Windows update 10 update version 1803 download - words
Download Windows 10 Version 1803 Using Direct Download Links
This guide is obsolete, Windows 10 Version 2004 is now available to download. A section to download all previous versions of Windows 10 is included in an updated Windows 10 guide. Better instructions are also included when it comes to making the Bootable USB.
Windows 10 Installation .isos can be obtained from Microsoft's website:
Link 1 yields direct Download Links to installation .isos and is designed primarily for use on computers (or phones) not running Windows e.g. Ubuntu, Android, iOS.
Link 2 on the other hand gives the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, which Microsoft have tailored to Download the Windows 10 Setup Files and in turn Create an Installation .iso on your computer.
If one visits Link 1 on a Windows OS it will redirect to Link 2 and if one visits Link 2 on a non-Windows OS it will automatically redirect to Link 1.
To use the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool see Downloading Windows 10 Version 1803 Using the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool. The Windows 10 Media Creation Tool verifies the setup files before creating the installation .iso which reduces installation errors due to incomplete media, it then creates a .iso from these setup files. The installation .iso checksums which are dependent on time of creation are hence unique for every .iso. The .iso Microsoft place on their download server on the other hand, has it's own checksum and any users that use the direct download link should have a matching checksum (otherwise they have an incomplete/corrupt download). The .iso from the Media Creation Tool has slightly less Editions than the .iso obtained from the Direct Download Links albeit, the additional Editions are usually Editions designed for large corporations and generally not used by Home Users.
The Windows 10 English (UK) .iso obtained from the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool:
- Windows 10 Home
- Windows 10 Home N
- Windows 10 Home Single Language
- Windows 10 Education
- Windows 10 Education N
- Windows 10 Pro
- Windows 10 Pro N
The Windows 10 English (UK) .iso obtained from the Direct Download Link:
- Windows 10 Home
- Windows 10 Home N
- Windows 10 Home Single Language
- Windows 10 Education
- Windows 10 Education N
- Windows 10 Pro
- Windows 10 Pro N
- Windows 10 Pro Education
- Windows 10 Pro Education N
- Windows 10 Pro for Workstations
- Windows 10 Pro for Workstations N
This step is not required if you are running Linux Ubuntu, Android or iOS as the page showing the direct download links will already be displayed.
If running Windows, one will see the Media Creation Tool. They can simply change their browser settings to emulate a mobile experience and then refresh the page to get to the direct download link. After the direct download links show they can revert the browser settings to normal.
Google Chrome
This is easiest to do using Chrome. Press [F12] to open up the developer tools:
To the top left of the Developer Tools select Toggle Device, to switch it to a Mobile view.
You will see a slight change (but the Media Creation Tool is still offered):
Refresh the page:
Once refreshed you will see the Direct Link offered:
You can then Toggle the Device back to a PC:
The page should now look normal but have Direct Download Links opposed to the Media Creation Tool:
You can then close the Developer Tools:
Now you can view the page as normal, with Direct Download Links opposed to the Media Creation Tool:
Scroll down to get to the Download:
You have essentially three options. The first is Edition which isn't really an option here:
You can only click on the one option however the .iso you download contains all the Editions:
Select confirm:
It will validate your request:
The next option is the Language. Note in this option "English" = English US and "English International" = English UK.
Select your Language:
I will select English (International):
After selecting your Language select Confirm:
It will validate your request again:
You will get 64 Bit and 32 Bit Download Links, which have a token in their suffix.
This token expires in 24 hours. After 24 hours you'll need to visit this website again to get a new Download Link which contains a new token at it's suffix.
Feedback for Microsoft: Show the Installation .iso Checksums below the Download buttons.
Microsoft do not show the checksums on their website unfortunately. For the English UK and English US .isos the .iso checksums are as follows.
- 318836e71c148d7f4ab3183f998ade21
- 2f8910ce2cfaf61f094dfd49fe87ac004a6200af
- 2405493e366ca21b06f1ee89710b3b601029a1917e8f1ad985c065a923cfbb68
- 8edf94c78529126a0360660a8b6fb62a
- e12e5d860b73e14424503372eee39895a55cad9a
- d1f79c7eec20a0d4348203b5061d36131ec864b511606f0732bcae1a42b975c9
- 986e2e17cf6b0b49141cd15699768e6e
- 08fbb24627fa768f869c09f44c5d6c1e53a57a6f
- 2a7e8c918347f36c23dcbab9804aca5b88eaf8b118c7356b1d96ab771ecb017f
- 166d99b85390d58017dc0bef14e5f8eb
- 3f2063b7419675e98c8df82bc0607bbb1ce298bb
- 0ca124d06bd4664da3ce3b65a7582bb0a88c1b5a0263770397d987d5f3e66bc9
Checking the .iso Checksums on Windows
I will use a program called Rufus to check the installation .iso checksums. This program also allows you to make a Bootable USB. Rufus is downloadable here:
Downloading Rufus
Go to the Rufus website:
Scroll down to get to the Download Link:
Select Download:
Wait for the Download to finish:
Double click on Rufus-x.x.exe

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