Vurt the tabletop roleplaying game pdf download - read this
I’m releasing a second update this week for a couple of reasons. First, I missed the promised update on the 17th and I’m making it up this week with an extra look at the book. The page spread below is from Chapter 10: Vehicles, and gives you a look at the layout and some of the artwork you’ll find there.
The second reason for the update is less of a treat: we need a few more days to get the corebook PDF ready for you. Right now we have several proofreaders finishing up their final passes, and we’d allotted what seemed to be a pretty generous amount of time for this process. We also scheduled the indexing and cross-referencing for the very end of the project so that we could be sure that any final adjustments will not reposition text and mess up the accuracy of those page indicators. We figured that proofreader’s corrections wouldn’t affect page numbers much if at all, so there could be some overlap between the proofing and cross-referencing schedule. In retrospect, this was kind of naive. Even the smallest changes can have a surprising impact on page numbering, and trying to fix those effects by adjusting tracking (the space between characters in words) is a clumsy solution.
This in itself might not have caused a few days’ delay, but since hyperlinking the book (so that you can click on a cross reference and you’ll automatically jump to the appropriate part of the book) also needs to be done at the same time, that’s more than we feel we could do properly in the time we had left.
So, in order to be sure we can get these final bits in without mistakes, we are moving the PDF release date to May 8th.
I know it can be disappointing when a project deadline is missed. Believe me, we’re not happy about it either. But we’re learning the craft of making a book along the way, and we think these lessons are only valuable if they go into the service of delivering to you the high-quality book you’ve been waiting for.
We are very close to being finished, and one additional week will allow us to knock out these final, important details. As always, we’re tremendously grateful for the patience and understanding that you’ve shown us throughout the development of the game. And we’re super excited that you’re about to get the RPG that you’ve made possible.
Lee Pruitt, Project Manager
