Grace under fire download free episodes - good information
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Reviewed in Canada on May 13, 2020
Arrived on time, good quality. I always loved this show, been looking for this forever.... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on March 8, 2020
Awesome show ! I had forgotten how good it was.... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on February 8, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2019
Good comedy series - better written than most
Guys, this isn't an HBO production but it's an entertaining blue-collar Southern family comedy [not as raucous as Rosanne or detached as Bob Newhart - both good shows but probably demographically specific] . I particularly liked that it was set in the South with Southern characters. As a Southerner I can attest that we really are persistently less-than-intelligent (we frame it as a moral virtue). 'Grace Under Fire' is funny, well written, relatable and even aspirational (for me, anyway).... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on June 4, 2019
Haven't seen this show in years but caught it recently on netflix. Then had to buy it. A really great show & timeless even if politically incorrect in many instances.... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on March 4, 2019
Super excited to find this on DVD, so many good actors from the early 90’s. in great condition.... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on February 12, 2019
Reviewed in Canada on June 5, 2018
so glad I finally found the entire series on DVD - ...
so glad I finally found the entire series on DVD - been looking for awhile - loved this show when it was on... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on May 25, 2018
Weird noise when playing the dvd
Great price fast shipping but the dvd wont play on all dvd players it says its old and cant support it if it does play it vibrates the machine aand makes a weird noise its a great show however so not returning it... Read more...
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 2, 2018
loved this, watched all a couple of times since purchase,... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on April 7, 2018
Reviewed in the United States on February 17, 2018
Alabama attitude, New York sensibilities.
One thing I admired about this show was that Brett kept it close to her southern heritage but held a lot more tolerance of other cultures and sensibilities. The friendship between Grace and Nadine seemed genuine with its ups and downs. The only character that was too saccharin was Libby but the episode where her navy pen pal comes to visit is hysterical.Its tough to say what any of us would do when given all that money and power at one time. I might have been a diva myself. Its just bittersweet that the show ended because of sour note and from reports Ms. Butler's behavior off camera.Bottom line: Great show and the price is great too! Many hours of laughs.... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on January 11, 2018
Always enjoy watching shows with a strong female role model
Always enjoy watching shows with a strong female role model. A woman like Grace does it all while having a sense of humour. Love it!... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on October 21, 2017
Episode quality is good. It's great to see this series again!... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on August 20, 2017
Worth watching again and again.
Excellent show even though some great cast member leave and/or replaced. The caracter of Grace is so frustrating sometimes and she just seems cocky but I guess that her acting is just great.... Read more...
Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2017
I liked this show when it originally came on, so I was happy to find the entire series. I was a little worried after reading some of the reviews about bad discs so I binge watched it before my 30 day return window closed. I played them on my PS3 and they all played flawlessly. I didn't care for the last season as much as the others and I wish it had an actual "ending", but other than that it's great.... Read more...
Reviewed in Canada on June 15, 2017
Love this show, I watched it when it first came out in 93. In fact, I'm watching it now. It arrived brand new and packaged well, no damages. It also arrived quickly. Within day's... cheap price... Read more...
Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2017
It Arrived On Time!!!! I Love Grace Under Fire!!! Brett Butler Is Awesome!!!!! The Packageing Looks Very Professional!!! At First I Was Very Scared To Buy This Version Because Of Some Of The Reviews, BUT I AM SOOO GLAD I DID!!!!; ) I Pray All The Disc Work!!!! I AM KEEPING MY FINGERS CROSSED!!!! ; ) But Then Again I Did Only Pay only $30.00 With Shipping So I Cant Complain. I Just HOPE "All" The Disc Work!!!... Read more...
Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2016
Finally! The whole series in one place!
