Patapon 2 music mp4 download

Patapon 2 music mp4 download

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PSP Firmware (v5.50) Update

“You’ll be able to easily search the Internet for information about your PSP games. Select the icon for the game, hit the Triangle button”

Great except for the fact theat everytime I quit an app I have to log in to the wi-fi internet connections like 40 billion times every time I quit an application.

goes something like this.

connect to psn store,,,,, log into wi-fi routers,,,,

set time log in to wi-fi router again.

search internet log back in to wi-fi router.

open web browser …Guess what I got to log back in into the wi-fi aceess point YET again! wow .

Skype…Oh wait Guess whatI have to do it agin Because I quit an app and it closed ai-fi network connection again.

I waste more time on that damn log in screen than I do using the psp.

for god sakes just get an option to connect to a Wi-fi hot spot 1 time and never have to again until you say to turn it off.

the ps3 I do not have to log back in to the wi-fi network 999999 times in a day when i am using the web apps

by now I am starting to get really annoyed with having to reconnect to the internet all the time on the psp every time i change an app.

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Patapon 2 music mp4 download

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