Does box drive download all files onto desktop

Does box drive download all files onto desktop

does box drive download all files onto desktop

In rare occasions, the Box software you downloaded to your computer may stop synchronizing files online. This is not an issue with PracticePanther and is. There are two apps for editing Box data from your Desktop. For Mac users, you can access Box Drive by opening Finder on your mac and If you add or update a new file or folder in Box Drive you'll notice it turns into a yellow syncing icon. Once you have downloaded Box Sync you need to navigate back to the web. With Box Drive, it is also possible to mark files to work offline; the files will be downloaded to your hard drive so that you can work on them Box Drive is a cloud drive that allows you to directly access your Duke Box files on your computer. does box drive download all files onto desktop

Does box drive download all files onto desktop - very

Office ofInformation Technology

Box Drive is a cloud drive that allows you to directly access your Duke Box files on your computer. You can use Mac Finder or Windows Explorer to search your files.  With Box Drive, it is also possible to mark files to work offline; the files will be downloaded to your hard drive so that you can work on them when not connected to the internet. Box will upload the changes once you are reconnected to the internet. You can read more about Box Drive here.

To install Box Drive, go to 

Once Box Drive is installed on your computer, you will automatically be asked to login to your Duke Box account. Sign in using your email address.

Then, you will be redirected to login using Shibboleth.

Note: Box Drive is not compatible with Box Sync. If you have Box Sync installed on your computer, it will automatically be uninstalled. A window will popup telling you that it is safe to uninstall Box Sync. Click continue to begin the uninstall of Box Sync.

Once Box Sync is uninstalled, a window will appear saying that Box Sync was uninstalled. The window will automatically close after a few seconds.

You may now access your Box files and folders locally using Box Drive.

Additional Assistance

Contact your appropriate Service Desk:
University Users: OIT Service Desk - 919 684 2200
Duke Medicine Users: DHTS Service Desk - 919 684 2243

Click on KB0016669 for escalation procedures.

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Does box drive download all files onto desktop - hope

Does box drive download all files onto desktop

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