Consider, that: Slug test software free download
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Slug Test Analysis Software : New V2.0
New V2.0 Slug Test Analysis Software is now available from Geoprobe Systems®. The Slug Test Analysis Software is a graphical interface used to model the data collected from a slug test conducted in direct push tools or conventional monitoring wells that provide either an over damped or underdamped response. Now, not only can you acquire high-quality data with the Geoprobe® Pneumatic Slug Test Kit, but you can conduct the modeling and calculations to determine the hydraulic conductivity (K) with ease. This simple, user-friendly software system lets you use the Hvorslev model for confined formations or the Bouwer & Rice model for unconfined formations. This software package lets you model the oscillatory curves of the underdamped aquifer response observed in higher K formations as well as the more common overdamped aquifer response.
The acquisition data files are plotted onscreen so you can select the response curve segment for curve matching and modeling. The software also allows you to print graphs and documentation for reporting requirements to provide a complete package to your client and the regulators. You don’t have to have a Ph.D in math to operate this simple software and determine your K. Ask about this software today!
![]() The STA software is a simple, user-friendly package designed for use with slug test data obtained with the Pneumatic Slug Test Kit from Geoprobe Systems®. The slug test data are observed in real time in the field and saved in files with format *.dat. This file format may be opened directly into the STA software for curve matching, input of well construction parameters, and calculation of hydraulic conductivity. The software also provides for printing of simple graphics and data for documentation and reporting. The STA software, available on CD, installs in less than five minutes. This software enables the experienced hydrologist to model the data obtained with the Slug Test Kit in a matter of minutes, and provide results and documentation to clients and regulators. The software is designed with five screens or pages. Each screen is accessed by clicking on the appropriate tab at the top of the open STA window. Each screen allows the user to conduct certain functions to complete the slug test modeling operation and determine the hydraulic conductivity (K) for the screened formation. Once the data interval to be modeled is selected, the Interval Screen is automatically opened and the interval is plotted. For over damped responses, a straight-line fit is automatically made by the software and plotted onscreen with the “t0” value determined for use in either the Bouwer & Rice or Hvorslev models for calculation of K. For underdamped responses, the user selects the damping parameter (Cd) and modulates the data to obtain the best fit curve. |
Slug Test Analysis Software:
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When modeling is complete, the user proceeds to the Parameter Screen to input the well construction parameters (screen length, casing radius, etc.) and specify whether the formation is confined or unconfined. For unconfined formations, the Bauer & Rice model is used, and for confined formations, the Hvorslev model is applied to calculate K. Each of the graphics screens and the Parameter Screen can be printed. The complete software package is provided in a notebook for storage and organization. The package includes the CD, the HASP key, the User’s Guide, appendices that cover modeling of example data sets, and the license agreement. The example data sets are included on CD so first-time users can work through examples discussed in the appendices to become familiar with the software features and operation. The STA software package compliments the Pneumatic Slug Test Kit and enables you to provide complete service to your client, from field testing to data reporting with hydraulic conductivity results. | ||
![]() | The STA Software System lets you open data files acquired with Geoprobe® Acquisition software and automatically plots the files on the “Log” screen for inspection. Using cursors, a baseline interval is selected and the interval for analysis is chosen. This graph may be printed to provide documentation of the specific slug test selected for modeling. | |
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Once the slug test interval to be modeled is selected from the “Log” screen, a simplified spread sheet with the range of time and head values selected for analysis is shown on-screen. The analyst selects the appropriate “start time” and “end time” for the test interval. Erratic data points may be selected and deleted from this screen if any are present in the data set. | ||
![]() Once the data interval for modeling is selected from the “Log” screen, data is automatically plotted on the “Interval” screen for curve fitting and modeling. For underdamped (oscillatory) slug test responses three model curves are plotted on-screen. The analyst may then select the “Best Fit” damping coefficient (Cd) and modulate the time axis to obtain the model curve that matches the field data. | ![]() | |
![]() ![]() | After modeling the slug test field data, the STA Software System automatically inputs the selected model parameters into the “Parameter Page” so hydraulic conductivity (K) may be calculated. The well construction parameters are entered on this page. Site specific and location data may be entered in the “Site Data” block. The “Parameter Page’”also may be printed for documentation and reporting purposes. | |
![]() | ![]() The software package includes both the Pneumatic Slug Test Kit Instruction Bulletin and the STA User’s Guide in .pdf format so they can be viewed on-screen or printed for review. | |
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A demo CD of this software
is available at no cost.
Call 1-800-GEOPROBE.