Teacher Resources
A key textbook used in our classrooms is Ventures. Many of us have used the 1st edition that had a associated Multilevel Activity Worksheet book.
Some classrooms have transitioned to the 2nd edition and even more resources for that edition are electronically available online. All PDFs can be duplicated and are easy to send to our Copy Service.
These resources can be used even if you have the 1st edition textbooks. The unit and lesson is very consistent across editions.
You will need to do a one-time free account registration to access the resources but then you can access the Ventures Resources Pages
In the left column
- first, select the book Level
- then, the Student book option
- lastly, the unit you are working with.
You will see:
- Collaborative Worksheets for each lesson in the unit
- Multilevel Worksheets for each lesson
- One or more Picture Dictionary worksheets
- A College and Career Readiness Worksheet for the unit
- A CASAS Test Prep activity
- A Project worksheet
- A Self-Assessment
There is also a series of real-life documents (like an accident report form) that is available at a book level.
The same type of resources are available for Ventures 3rd edition .