Otomedius gorgeous ost torrent download - think, that

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8th November 2020
Here are two fan made games by Ace from the old GHW forums (Ace9921 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Ace9921).
Gradius The Dark Armada and Unofficial Salamander 3, see the Downloads Games section for the files.
Please note that these files are old (the games were made in 2009), not made by me and may not work correctly on modern systems, you're on your own with these old games.
1st November 2020
Bubble Memory was a commercial failure and died too easily.
Some Konami games like Gradius, TwinBee and others in the arcades used Konami Bubble System for game storage, Gradius did have a later rom release and went for over ¥1,000,000 the last time I saw one for sale.
However there may be hope for all the broken Bubble System boards out there, an interesting development I just found out about, a Bubble System emulator board for original Bubble System games called Bubbless.
Bubbless GX400 Bubble memory unit
Also here's some images of the box the board would come in, it's quite cool as it looks the same as the original metal box the Bubble System is housed in on the original game.
https://illegalfunction.wixsite.com/bubbless/bubbless - Translated to English
It's not cheap (¥58,362 about £430 or $557) and is currently out of stock but it is a way of making original boards work again if you can get hold of one.
At this stage I don't think I will get one as my Gradius board currently doesn't work at all, even if the Bubble Memory is broken, you should still get the warming up message and Morning Music, I don't a display or audio at all, maybe in the future I'll look at getting it looked at.
I just read their site specs and it says that to use this board you need a working Bubble System to copy the Bubble Memory, so it will only work if you either have a working board or know someone who can read the roms from their board.
Good for preserving a working board but seems to be a huge oversight as if your game is dead then you would have no way to copy the roms onto it.
Good for copyright protection, bad for game preservation.
27th October 2020
More fan art added, this time some nice art by GeoSwordRX35.
23rd October 2020
Added information on English translations for the new CD collection from Konami.
It's not out until next year (20th January 2021) but it is looking to be a very nice collection of tunes coming on ten discs.
ミュージック フロム コナミアーケードシューティング(CD)
Music From Konami Arcade Shooting (CD)
29th May 2020
Here's the sixteenth and final logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
Based on the arcade title screen logo from Gradius.
Well 35 years ago Konami released Gradius in the arcades, that was the start of a this great adventure.
The game that started it all... just one more credit... Vic Viper go for launch...
I also made font sheets while making all the sixteen different types of font logos.
Gradius Wings 85
28th May 2020
Here's the fifteenth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th NES Logo, Box logo for Gradius on the NES.
27th May 2020
Here's the fourteenth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th PS2G4 Logo, based on Gradius IV Fukkatsu on PlayStation2 and Arcade.
Often overlooked but well worth playing.
26th May 2020
Here's the thirteenth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th PSGG Logo, based on Gradius Gaiden on PlayStation.
My favourite game in the series, excellent music, speech and a choice of 4 ships, Falchion β is my favourite.
25th May 2020
Here's the twelfth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th ACG3 Logo, based on Gradius III ~Densetsu kara Shinwa e~ arcade poster.
Great addition and also the hardest game in the series.
24th May 2020
Here's the eleventh style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th PS2GV Logo, based on Gradius V on PlayStation2.
Now this needs a remaster, also widescreen support would be great.
23rd May 2020
Here's the tenth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th GBA Logo, this is based on the Gradius Generations, Gradius Galaxies and Gradius Advance on the Game Boy Advance.
Playing this on a large TV, it holds up and is still a challenge.
22nd May 2020
Here's the ninth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th ACG2 Logo, this is based on the Gradius II GOFER no Yabou on Arcade.
Vulcan Venture (the western name for the game) was the second arcade PCB I owned back in 1992 and it's still my favourite arcade release.
19th May 2020
逆ディウス Gyakudius (translates as Reversedius) a fan made music CD by kaguyadepth, it contains some nice 8bit style music.
Also here's the eighth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th SFCG3 Logo, this is based on the Gradius III on the Super Famicom (SNES).
16th May 2020
Here's the seventh style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th MSX2 Logo, this is based on the Gradius 2 on the MSX (Instruction Manual).
14th May 2020
Here's the sixth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th MSX2 Logo, this is based on the Gradius 2 on the MSX.
12th May 2020
Here's the fifth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th GB2 Logo, this is based on the Gradius II and Nemesis II on Game Boy.
9th May 2020
Here's the fourth style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th GB Mono Logo, base on the UK release of Nemesis on Game Boy.
6th May 2020
Here's the third different style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th MSX Mono Logo.
1st May 2020
Here's the second different style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
GameStone Gradius 35th MSX Logo.
26th April 2020
Here's one of the different style logos I've made to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Gradius on 29th May 2020.
I'll be posting them over the next month and on the anniversary I'll post the actual font image sheets I also made.
GameStone Gradius 35th GB Logo.
19th April 2020
More hi-res scans, almost all the C64, Spectrum and Amstrad games I own (still got some cardboard game to do).
C64 - Konami Arcade Collection - 10 Games by Imagine - Cassettegamestone_35th_anniversary_gradius_font
C64 - Konami Arcade Collection - 10 Games by Imagine - Disk - German
C64 - Nemesis - The Hit Squad 16 - Cassette
C64 - Salamander - Cassette
C64 - Salamander - Disk
C64 - Salamander - ERBE - Cassette - Spanish
C64 - Salamander - The Hit Squad 17 - Cassette
CPC - Konami Arcade Collection - 10 Games by Imagine - Cassette
CPC - Konami Arcade Collection - 10 Games by Imagine - Disk
CPC - Nemesis - The Hit Squad 15 - Cassette
CPC - Salamander - Cassette
CPC - Salamander - Disk
CPC - Salamander - The Hit Squad 16 - Cassette
ZXS - Konami Arcade Collection - 10 Games by Imagine - Cassette
ZXS - Konami Arcade Collection - 10 Games by Imagine - Disk
ZXS - Nemesis - The Hit Squad 15 - Cassette
ZXS - Salamander - Cassette
ZXS - Salamander - Disk
ZXS - Salamander - ERBE - Cassette - Spanish
ZXS - Salamander - ERBE Especial 8 - Cassette - Spanish
ZXS - Salamander - Konami - Cassette
ZXS - Salamander - The Hit Squad 16 - Cassette
ZXS - Salamander - The Hit Squad 16 - Cassette - Alt
16th April 2020
I just bought this release so I thought I'd scan it to complete the DS game scans.
DS - Konami Classics Series Arcade Hits - NTR P ACXE - NTR-ACXE-USA
12th April 2020
More hi-res scans, Game Boy and DS.
DS - Konami Arcade Classics - NTR P ACXP - NTR-ACXP-EUR
DS - Konami Arcade Collection - NTR-P-A5KJ-JPN
GB - Konami GB Collection Vol.1 - DMG-AJIJ-JPN - RK140-J1
GB - Konami GB Collection Vol.2 - DMG-AJJJ-JPN - RK141-J1
GB - Konami GB Collection Vol.3 - DMG-AJKJ-JPN - RK142-J1
GB - Konami GB Collection Vol.4 - DMG-AJLJ-JPN - RK143-J1
GB - Nemesis - DMG-NMA
GB - Nemesis II - DMG-NEA
GB - Parodius da! - DMG-PVJ
GB - TwinBee da!! - DMG-TDJ
7th April 2020
More hi-res scans, Game Boy and Game Boy Advance.
GB - Nemesis - DMG-NM-UKV
GB - Nemesis II The Return Of The Hero - DMG-NE-UKV
GBA - Gradius Advance - AGB-AGAP-EUR
GBA - Gradius Galaxies - AGB-AGAE-USA
GBA - Gradius Generation - AGB-AGAJ-JPN - RK256-J1
GBA - Gradius Generation - AGB-AGAJ-JPN-1 - RK256-J2
GBA - Konami Wai Wai Racing Advance - AGB-AKWJ-JPN - RK212-J1
GBA - TwinBee (Famicom Mini 19) - AGB-FTWJ-JPN - RC807
Thanks to Gradian for supplying some USA Game Boy and NES manual scans.
GB - Nemesis - DMG-NM-USA
NES - Gradius - NES-GR-USA
6th April 2020
Last of the hi-res scans for the X68000, all the MSX games I own and one Windows game.
MSX - GOFER no Yabou ~Episode II~ - RC764
MSX - Gradius - RC742
MSX - Gradius 2 - RC751
MSX - Parodius ~Tako wa chikyuu o sukuu~ - RC759
MSX - Salamander - RC758
MSX - Space Manbow - RC768
MSX - TwinBee - RC740
WIN - Gradius Deluxe Pack - ME203-J1
X68 - Salamander - CZ-218AS
X68 - TwinBee - CZ-217AS
5th April 2020
More hi-res scans added, X1 and X68000 games.
X1 - Gradius - RA900
X68 - Detana!! TwinBee - RA958
X68 - Gradius II ~GOFER no Yabou~ - RA957
X68 - Nemesis '90 Kai - GS-166
X68 - Parodius da! -Shinwa kara o-warai e- - RA955
4th April 2020
More hi-res scans added, NES and a start on the X68000.
C64 Gradius US Disk version, Gradius Board Game, three more NES games, Life Force Salamander UK and Korean versions, Parodius UK version and the X68000 of Gradius.
3rd April 2020
Hey, I finally got around to doing something Gradius related.
I've scan the UK edition of NES Gradius manual, box and cartridge scan, 600dpi and a few 1200dpi scans too.
Also scanned the Japanese release too, I was inspired.
It's in the Downloads - Hi-Res Scans section.
26th January 2020
Otomedius English Translation update, nothing added to the game, however I've decided to add some of my source help files and scripts on how I made the translated version patch files (also included in the download), these may be of use for others to follow in patching the game further, I may add more in the future.
Now that Otomedius original arcade game no longer works in Windows 10 (worked fine in Windows 7), this is not that much a surprise as the original game run on Windows XP Embedded, this make make it impossible to continue the translation effort until MAME catches up or I have an old machine for just one game.
Otomedius has been in MAME for some time (not working), hopefully once it's working it should be a little more easier to progress with the translation effort.
4th January 2020
Cleaned up the downloads game section, added some game ISO images for the Saturn, PlayStation, PlayStation2 and PlayStation Portable.
Added all the demo and beta release roms I could find for various systems.
Cleaned up some broken links, removed some no longer needed thumbnails, made the whole site wider (it's now 1200px rather than 1040) as screens have got bigger and wider over the years.
12th October 2019
Changed all the magnet links to torrent files, hopefully this will sort out the downloading issues.
21st September 2019
Last year I bought a secondhand VHS video recorder with a build-in DVD recorder, I then spent a few weeks capturing all the Gradius videos I have.
In April 2019 I encoded all those videos on the PC to h265 HEVC, as they are still a little too large for the site, there will be torrents just like the Salamander anime I put up earlier.
These releases also include 300dpi scans of all the artwork with each release.
They are in the Downloads - Movies and Music - Game Simulation Videos section
8th September 2019
Well today I thought I would go through the site code and clean up a few things.
So I've archived some of the What's New section.
Also moved the GHW site back to the GameStone domain (I have an SSL certificate for GameStone), the gradiushomeworld.co.uk links will still work however they will get redirected to the GameStone - Gradius Home World section..
GameStone has always been the master domain anyway.
3rd June 2019
R-Type Final 2 Kickstarter has started.
9th May 2019
Fans come to the rescue again.
Imagine playing Gradius III on the Super Famicom (SNES) without slowdown!
Well now you can, amazing work on (in my opinion) the best version of Gradius III has just got better.
20th April 2019
How can Konami mess such a simple thing up.
The Arcade Archives (PS4) games contain all the different releases of a game (Gradius II GOFER no Yabou also has Vulcan Venture as well as other minor rom revisions).
So this version in the UK will only have Vulcan Venture and not Gradius II GOFER no Yabou.
So, the collection doesn't have all the different releases of each game, no physical release and as a collector I have other ways of playing these games legal or otherwise (eg. Gradius II GOFER no Yabou - JAMMA PCB, PlayStation, PlayStation Portable, Windows 95, PS4 Arcade Archives, MAME and probably many others).
All they had to do is package the Arcade Archives games with a 'choose your game' select screen and that's it but they chose something else.
So I don't think I'll be buying this unless something changes.
8th April 2019
I've re-encoded the Salamander Anime in a more up to date codec (h265), files are much smaller.
However as they are still too large for the web server so I'm using a torrent magnet link again, if this works out a have a few of the game simulations videos too.
UPDATE:Fixed the magnet link as I copied it wrong from the older release (wrong hash).
salamander.anime.-.dvdrip.h265.aac.japanese.-.english.subtitles.-.720x480 - 887MB
Encoding Date....: 7th April 2019
Source...........: DVD
Runtime..........: 1x01 54.03 min - 1x02 51.43 min - 1x03 52.12 min
Size.............: Varies
Video Codec......: H.265/x265/HEVC
Video Bitrate....: Constant Quality 20 RF
Framerate........: NTSC 29.970 fps
Resolution.......: 720x480
Aspect Ratio.....: 4:3 (1.500)
Audio Codec......: AAC - 2 Channel - 160Kbps - 48KHz
Audio Language...: Japanese
Subtitles........: English - updated 4th March 2010
Genre............: Anime
20th March 2019
Anniversary Collection Arcade Classics for PS4 Xbox One, Steam and Switch.
アニバーサリーコレクション アーケードクラシックス
Haunted Castle, Typhoon (A-Jax), Nemesis (Gradius), Vulcan Venture (Gradius II), Life Force (Salamander), Thunder Cross, Scramble and TwinBee
Released as digital only on 18th April 2019 for ¥3000 or $19.99.
23rd February 2019
I've notice some old forum members are joining the John Smith Legacy Discord server I also run, you're more than welcome to join but please note that that section is really only for the John Smith Legacy Minecraft Resource Pack, if your a Minecraft player and use the JSL pack welcome.
However so as not to confuse the current members of the John Smith Legacy Discord, I've decided to start a Gradius Home World Discord too as I guess the forum wont be coming back anytime soon.
23rd January 2019
All dynamic scripts have been updated to the newer way of doing things, so the site should be back to where it was (minus the forum).
Remove lots of external broken links in the Fan Games and Links section.
I'm thinking about maybe starting a Gradius Home World Discord, that would be much easier to manage than starting another forum and it does allow real time chat too.
21st January 2019
Sadly the forum has been taken offline, my host no longer supports PHP 5.6 which the old version of vBulletin used, also it's not compatible with the newer PHP 7.2.0 or higher.
Now the choice is to find some new forum software or just shut it down, I've decided to go with option two as the forum was pretty much abandoned anyway, with Konami all but given up with Gradius it's hard to update a forum with very little posts or user interaction.
Also some of the site is broken too, I'll try to sort the scripts out over the next few weeks, this is quite a pain.
UPDATE: Fixed the download script so at least you can still get the games, as for the rest this will take some time to learn the new way of scripting.
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