Memperbaiki masalah dengan aplikasi dari Microsoft Store
Jika Anda menggunakan Windows 10 dan mengalami masalah dengan aplikasi dari Bursa Microsoft, pertimbangkan pembaruan dan perbaikan ini.
pertama, masuk ke akun MicrosoftAnda. Berikutnya, selesaikan solusi yang memungkinkan dalam urutan yang disajikan.
Make sure Windows has the latest update: Select check for updates now, and then select Check for updates. Or, select the Start button, then select Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for Updates. If there is an available update, select Install now.
Make sure that your app works with Windows 10. For more info, see Your app doesn't work with Windows 10.
Update Microsoft Store: Select the Start button, and then from the apps list, select Microsoft Store. In Microsoft Store, select See more > Downloads and updates > Get updates. If an update for Microsoft Store is available, it will start installing automatically.
Troubleshoot games: If you're having issues installing a game, see Troubleshoot game installations on Windows 10.
Repair or reset your apps: See Repair or Remove programs in Windows 10.
Reinstall your apps: In Microsoft Store, select See more > My Library. Select the app you want to reinstall, and then select Install.
Run the troubleshooter: Select the Start button, and then select Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot, and then from the list select Windows Store apps > Run the troubleshooter.
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