The 5 minute plantar fasciitis solution pdf download

The 5 minute plantar fasciitis solution pdf download

the 5 minute plantar fasciitis solution pdf download

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“Give Me Just $28 And 11 Minutes A Day For 28 Days… And I Will END Your Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain, Or You Get DOUBLE Your Money Back”

3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM: Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS

The “Plantar Fasciitis Solved! 28-Day Challenge” is a comprehensive program of gentle, yet highly-effective stretches and exercises designed to reduce and eliminate your Plantar Fasciitis, and get you back to your pain-free life.

Why does this exercise program have 3 stages?

First… don’t be scared or overwhelmed by the fact that this exercise program has 3 stages. If you follow the instructions and do just the Stage 1 stretching sequence, which will only take 11 minutes each day, you should feel a significant reduction of your Plantar Fasciitis pain within 7 days.I want to help you completely eliminate your Plantar Fasciitis, and I’m giving you a comprehensive 3-stage exercise program to make sure you have everything you need to do that.

The 3 stages progress from very easy (Stage 1) to more challenging (Stage 3). This 3-stage structure makes it so that virtually any person can complete this program, even those who have severe pain, and even those who have never exercised a day in their life. The 3 different stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you can get the fastest possible recovery.

Why many injury and exercise video programs WON’T ACTUALLY HELP YOU...

My most important goal in creating this video exercise program was to make sure your experience with it is as close as possible to you having personal, face-to-face sessions with me.

This is because, in order to get the best possible results, in the shortest period of time, it is critical that you learn to do these stretches and movements the right way, in the right sequence, with the right amount of intensity, and for the right length of time.

Most video exercise programs leave these kinds of details out, and this leaves you unsure about exactly what to do, and exactly how to do it. This causes confusion, and might leave you discouraged, and you may decide not to continue with the program, which means you’ll definitely not get the results you want.

My goal was to make these videos as close as possible to real, face-to-face training and coaching sessions with me, so you get the results you want, as quickly as possible.

That’s why my team and I have worked very hard to create a comprehensive package of videos, manuals, guides and tracking sheets for each of the 3 progressive stages in this program, so you will have absolutely everything you need to learn this system properly, ON YOUR OWN, IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME you can do it consistently, until your Plantar Fasciitis is healed for good.

For each of the 3 stages of this exercise program, you get:

  • 1 Instructional Video
  • 1 Follow-Along Video
  • 1 Comprehensive Manual
  • 1 Exercise Quick Reference Guide
  • 1 Progress Tracking Sheet

Here’s what comes in each:


You get one Instructional Video for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your virtual personal training sessions with me - Rick Kaselj, MS. In these instructional videos, I will:

  • SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
  • Show you common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
  • Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.


You also get 3 Follow-Along Videos - one for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your personal coaching sessions with me.

These videos make doing this program SUPER-EASY.

When you’re ready to do your exercise sequence for the day, just play the Follow-Along Video and do each of the stretches and exercises following right along with my exercise assistant, who does them all, on the video with you. While you do that, I’ll be counting out time and reps, and coaching you along the way.


You get 3 Comprehensive Manuals - one for each of the 3 stages in the program. These handy PDF guides include:

  • All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
  • Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and exercise
  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
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The 5 minute plantar fasciitis solution pdf download

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