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Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience
About the Authors
Robert Bruce (left) is a metaphysicist and the author of numerous articles and two groundbreaking books. He has spent most of his life exploring the dynamics of all things paranormal and testing the boundaries of reality. He lives in Australia with his two sons. His website is
Brian Mercer (right) is an information technologies professional and part-time novelist. For as long as he can remember he has been interested in the paranormal. He is the author of the metaphysical science fiction trilogy The Kaladrious Reflection. His current out-of-body explorations originate in Seattle, where he lives with his wife, Sara.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Mastering Astral Projection: 90-Day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience © 2004 by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the author’s copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.
First e-book edition © 2013
E-book ISBN: 9780738717012
First Edition
Seventh Printing, 2010
Book design and editing by Joanna Willis
Cover design by Lisa Novak
Illustrations on pages 51, 52, 53, 79, and 111 by Wendy Froshay
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Llewellyn Publications
Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
Manufactured in the United States of America
For Professor Barbara S. Raines,
teacher, mentor, friend . . .
—Brian Mercer
For the late Robert Bruce (senior),
father, mate, inventor, dreamer . . .
—Robert Bruce
Introduction: Preliminary Instructions for the Ninety-Day Program
Week 1: Flexing Your Astral Muscles
Week 2: Manipulating the Energy Body
Week 3: Mind Taming
Week 4: Primary Centers and Their OBE Connection
Week 5: Trance Practice
Week 6: Loosening up the Energy Body
Week 7: Anatomy of an OBE
Week 8: Overcoming Mental Blocks
Week 9: Dreams and the OBE
Week 10: Troubleshooting
Week 11: Advanced Methods
Week 12: After the Exit
Week 13: The Basics of OBE Navigation
Appendix A: Suggested Supplemental Reading List
Appendix B: BrainWave Generator Installation Guide and Tips
Appendix C: Dream Journal Template and Instructions
Appendix D: Projection Position Posture
Appendix E: Keys to a Successful OBE by Laetitia M. Kimball
Appendix F: My OBE Successes by Brian Mercer
We want to thank the volunteers who gave of their spare time road testing this program. Your comments and ideas were invaluable in shaping the content and organization of this book. Our sincere appreciation also goes to Tracy Weber of Seattle’s Whole Life Yoga for her guidance in ensuring that the breathing techniques featured in this program are both safe and effective. We are also grateful to Adrian Cooper, aspiring projector and web master extraordinaire, for his enthusiasm and technical support; to Ben-Jamin Bruce for his invaluable encouragement and intellectual contribution; to Michael Ross for his OBE literature input; to Laetitia Kimball for kindly allowing us to publish her essay on the OBE; to Richard and Michele Kaplowitz for their loving support and photographic expertise; to Keith Alderslade for being so annoyingly intelligent; to Tommy Pirbos for technical input; to Nancy Mostad for her OBE insights on ; and to Sara Mercer for tirelessly reviewing and proofreading version after version of this manuscript. Additional thanks go to all those in the BrainWave Generator user community whose advice played a role in the development of the presets that complement this program, and to the early users of the web version of this manual and the forums community for their guidance and suggestions. And to Joanna Willis, Lisa Novak, Wendy Froshay, and all the folks at Llewellyn Worldwide Publications: thank you!
Welcome to Mastering Astral Projection! This book is devoted to teaching you how to have a fully conscious astral projection (also called out-of-body experience or OBE). It focuses on practical OBE exit training and advice, rather than on covering everything relating to the history, speculation, and practice of astral travel.
My first book, Astral Dynamics: A NEW Approach to OBE (Hampton Roads, 1999) covered not only projection training and OBE exit techniques, but also many related issues, phenomena, and theories associated with astral travel. During the latter stages of writing Astral Dynamics, it was clear that I needed to include a practical training program to help readers apply the information I was giving in a step-by-step and goal-oriented way. Given the eventual size of Astral Dynamics (560 pages), however, such a weighty addition was impractical. A few chapters had already been cut to save space.
After Astral Dynamics was published, I received many requests for an OBE training program. One of my readers, American computer programmer, writer, and OBE aficionado Brian Mercer, sent me the bones of such a program. He had developed it for his personal use, and offered me a copy out of courtesy. After studying Brian’s ninety-day program, I uploaded it to my website and made it available to the public online. It quickly became popular and resulted in a lot of constructive feedback. I passed the feedback along to Brian, plus my own ideas for improvements, and he revised and fine-tuned it accordingly.
It soon became obvious that we were building the foundations of a valuable OBE training manual. Brian and I soon became good friends. Following my instincts, I invited Brian to coauthor a book with me, the book you are now holding.
In the months that followed we discussed the theme and content of this book at great length. We recognized that an old hand like me and a keen novice like Brian teaming up as OBE teachers would create a winning combination of knowledge, experience, and priceless enthusiasm. I am not really a fair test subject for any kind of OBE training program, as I have way too much firsthand experience. Brian, however, was a well-read novice with little actual OBE experience. He was not one of those fortunate few who can easily induce an OBE. At that time Brian had tried for many years, but with only enough success to fire his continuing interest.
Brian road tested each section of the program repeatedly. He put in time and enthusiastic effort, as I watched for problems and worked on solutions. Together we fine-tuned the methodology of the program for optimal results. During this process we gained a profound understanding of the numerous problems that beset novice projectors and came up with many new and innovative solutions. We also began researching and experimenting with helpful technologies, such as light and sound machines and audio devices that help induce altered states of consciousness. We wanted to include everything that could possibly help projectors.
The structure of this ninety-day program is simple. Information and instructions are given in bite-sized chunks, while readers follow a progressive series of OBE-related exercises. Only enough instruction and theory are given at any one time to provide context to the work at hand. Basic skills like deep relaxation, clearing the mind, concentration, and energy body stimulation are taught first, and then a variety of OBE exit techniques are introduced one at a time. Advice and tips from Brian and me are given every day of the program as students practice and develop their skills. Common problems are identified and solved along the way. Extensive problem-solving sections are included.
