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MongoDB at AWS re:Invent 2020
While 2020 has been a challenging year, it has also given rise to new levels of innovative collaboration and agile thinking. Where better to experience both than at AWS re:Invent 2020? At MongoDB, we’re excited to partner with AWS on this free, 3-week virtual event, providing unlimited access to hundreds of sessions led by Cloud experts. Although we’ll miss the grand, buzzing halls of the Venetian Hotel and the celebratory sounds of slot machines this year, it’s still important to approach AWS re:Invent with a focused plan. Think of this year’s event as an opportunity to curate your own perfectly tailored experience. Check out this page for details of our fresh new lineup of deep-dives, targeted jam sessions and — of course — the annual MongoDB late-night party. Here are some of the highlights. AWS Jam — "Excel isn't a database!" Imagine this: It's your first week in a new job, and the VP of sales has already given you an important data task. The good news? From the start of the year, all your current sales data has been stored in MongoDB Atlas — allowing operational and analytical workloads to run on the live data set. The not-so-good news? That wasn't always the case. For years before they switched, their database (well, ”database”) of choice was… Excel. Fortunately someone took the initiative to export that data in CSV format and store it in S3, but now the sales team needs your help to analyze that data — and they need it fast. In our “Excel isn’t a database!” Jam Session, you’ll test and upgrade your skills by connecting MongoDB Atlas Data Lake to CSV data that’s been languishing in an S3 bucket. Then you’ll run an aggregation to complete the challenge and claim points. Game on! This jam session will be available on-demand for the duration of AWS re:Invent Databases & S3: Auto-archiving Breakout Session Databases are built for fast access, but this can also make them resource-intensive. As data grows, you may want to optimize performance (or cost) by migrating old or infrequently used data into cheap object storage. But this presents its own problems: automating the archival process, ensuring data consistency during failures, and either querying two data stores separately or building a query federation system. In this talk, you’ll learn about how we approached these problems while building Online Archive and Federated Query features into MongoDB Atlas, lessons learned from the experience, and how you can do the same. MongoDB Late Nite That’s right: it’s a party! In the spirit of Vegas, MongoDB will be hosting an interactive late-night bash complete with throw-back entertainment at our virtual after-hours event. Like Vegas, there’s something for everyone. Unlike Vegas, the odds are actually on your side. Get your adrenaline going and dial in for exclusive swag at our Home Shopping Network. Just sign on and dial into our custom QVC-reboot every hour for a chance to snag some really cool limited-release items. Stay tuned to the event website to find out what you can win, and when! Are you a Jeopardy lover? MongoDB Late Nite is your time to shine. Exercise your mental reflexes and get those synapses firing with hundreds of other party people inside episodes of dev-focused live trivia. And what kind of revelry is complete without a resident psychic on board? Join us at the Future of Coding for an interactive reading by a VERY accurate psychic. So kick back, grab a beverage and join us at the party from home. Let’s get in the spirit together! Sponsor Page/Online Booth Pop into our virtual sponsor booth at your convenience. Our product experts will be there to answer your questions one-on-one. Alternatively, if casually exploring resources is more your style, check out our self-serve content playlists. View these to dig deeper into MongoDB education, glean customer success stories and get up to speed on the latest product features.

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