Many users facing problem to download files because the file uploaded on suvery ppd websites
So today i am decide to share my trick with you all my supports :) this trick is very easy and simple
and you can download any file from any survey website easily!
So lets start our tutorial, Here we go!
What we need?
Sandboxie to complete download survey Click here
Hotspot shield (Optional) because USA survey available many download surveys Click here
Step 1)
Install Sandboxie
Install Hotspot shield (Optional)
Step 2)
Run Hotspot shield and connect to USA ip (Optional)
Open browser and clear all history and cookies (Optional)
Open browser with survey download link
Choose Email submit suvery and fill fake information
Choose Install survey from list

Now open new tab and download file

Open download folder where download file store
Right click on file you downloaded and run as Sandboxie

Click Ok and give permission administrator
You get installer in sandboxie of 3rd part software
Just follow all step and click agree and download it automatically and install is begin

Wait til all download and install not complete
When all install completed you download open :)
Your file is unlocked and its start downloading
Now open sandboxie via clicking on icon in right hand side and clear all data you installed for complete survey

You are all done!
Enjoy trick and download any file :)
Any problem in download? comment below