Why wont google drive allow me to download files

Why wont google drive allow me to download files

why wont google drive allow me to download files

Getting an error when trying to download files from Google Drive? Here's a quick, simple People prefer using Google Drive because every one of us can just easily share files with colleagues. All they need to Let's dive in! Duration: 2:27. When I right click on the file and click to download, it's not letting me save it in the So if you are trying to download from drive of U1 or U2 or U3, it won't let you. why wont google drive allow me to download files

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Why wont google drive allow me to download files - not absolutely

Unable to download files from my Google Drive 1 Recommended Answer 229 Replies2360 Upvotes
I just set up a folder in Google Drive and loaded up a lot of files from my One Drive. I can go in a see the files but when  I try to download any files, I get this error message:
Access to doc-04-bs-docs.googleusercontent.com was denied
You don't have authorization to view this page.
In another post the user said the following, which describes my situation exactly, but there was no response:
I have this same problem and YES, I am using two accounts but Google always defaults to my primary account and when I switch to my secondary one I am denied.  How do I go to my secondary account FIRST?  This is so frustrating because I just uploaded a zillion files and now can't use them!!
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You will have to log out of all logged in Google Accounts, then log back into just the 1 account you wish to use for the access.
Hope this clarifies things for you, but of course please feel free to inquire further!
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You will have to log out of all logged in Google Accounts, then log back into just the 1 account you wish to use for the access.
Hope this clarifies things for you, but of course please feel free to inquire further!
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Why Google doesn't fix this?!?
I am logged in with different gmail accounts. Every time I launch my gmail, it, with no reason, keeps opening one gmail account (main account) that is not the one linked to my drive. So I switch to my main account, then ask for Google Drive. Doing this, I can open AND DOWNLOAD the Docx files in it but I CAN'T DOWNLOAD pdf, Images, etc files......
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I'm having the exact same issue -- and this just started. I've never run into this before. I've been using two Google accounts -- one personal, one for work -- for several years. Suddenly today I can't download files from the work account. Can someone please let me know what's going on and how to resolve this?
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having same issue - all of a sudden...
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I opened the photo file in a new window and then clicked download and it finally downloaded. this is the most frustrating thing.
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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

Why wont google drive allow me to download files - are

Why wont google drive allow me to download files

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