Download African American SVG PNG JPG Files for Cricut or Silhouette
You can downloadselect pieces of our UNIQUE, African American art in digital formats from our shop on Etsy.
That means you can download the digital images (SVG, PNG, DXF, or JPEG) and use them for print on your T-shirt or other print projects (posters, greeting cards, vinyl, etc.)
The art includes black women, natural hair afros, sayings / quotes, HBCU, melanin and more.
We even offer a few free SVG files of black women with afros.
SVG and DXF files are used with products like Cricut Explore Air, or Silhouette Cameo so you can cut the files and make your own T-shirts, posters or any crafting project you’d like.
You can also send them to a local printer and have them print the file for you.
The reason you want to go with SVG files is they are scalable and can be enlarged to whatever size with no loss in quality. However, you can also use the PNG or JPEG format.
So if you want to start your own T-shirt business with a Cricut Explore Air then you can use our art as long as you purchase a license for the art you want to use. The license details are located on the design listing page.
If you are just using the art for personal use, you do not need to buy the license. However, if you are going to re-sell, you need a license for each individual image.
You can also print the art at home and sell framed products.
See our African American digital SVG shop on Etsy.
Want to learn more about how Cricut Explore Air works? Click here.
Click here to download our SVG files for Cricut.