Minecraft Medieval Village With Castle World Download
Welcome to the BlueNerd 1.15+ Vanilla Plus Texture Pack. This texture pack is an edit version of JermsyBoys pack “A Little Taste of Jerm”. With this pack I have edited some of Jermsyboys textures to look a bit more vanilla style some are only small edits while other are completely changed, however most of the pack remains the original images. If you want to see more about JermsyBoy you can connect with him below.
– JermsyBoy YouTube
–JermsyBoys Texture Packs
If you you area minecraft fan then why not check me out on YouTube! I post helpful build tutorials including large scale ones like castles, cities and docks. I also do timelapse speed builds where I create many fun builds and also play survival when I get the time.
Latest 1.16+ Version
BlueNerd VPlus 1.16 (version 1.5) – update July 15th 2020
Latest 1.15+ Version
BlueNerd VPlus 1.15 (version 1.4) – update May 25th 2020
BlueNerd VPlus 1.15 (version 1.3) – update April 4th 2020
Latest 1.14 Version
BlueNerd VPlus 1.14 (version 1.3) – updated April 4th 2020
Older Versions
BlueNerd 1.15+ Vanilla Plus V1.2 (updated January 8th 2020)
BlueNerd 1.14+ Vanilla Edits v1.2 (updated November 20th 2019)
BlueNerd 1.14+ Vanilla Edits v1.1 (updated November 8th 2019)