Download large file fro s3

Download large file fro s3

download large file fro s3

It gets even worse when you've got a huge file to share with a big email list -- blasting Using CloudBerry Explorer to Upload/Download Files from Amazon S3. This blog post provides ways to upload large files to Amazon S3 using SDK/CLI and multipart uploads. S3 multipart download. Parallelizing Large Downloads for Optimal Speed, I have seen around 23% improvement in download time for multipart tx = new. download large file fro s3

Download large file fro s3 - are not

department-of-veterans-affairs / caseflow-efolder

After fiddling with, I was unable to find a working solution in Rails 4.

However, I have another solution working:

A much simpler approach is to have Rails generate a presigned S3 URL that expires in a short period of time (say 60s). After a quick prototype, I was able to get this to work with the following changes.

# in caseflow-commons s3_service.rbdefself.get_presigned_url(filename),bucket: bucket_name,key: filename,expires_in: 60)end
# efolder / download_documents.rbdeffetch_presigned_url_from_s3@s3.get_presigned_url(@download.s3_filename)end# efolder / downloads_controller.rbdefdownload... redirect_to@download_documents.fetch_presigned_url_from_s3end

I have discussed this with @shanear before and the ATO issue has come up. However, after giving it a good thought, I am not sure how this is any less secure than our current approach.

The key difference is that user will be downloading directly from S3 instead of going through our VPN tunnel.

Update: 2017/05/05
Also discussed this with @ShawnArnwine, and his response is that this is certainly a grey area. We need to consult our Security Plan and our ISO for advice if we are going this route.

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Download large file fro s3

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