Download gps file from garmin edge 25

Download gps file from garmin edge 25

download gps file from garmin edge 25

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New Garmin Edge 25, how to download a ride route??

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04-27-16, 02:09 PM

Bikes: 2016 TREK Domane 4.5 Disc/2006 Marin Mt. Vision/2009 TREK Madone 4.5

New Garmin Edge 25, how to download a ride route??


Just picked up a new Garmin Edge 25 (GPS) and am looking forward to gps computing. Leaving behind the old wheel magnet set up and looking forward to more accurate and meaningful data. I did set up my Garmin Connect account, however, not really sure about how to upload ride routes into the Edge? Doesn't seem to be a way to do it via Garmin Connect (other than to "create" a route from scratch). I'm riding my 1st metric century this Sat and it would be really cool to have the route turn by turn instructions in my gps unit. It is the "Finish the Race" Charity event in Santa Clarita, CA.
04-27-16, 02:16 PM

Bikes: Bianchi Infinito (Celeste, of course)

Originally Posted by HotLap

Just picked up a new Garmin Edge 25 (GPS) and am looking forward to gps computing. Leaving behind the old wheel magnet set up and looking forward to more accurate and meaningful data. I did set up my Garmin Connect account, however, not really sure about how to upload ride routes into the Edge? Doesn't seem to be a way to do it via Garmin Connect (other than to "create" a route from scratch). I'm riding my 1st metric century this Sat and it would be really cool to have the route turn by turn instructions in my gps unit. It is the "Finish the Race" Charity event in Santa Clarita, CA.
Download the route in .tcx or .gpx format. Connect the Garmin to your computer, it will show up as a disk drive. Copy the .tcx file to the "NewFiles" folder on the Garmin. Disconnect the Garmin from the computer and turn it back on. On start-up the Garmin will process files in the "NewFiles" folder and convert them to Garmin internal formats.
04-28-16, 11:16 AM
Did you manage to get this to work?

I have a number of routes in that I would like to be able to use as "courses" in the Edge 25 (which I just got yesterday, my first cycle computer). I've tried exporting as gpx and tcx formatted files, placing them either directly in the NewFiles directory when the Garmin is mounted on my computer, or importing them as activities (routes doesn't seem to be an available import option) into Garmin Connect.

So far, both approaches have failed. Garmin Connect indicates the files are corrupted. (Re-importing them into other software works fine, so I don't think there is any file corruption -- I think it just doesn't like the format produced by RideWithGPS.)

Is there a way to manually convert a gpx or tcx file to a FIT file (which seems to be the internal format that the Edge 25 uses)?

I would be very grateful for any help or suggestions. I am completely new to this.
04-28-16, 11:23 AM

Bikes: 2016 TREK Domane 4.5 Disc/2006 Marin Mt. Vision/2009 TREK Madone 4.5

Thanks gsa103, sounds like I'm in need of setting up an account with "Ride with GPS"...I'll give it a try and report back. Thanks!!
04-29-16, 05:18 AM

Bikes: 1992 Serotta Colorado II,Co-Motion Speedster, Giant Escape Hybrid, 1977 Schwinn Super Le Tour

Can you really see a route on that size screen?
04-29-16, 06:49 AM
You really expect GPS to be more accurate than something actually measuring how many times your wheel spun? I'm not knocking GPS, it has its uses, but considering magnets as some old museum tech made obsolete by GPS seems pretty wrong to me. I would never want a GPS without the magnets though. Both sounds great to me, but I have to choose only one? Well they really just serve completely different functions. GPS keeps a history of where you've been and maybe helps you get somewhere. Magnets tell you how fast you're going (and pedaling), instantly, more accurately, and in tunnels and between buildings. Would you use GPS for a speedometer in your car?

Last edited by Flinstone; 04-29-16 at 06:30 PM.
04-29-16, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Flinstone
You really expect GPS to be more accurate than something actually measuring how many times your wheel spun? I'm not knocking GPS, it has it's uses, but considering magnets as some old museum tech made obsolete by GPS seems pretty wrong to me. I would never want a GPS without the magnets though. Both sounds great to me, but I have to choose only one? Well they really just serve completely different functions. GPS keeps a history of where you've been and maybe helps you get somewhere. Magnets tell you how fast you're going (and pedaling), instantly, more accurately, and in tunnels and between buildings. Would you use GPS for a speedometer in your car?
I was kind of pissed off that I couldn't get mine to pair with my Wahoo SC ANT+ sensor, but my first ride with this thing left me sufficiently impressed (using both satellite options) that I have decided not to return it, and it means one fewer pieces of junk on the bike. One think that does irritate me though is that, in the event I ever do manage to pair it with an ANT+ speed sensor, the satellite data takes priority over the sensor data. WTF? Hopefully they will fix that in a future firmware update.
04-29-16, 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by wgscott
I was kind of pissed off that I couldn't get mine to pair with my Wahoo SC ANT+ sensor, but my first ride with this thing left me sufficiently impressed (using both satellite options) that I have decided not to return it, and it means one fewer pieces of junk on the bike. One think that does irritate me though is that, in the event I ever do manage to pair it with an ANT+ speed sensor, the satellite data takes priority over the sensor data. WTF? Hopefully they will fix that in a future firmware update.

hunh. I guess I shouldn't knock it till I've tried it, but even if it seemed to work perfectly, I like the confidence in the simple direct option. Yes, very odd that GPS takes priority.

I guess maybe GPS smooths out tiny wiggles (maybe a tiny issue when standing or wobbling drunk down sidewalks) and you could argue about which is more "right" (and I'd tend to argue for wheel turns anyway). I doubt anyone cares at that level of precision, unless it's the official clock, and it's not.
04-29-16, 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Flinstone
hunh. I guess I shouldn't knock it till I've tried it, but even if it seemed to work perfectly, I like the confidence in the simple direct option. Yes, very odd that GPS takes priority.

I guess maybe GPS smooths out tiny wiggles (maybe a tiny issue when standing or wobbling drunk down sidewalks) and you could argue about which is more "right" (and I'd tend to argue for wheel turns anyway). I doubt anyone cares at that level of precision, unless it's the official clock, and it's not.
On today's ride, I found that GPS under-estimated the distance (and presumably, therefore, my speed) by about 5 or 6 %, and (prior to correction in Garmin Connect) over-estimated the amount of climbing by about 25%.
04-29-16, 06:57 PM
5% is a bit annoying. At 2 or 3 I'd probably shrug, although I'd prefer it read 2 or 3 higher lol. I'd expect a magnet to be to be capable to better than 1% though, if your tires are inflated and the ground is reasonably smooth.
04-30-16, 10:26 AM
Location: South shore, L.I., NY

Bikes: Flyxii FR322, Cannondale Topstone, Miyata City Liner, Specialized Chisel

Originally Posted by Flinstone
5% is a bit annoying. At 2 or 3 I'd probably shrug, although I'd prefer it read 2 or 3 higher lol. I'd expect a magnet to be to be capable to better than 1% though, if your tires are inflated and the ground is reasonably smooth.
On a dozen rides in 3 weeks I've seen 1% difference against 2 different Cateye Micro Wireless units, on my new Garmin 810. So a mile in a hundred. That's plenty accurate especially as the Cateyes occasionally dropout and show a speed of 2 or 3 then go back up to 15. So obviously some in accuracy issues on those units as well and quite frankly it's not crucial to be 100% accurate.
05-04-16, 10:54 PM
I ride through canyons and redwood canopies, so I may get more inaccuracy than the average rider in Nebraska.
05-05-16, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Flinstone
I doubt anyone cares at that level of precision, unless it's the official clock, and it's not.
This is what it comes down to at the end of the day.

If your power (or maybe heart rate) data is wrong, it will affect your training, and most people will consider that a problem. If your recorded distance for a ride is off by 1 %, that won't have a meaningful effect on most people most of the time. Maybe if you're chasing a "fastest 40 k" record and you think you only did 39.9 k, but slight distance inaccuracy isn't going to be a day to day problem. GPS gets it close enough that you'll still know when to turn (based on distance alone) from a cue sheet.
09-06-16, 02:12 PM
edge 25 not accepting fit files

Hi all,

Just got my new Edge 25 and it's about to go back to the shop. Files conversions, third party software...aagghh!!!

I've used Garmin connect to plot routes and it's cak. It misses out entire junctions etc. So, created a few in 'Ride with GPS'. Exported as GPX then converted to .fit using GPSies. Copied the .fit in to 'Garmin/new files' and .......bugger all. Tried exactly the same on my mate's Edge 20 and , hey, it worked fine.

I had Bluetooth switched off just in case the sync was wiping it so can't understand why it doesn't work

Please help!!
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Download gps file from garmin edge 25

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