Cmie database download free

Cmie database download free

cmie database download free

Duration: 24:33. The exe file of the software can be downloaded from and click on "Download ProwessIQ". You need to execute this setup to install. State of India-CMIE is a comprehensive compilation of state-level statistics. The data is Offers numerous free data sets in a searchable database. UNData: Do You must create a free account on the site to download data. Use Sign Up to. cmie database download free

What is ProwessIQ?

ProwessIQ is an interactive querying system to find companies from the Prowess database. It consists of a client software that provides an interface to construct and submit queries over the internet to the Prowess database and receive answers to the queries from the database.

ProwessIQ therefore is all about interactive querying of the Prowess database.

All queries in ProwessIQ aim at finding companies that match a given set of search conditions. The ProwessIQ interface therefore consists of a large number of query construction facilities, display of query results in spreadsheets and the further use of the results of queries.

The Prowess database consists of the financial performance of Indian companies. The database contains information on all listed companies and a larger set of unlisted companies. The database is built from the audited Annual Reports of companies and information submitted to the Ministry of Company Affairs; and in the case of listed companies, the database also includes company filings with stock exchanges and prices of securities listed on the major stock exchanges.

The client server is developed and maintained by CMIE. Similarly, the Prowess database is also developed, maintained and updated by CMIE.

The Prowess database is updated continuously by CMIE. ProwessIQ accesses this updated Prowess database.

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Cmie database download free

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