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The avoidance of cutter gouging in five-axis machining with a fillet-end milling cutter


This paper proposes a new method of automatic detection and elimination of cutter gouging when using the fillet-end milling cutter to produce a complex surface on the five-axis computer numerical control machine tool. To avoid local cutter gouging at the point where the cutter and part surface make contact with each other, the method of exact curvature matching between the cutter and part surface is presented. The size of cutter radii is more easily determined by this method. To detect if a rear cutter gouging occurs near the contact point, a square grid with horizontal and vertical points is used for illustrating the checking area and checking points. The technique of automatic generation of the square grid points and the method of detection and avoidance of rear cutter gouging are investigated throughout this article. In the end, the studied methodology and algorithms are inspected and verified by using an example of nonuniform rational B spline surface.

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Author information


  1. School of Electromechanic, Taiyuan University of Science & Technology, Taiyuan, 030024, China

    Juan Du & Xian-guo Yan

  2. School of Electromechanic, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, 710072, China

    Xi-tian Tian

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Juan Du.

About this article

Cite this article

Du, J., Yan, Xg. & Tian, Xt. The avoidance of cutter gouging in five-axis machining with a fillet-end milling cutter. Int J Adv Manuf Technol62, 89–97 (2012).

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  • Five-axis machining
  • Fillet-end milling cutter
  • Cutter gouging
  • Exact curvature matching
  • Square grid points
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