Absorb download file in training - you
Absorb download file in training - for explanation

I am a bit at a loss here for what to do, I tried Adobe Support, I wasted an hour of my life.
I created a SCORM 1.2 file from an Adobe Captivate with mostly videos and then a couple quiz questions at the end. I uploaded it to Absorb LMS with no problems. And was able to go through it myself, no problems.
But after I launched it to all our users, I got a few people with issues, it freezes during a video or right before going to the quiz. I spent a little while with Absorb support and this is what they shared back for information.
“It appears as this point in time that the content associated with this issue is launching from a .html file. In regards to third party course content this is a dispatch file; as it reaches out to a third party server to retrieve portions of the course content. To remedy this issue, you’ll want to publish course content files that launch from an XML manifest, or similar offline index.”
I have little idea how, why, or how to fix the html file from reaching out to third parties. And I thought the SCORM file had an xml manifest.