81 tiles mod download

81 tiles mod download

81 tiles mod download

It's since been updated with new mods, assets, maps, and visual tools. The Steam Workshop for mod-friendly city builder Cities: Skylines is. The default playable. These are the 10 mods you should download and install in 2020. With the 81 Tiles mod, you now have the ability to expand your city out to 81. Because with this simple mod, you now have access to all 81 tiles. Expand your cities to more than thrice the original size, with options to unlock each tile.

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81 tiles mod download

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10 Best Cities: Skylines Mods for PC in 2020

Automatic Bulldoze V2

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Are you sick of manually bulldozing burned down or condemned buildings? Do you wish the city would just take care of its own problems for once? This mod may be just the thing for you.

Automatic Bulldoze V2 does exactly what it says on the tin; when a building's former occupants can no longer live or work there, that building is returned to the vacant zone from which it came — automatically. 


81 Tiles

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We have the technology. We can make them bigger, better, faster... even potentially smarter.

Well, there are plenty of ways to make your Cities: Skyline metropolis smarter, and this is not it. With the 81 Tiles mod, you now have the ability to expand your city out to 81 city tiles rather than the basic 25. Bring extra RAM and get ready to build. 

Mod Achievement Enabler

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Steam has a pesky habit of failing to register those hard-earned trophies you've busted your pump to earn in Cities: Skylines when you have any mods activated.

The Mod Achievement Enabler solves this issue, bypassing Steam's mod authentication system and giving more freedom to players.

Precision Engineering

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If you're having issues setting up intersections and precise streets, you may certainly want to check out Precision Engineering, a mod that allows you to measure exact angles and distances between each street you lay down.

Even better, the mod works with other types of infrastructure; pipes, power lines, and other types of transportation infrastructure (like train lines) are measurable with the Precision Engineering mod.

Network Extensions 2

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Network Extensions 2 vastly expands the plethora of transportation infrastructure options you can use to build out your city's transportation network.

It adds everything from tight alleyways to suburban backstreets and massive 6-lane highways and busways. If your city is lacking in pedestrian spaces, you can even use this mod to build zonable pedestrian promenades, boardwalks, pathways, parks, and more.

Move It

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If you've wanted to control the exact angles and positions of each prop and building in your city, then Move It is just the mod for you.

This mod allows you to control the positioning and placement of pretty much every single visual aspect of your Cities: Skylines city, even allowing you to drag and drop groups of multiple objects at once.

Real Time

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Time lapses quite strangely in Cities: Skylines by default. The mod Real Time fixes all of that, placing your entire city, and its denizens, into a much more realistic time schedule.

But that's not all it does. You can customize the time schedule in the menu, and you can even change the likelihood that specific types of commuters will visit locations (such as home, work, school, or 'out' destinations like shopping centers and tourist traps) at different points throughout the week.


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If you're curious about where each Cim in your Cities: Skylines city is coming from, going to, where they work, where they live, and even what socioeconomic class they belong to, then Snooper is the mod for you.

This mod does all of the above (and more), delivering a dossier of information on any Cim you click on. This also ties property to Cims, meaning that you can quickly figure out who owns certain vehicles or buildings throughout your city.

Traffic Manager: President Edition

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By default, Cims don't exactly know how to handle themselves in heavy traffic. The basic AI isn't particularly smart, which can lead to inefficient use of city infrastructure that causes congestion on major thoroughfares.

Traffic Manager: President Edition is a mod that gives you far more tools with which to direct traffic, but it's highly customizable as well, giving you more control over how your Cims behave in traffic in the first place. It comes with an Advanced AI framework as well, which helps each Cim make better choices without you needing to lift a finger.

Mod Compatibility Checker

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Sometimes you'll download mods that just don't cooperate well with one another, causing your game to crash or mods to stop working properly — or stop working altogether.

The Mod Compatibility Checker is a piece of software that checks if there are any conflicts between mods in your load order, and then it generates a report of which ones aren't working well with others. Unfortunately, it doesn't fix incompatibilities for you, but at least you won't have to go poking around to figure out what's causing your game to stop working.

That's our list of the 10 best Cities: Skylines mods to check out on PC. For more future Cities: Skylines content, stay tuned with GameSkinny!

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

81 tiles mod download

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