken commands, so just one hour later, 18w03b was released. This was the shortest time ever between two updates.[8]
- This is one of the few updates where Bedrock Edition gets these features first.
- The first planned release day was May 30, 2018. However, due to crucial bug fixes needing to happen, its full release had been pushed back.[9]
- It is currently the update with the most pre-releases, at 10 prior to its official release.
