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Pen Computers
Standalone Windows Pen Computer
Pen Displays
Pen input display for a computer
Pen Tablets
Pen input device for a computer
Paper notepads that digitize handwriting
Digital pens for iPad, Android, or Windows tablets
Signature Pads
Devices to capture handwritten signatures
Pens, stands, and more

How to access the Wacom Desktop Center
If the Wacom Desktop Center is running, it can be opened from the Task Bar on Windows, or from the Dock on Mac.
If the Wacom Desktop Center is not running:

It can be opened on Windows by selecting the Start Menu, opening the Wacom Tablet folder and selecting "Wacom Desktop Center"

It can be opened on Mac by selecting the Applications folder, opening the Wacom Tablet folder and selecting "Wacom Desktop Center"
Select Updates to see what (if any) updates are available for your Wacom product.

Important: Your Wacom product must be connected to your computer to see available updates.
If updates are available, select the respective link and carefully follow all instructions as you update your driver or product.
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