The freedom journal pdf download

The freedom journal pdf download

the freedom journal pdf download

The Freedom Journal is a gorgeous, faux-leather (I'm an animal lover) gold embossed Journal that is a guide to setting a S.M.A.R.T. Goal and accomplishing​. issues of Freedom's Journal, available for download in PDF format. In the pages of this newspaper, visitors will find regional, national, and international news. Download your 30-day preview of The Freedom Journal and start your journey to accomplishing your #1 goal in 100 Days! Download Your 30-day PDF of The.

The Freedom Journal

The Freedom Journal is a gorgeous, faux-leather (I’m an animal lover) gold embossed Journal that is a guide to setting a S.M.A.R.T. Goal and accomplishing that goal in 100 days.

With daily tasks, nightly recaps, 10-day sprints and quarterly reviews, The Freedom Journal is an accountability partner that won’t let you fail!

Below you’ll find email copy, social media copy, images and more that will assist in spreading The Freedom Journal love.

Free Podcast Course: Learn how to create and launch your podcast!

Your Big Idea: Discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!

Thank you for sharing The Freedom Journal!

Email copy

The purpose of this email copy is to help make it easy for you to share The Freedom Journal with your email subscribers. Feel free to edit and have fun with it!

Subject: Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days

Hey <name>!

We all set goals.

Then, we get busy.

Then, we end up frustrated by a lack of progress.

There must be a better way…

Luckily, there is.

It’s called The Freedom Journal: a gorgeous, faux-leather journal that will guide you in accomplishing your #1 goal in 100 days.

Check out The Freedom Journal here.

The creator of The Freedom Journal is John Lee Dumas, who has interviewed over 1600 successful Entrepreneurs on his top-ranked business Podcast, EOFire.

JLD’s wild growth is the direct result of goal-setting and consistency. 

The Freedom Journal is a UNIQUE step-by-step system that will guide you in accomplishing YOUR #1 goal in 100 days by:

  1. Creating goals the RIGHT way (using the S.M.A.R.T. Goals system);
  2. Being held accountable DAILY through affirmations, quotes, resources, documenting progress, and reflecting;
  3. Breaking BIG goals down into smaller, bite-sized chunks via the 10-day sprints (micro goals);
  4. Conducting quarterly reviews (every 25 days – take a look back and reflect); and
  5. Maintaining a GOAL-oriented mindset.

And yes, The Freedom Journal is beautiful:

<insert images of your choice>

So if you want to set and accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days, then grab your copy of The Freedom Journal today!

You can think of it like your own personal accountability partner! :)

Yes, I want my copy of The Freedom Journal!

Happy goal-setting!

Social Media Sharing


#TheFreedomJournal – SET and ACCOMPLISH your #1 goal in 100 days and IGNITE 2017!

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Ready to set and accomplish your #1 goal this year? Grab #TheFreedomJournal and IGNITE 2017!

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Set and accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with #TheFreedomJournal –

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  • 1500 successful Entrepreneurs, 1 commonality: they SET and ACCOMPLISH goals. Set and accomplish YOUR #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
  • It all starts TODAY. Join over 15,000 rockstars who are ready to set and accomplish their #1 goal in 100 days:
  • Most of us fail to accomplish the goals we set because we don’t have any accountability in place. Your accountability has arrived:
  • So many wait for the “perfect” time to start. Do 2017 differently: Start bold, launch your idea, & IGNITE your passion:
  • Freedom means something different for all of us. Regardless, you deserve YOUR version of freedom, and it starts with setting and accomplishing your biggest goal. Own your freedom:
  • What sets successful entrepreneurs apart? They SET and ACCOMPLISH goals. Set and accomplish YOUR #1 in 100 days with The Freedom Journal:

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The freedom journal pdf download

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