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Grimoire of Lost Souls (10397598)
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Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Pact Magic Unbound
Grimoire of Lost Souls Alexander Augunas Dario Nardi
1 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
—————————————————————————————————————————— Product Identity All legends herein written and copyrighted 2007 by Dario Nardi except the legend of Muse Istago (page 146) by Melonie Ho in 2008 and the legends of Anajira, Hi’Ryia, andYith’anu (see pages 159, 203, and 233, respectively) in 2013 by Alexander Augunas. All other material written by Alexander Augunas and Dario Nardi, copyright 2015 where not covered by the Open Game License summarized on page 381. All game mechanics, statistics, and names of spirits are considered Open Game Content. The Radiance House logo, all trademarks and registered trademarks, dialogue, plots, storylines, characters, artwork, logos, and trade dress herein are coprighted by Dario Nardi and are not Open Game Content. Special Contributions These persons contributed spirit concepts that originally appeared in Villains of Pact Magic: Bill Browne (Athru and Dantalios), Luke Buchanan (Aladdar), Morgan Hardy (Dead Kings), Melanie Ho (Muse Istago), Mark Jackman (Moy), Judah Ben Jehoshua (The Crystal Lady, The Nivea Nieces), Marc Palmer (Windigo), Scott Perry (Mishpo), Jason W. Remore (Coralene, Vaukner), and Stefen Styrsky (Gulguthriana). Finally, thank you “Luthorne” from the messageboards for extensive proofreading. Version 1.3—October 23, 2016 For Use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. Publisher Radiance House PO BOX 691971, West Hollywood, CA 90069 | Printed in USA ISBN: 978-0-9885235-7-9 Artists Yehuda Ben Jehoshua acted as art director, created the background interior, and co-created the cover with Adam Schmidt, who also did all 9 chapter openers and 24 additional pieces. Also thank you artists Eric Lofgren, Frank Walls, Kristen Collins, and Hugo Solis. Thank you R.J. Peña and Devin Harrington, who colorized grayscale art pieces originally done by J von K for the original 3.5 edition of Secrets of Pact Magic. Pact magic seal elements and most pact magic seals are by Dario Nardi. ——————————————————————————————————————————
2 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Chap 2: Feats .....................69 Chap 7: Magic Items ........313
Types of Feats ........................69 Feat Descriptions ...................70 Introduction ...........................4 Table: Feats ...........................72 You Ready? ............................5 Table: Improved Monstrous Aspects ..76 What is the Occult? ..................5 Pact Magic Availability ............10 Chap 3: Pactmaking ...........83 Binding Spirits ......................83 Chap 1: Classes ......................7 Key Terms for Pact Magic .........85 Pactmaker ..............................8 Spirit Basics ..........................86 Class Features ....................8 Descriptions of Spirit Constellations ..87 Constellation Aspects ........10 Starless Spirits .......................88 Binder Secrets ................13 Multiclassing ........................90 Favored Class Options .......20 Spirit Politics ........................91 Base Classes ..........................22 Alchemist .......................23 Chap 4: Spirits ...................93 Arcanist .........................24 Acquiring Spirits ....................93 Table: Spirits by Level (levels 1-3) ..94 Barbarian .......................25 Table: Spirits by Level (levels 4-6) ..96 Bard .............................28 Table: Spirits by Level (levels 7-9) ..98 Bloodrager .....................32 Brawler .........................34 Descriptions of Spirits: Cavalier .........................35 1st Level ......................100 Cleric ...........................37 2nd Level ......................119 Druid ............................39 3rd Level ......................136 Fighter ..........................40 4th Level ......................158 Gunslinger .....................41 5th Level ......................177 Hunter ..........................42 6th Level ......................196 Inquisitor .......................43 7th Level ......................216 Investigator ....................45 8th Level ......................234 Magus ...........................46 9th Level ......................253 Monk ...........................47 Oracle ..........................48 Chap 5: Spells ...................271 Pactmaker ......................50 Spells by Class and Level .........271 Paladin ..........................53 New Subschool: Aging ...........272 Ranger ..........................54 New Descriptor ...................273 Rogue ...........................55 Spell Descriptions ................280 Shaman .........................56 Alchemical Power Components ..281 Skald ............................58 Slayer ...........................59 Chap 6: Prestige Classes ...293 Sorcerer ........................60 Devotee ............................294 Summoner .....................62 Divine Exorcist ....................297 Swashbuckler ..................63 Greensprout Rapscallion ........300 Warpriest ......................64 Mascareri ...........................303 Witch ...........................65 Ravage Binder .....................306 Undying Soul .......................309 Wizard .........................67
Armor ..............................314 Weapons ............................315 Rings ................................316 Rods .................................317 Staves ................................318 Wondrous Items ..................319 Artifacts ............................323
Chap 8: Occult Locales ......325 A Treatise on Pact Magic ..........326 Organizations & Planes ............332 Organizations: Death Company ..............334 Enclave of the Closed Eye ...336 Fifth Mountaintop Brigade ..338 Nightwatch ...................340 Nightfang Adherents ........342 Order of Salendrios .........344 Ravage Binders ...............346 Places: Apocryphal Desert ...........348 The Byways ...................350 Nightfang Weald ............352
Chap 9: Esoterica ............355 Options .............................355 Aging ................................356 Frehmins ............................358 Occult Creatures .................361 Autrok, Ergon ................362 Carnival Animal ............363 Ravager Vessel ...............364 Spirit Imp .....................364 Spirit-Touched ................365 Pactmaker BackgroundGenerator..366 Pact Maladies ......................368 Skills .................................372 Ravager Spirits ....................374
Thank You .........................377 Index ..................................378 Open Game License ........381
3 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
You Ready?
What is the Occult?
Although the word refers to any supernatural or mystical tradi“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the tion or belief, Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls human mind to correlate all its contents.We live on a placid island of uses the term “occult” to specifically refer to bindable spirits or ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant the practice of pact magic in general. Occult creatures are those that we should voyage far.The sciences, each straining in its own direc- that are either bound to a spirit or possess strong ties to the denition, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together zens of the Spirit Realm, so while options from other Pathfinder of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, Roleplaying Game sources might label themselves as being and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from “occult,” they are not occult sources for the purpose of how they the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of interact with the options found within these pages unless the GM decides otherwise. a new dark age.” — H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu Here, the term “occultist” refers generally to any individual who practices an occult tradition, and as a result there may be Beyond the material, there exists a world without swords or other classes or prestige classes that label themselves as such. spells. A world without men or gods. A world without light or Depending on the setting, the pactmaker base class presented darkness. A world without a beginning, and a world without here might be know as a “binder,” “ritualist,” or “spirit occultist” end. Known as the Spirit Realm, this world is home to way- as fitting the flavor of your campaign setting. ward, lost, and ultimately damned entities known as spirits. Secluded from reality itself, the denizens of the Spirit Realm endure soul-crushing silence as they endlessly hunger to taste multiverse and eventually challenged the gods themselves. After their royal heir committed deicide, Heaven and Hell united to the supple fruits of reality once again. It is difficult to say for sure where a spirit comes from. Some obliterate the atlans and their colonies from space and time forspirits have their origin in events long since forgotten while oth- ever, condemning the art of pact magic to obscurity. ers reference events that have yet to pass. Some spirits seem native to the empty abyss while others fondly recall life before Perception of Pact Magic they became trapped in their timeless prison. Regardless, clues Even after thousands of years, the perception of pact magic to the history surrounding all spirits exist to binders cunning to the common folk has changed very little. Although opinenough to find them. Once this information is within her grasp, ions and reactions to pact magic shift with its availability in a a binder can use the strange symbols, forgotten lore, and geo- campaign setting, most commoners find the prospect of bindmetric signs she has gathered to pull a shadow of that spirit into ing another being onto one’s soul to be an unsettling prosthe mortal realm for a time, suspended in reality within a vessel pect and are intimidated (if not outright terrified) of binders. known as a seal. Then, binder and spirit barter: the binder for The strange, glowing sigils, eerie physical manifestations, and supernatural powers and the spirit for temporary housing within unexpected personality shifts all contribute to an air of superthe binder’s soul. An agreement is made, the pact is sealed, and stition that follows a binder wherever she goes. for a time, the spirit dwells within the binder’s soul, granting her Further complicating a would-be binder’s pursuits is the powers both incredible and terrible to behold. And so together negative attention she attracts from many religious organizathey walk, binder and spirit, a heretic housing an unnatural thing, tions. A vast majority of faiths have forgotten the terrors of seeking out the secrets of pact magic. pact magic and view it with the same wary superstition as any common folk, though priests may forcibly attempt to exorcise what they perceive to be demons or ghosts from the binder in An Art Long-Since Lost Practitioners of pact magic are often few and far between, but order to save her soul from damnation. Far more terrifying, their scarcity is not attributed to the youthfulness of their craft. however, are the outlying sects of religious fanatics who are On the contrary pact magic is incredibly old, possibly older able to identify pact magic for what it truly is and remember than wizardry or witchcraft. Although believed to have existed the gods’ ancient enmity for the occult. These individuals are long before the Atlan Empire, pact magic is most heavily attrib- quick to slay whatever binders they happen across. uted to the ancient Atlans, a people that mastered pact magic so thoroughly that it was said that even the youngest Atlan child What Wonders Await.... could seal a pact with a spirit and claim its powers for her own. Within these pages, the secrets of forbidden arts long since With their tremendous access to supernatural power, the lost to the sands of time will be revealed to you. Whether Atlan Empire dominated the ancient world, subjugating over researching an esoteric spell, sealing a pact with a powerful a third of the world’s known races beneath their rule. In time, spirit, or searching for a magical artifact, this tome includes a the atlans grew arrogant and turned their pursuits beyond the broad array of content to transform your campaign setting into confines of the Material Plane. They built colonies across the a world built on the shoulders of pact magic.
4 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Below are the contents of each chapter. Sown throughout the chapters are short tales that provide insight into the history, lore, and life of those who pursue the occult arts. Chapter 1 – Classes: You begin your journey into the shadowy world of pact magic with character class options for virtually all PCs. Chapter 1 includes a new base class, the pactmaker, as well as pact magic archetypes for 29 different Pathfinder Roleplaying Game base classes. Chapter 2 – Feats: Whether you choose to dabble in the occult or fight against the corruptive influence of the Spirit Realm, Chapter 2 of Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls offers over two dozen feats that allow characters of every ilk to gain techniques and tricks for dealing with occult powers. Chapter 3 – Pactmaking: Before you can wield the supernatural power of the spirits, you must first master the art of pactmaking. Chapter 3 provides in-depth coverage of the process that binders must take in order to successfully bind a spirit without losing their souls in the process. Chapter 4 – Spirits: This massive chapter provides 137 occult spirits for you to discover and seal pacts with. Chapter 5 – Spells: Countless spells were lost to the sands of time when pact magic vanished from the world, and Chapter 5 includes a number of potent, new spells to compliment the occult forces found in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls. Chapter 6 – Prestige Classes:You will find six specialized classes that represent focus in a specific binder discipline. Chapter 7 – Magic Items: A number of forgotten treasures, ancient and terrible, await you in Chapter 6 if you dare to claim them for your own. Chapter 8 – Occult Locales: Seek adventure in three alternate planes of existence or work for or against pact magic with one of seven organizations. Chapter 9 – Esoterica: Here are assorted additional content to help you integrate pact magic into your campaign world, including a background generator for pactmaker, expanded rules for age categories, and occult uses for skills.
Navigating the Grimoire
Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls draws upon the work of many different Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products to provide an integrated experience for players and GMs. The following citations are used throughout this product. ACG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide APG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide ARG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide B1 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary B2 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 B3 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 B4 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 UCM Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign UC Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat UM Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic † Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls
Pact Magic Availability
Throughout Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls, pact magic’s availability is referred to many times. Although easy to learn and easier to master, pact magic is reviled throughout most societies and binders are put to death in a myriad of cruel and inhumane manners, for they are seen not as people, but as monsters that consort with unknowable agents of fear and destruction. But no matter how hard man or god alike try, no secret can be buried beneath the sands of time forever.... As with the firearm availability rules in Chapter 3 of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, it is a GM’s responsibility to determine the availability of pact magic in her campaign setting. A helpful suggestion when implementing pact magic is to keep different levels of availability throughout your campaign setting. Similar to humanity’s historic scientific breakthroughs in the real world, advancement in pact lore occurs in places where great minds congregate, so pact magic’s budding presence in your campaign setting will feel more natural if some places view occult powers with fear and suspicion, others with scientific fascination, and most with ignorance. Below are suggested levels of pact magic availability. This book assumes a default availability of emerging. None: Although it likely existed there to some extent in an age long past, there are some places where pact magic is simply unavailable. All of the options presented in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls are unavailable, although some esoteric, anti-occult traditions such as the Order of Salendrios (and its associated options) might still be present and therefore available for selection. Rare: In a world where pact magic is rare, only the bravest of souls know of its existence. Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls class options that involve spirit binding are not available with the exception of the pactmaker class and its archetypes. Additionally, occult magic items and services cannot be purchased and spellcasters cannot learn spells with the occult descriptor unless they research the spell themselves using the downtime system (see Chapter 2 in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign) or discover the spell in some other manner, such as by raiding an esoteric soul weaver’s spellbook cache. Emerging: As pact magic emerges, word of its wonders spread and an increasing number of binder traditions are rediscovered. All Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls class options are available and occult magic items and services can be purchased; although, they are only available in hidden occult communities. In addition, any spellcaster with the Amateur Binding feat or the bind spirit class feature can learn spells with the occult descriptor without needing to resort to the methods detailed under the rare availability. Commonplace: Where pact magic becomes commonplace, an occult renaissance ensues. All Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls options are available without any the restrictions detailed at any other stage of occult availability.
5 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
6 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Chapter 1 classes Classes The lost art of binding is impossibly deep and over thousands of years, numerous techniques have surfaced that allow characters to employ the old and terrible power of the Spirit Realm. The echoes of wars fought long ago linger in these traditions as shadowy conflicts erupt with renewed vigor behind closed doors. This is the world one enters upon sealing one’s first deal with an occult spirit: the world of pact magic. This chapter introduces new options for players seeking to harness the power of occult spirits to their whims. Utilizing this chapter, virtually anyone can discover the secrets of pact magic and utilize its occult power for their own ends.
The Pactmaker
Chapter 1 introduces a new base class, the pactmaker. While other classes may learn to harness occult spirits and incorporate them into that class’s traditions, the pactmaker is the undisputed master of pact magic. Able to summon powerful spirits faster than others and bind multiple spirits to her soul simultaneously, the pactmaker slowly uncovers forgotten secrets that allows her to gain powers beyond that of other characters. Archetypes and Options: Chapter 1 also includes a number of archetypes for the pactmaker base class, alternate class features that a character can take to modify which abilities she receives from the pactmaker class. Additionally, Chapter 1 includes alternate favored class bonuses for pactmakers of every race available in the Advanced Race Guide.
Other Classes
Chapter 1 also includes occult options for 29 different base classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Each class receives new archetypes, class options, and similar abilities that allow it to utilize occult powers to meet its ends where appropriate.
7 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Pactmaker Undisputed masters of the occult arts, pactmakers are the masters of pact magic and the secret history of the cosmos hidden within it. Where other binders flounder to house a single spirit within their souls, pactmakers are capable of containing multiple entities simultaneously using forgotten secrets and ancient techniques. Viewed as heretics and lost souls by their peers, pactmakers are both scholars and pioneers in their pursuits of knowledge and occult power. While others may view pact magic as simplistic, pactmakers prove that the secrets of pact magic are easy to learn, but require a lifetime of dedication to master. Role: Pactmakers are extraordinarily versatile thanks to the myriad of spirits that exist in the world; if a pactmaker is able to discover a spirit’s ancient rituals, she is able to call upon its otherworldly powers to serve her. No two spirit’s powers are exactly the same, allowing a pactmaker with a modest sense of foresight to seal pacts with spirits that allow her to fulfill virtually any role on a day-to-day basis. Alignment: Any Hit Die: d8. Starting Age: As a sorcerer. Starting Wealth: 2d6 x 10 gp (average 70 gp).
Class Skills
The pactmaker’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Linguistics (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the pactmaker. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A pactmaker is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor. Bind Spirit: A pactmaker may seal pacts with otherworldly entities known as spirits. In order to summon a spirit, the pactmaker must learn the spirit’s ceremony, constellation, personality, and seal by completing its four Knowledge Tasks; see Researching the Spirit in Chapter 3 for more information on this process. A pactmaker begins play having completed all four Knowledge Tasks for one 1st-level spirit of her choice. Each day, a pactmaker may bind one spirit to her soul using pact magic; see Performing a Pact Ritual in Chapter 3. This spirit’s level may not exceed the pactmaker’s maximum spirit level, which is limited to 1st-level spirits at 1st level. At 3rd level and every two pactmaker levels thereafter, the pactmaker’s maximum spirit level increases by 1, to a maximum of 9th-level spirits at 17th level. A pactmaker’s binder level is equal to her level. The DC to resist a pactmaker’s supernatural powers is equal to 10 + 1/2 the
8 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
pactmaker’s binder level + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier. Binder Secret: A pactmaker’s greatest power is not within the seals she draws or the spirits she summons, but in the esoteric knowledge she unearths in her pursuit of the secrets of pact magic. At 1st level, a pactmaker gains one binder secret. She must meet all of the binder secret’s prerequisites, if any. At 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the pactmaker gains access to an additional binder secret. She may not select the same binder secret multiple times unless noted otherwise. Constellation Aspects (Su): Beginning at 1st level, every time a pactmaker makes a good pact with a spirit, she gains an additional supernatural power known as a constellation aspect for the duration of her pact with the spirit. This constellation aspect must be drawn from among those listed as being available to the spirit she sealed a good pact with, based upon its constellation. For example, Aza’zati, a Dragon spirit, grants pactmakers a constellation aspect chosen from among those listed as Dragon constellation aspects when a good pact is sealed with him. A pactmaker may possess one constellation aspect per spirit that she is bound to and has sealed a good pact with. A constellation aspect is considered a minor granted ability for the purpose of how it interacts with all effects, including feats, spells, and magic items. A pactmaker may not select an individual aspect more than once and their benefits don’t stack. If a constellation aspect grants the pactmaker a spell-like ability, use the pactmaker’s level as the spell’s caster level. The saving throw DC against a pactmaker’s constellation aspects is equal to 10 + 1/2 of the pactmaker’s level + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier. Occult Knowledge (Ex): A pactmaker adds half her class level (minimum 1) to Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (planes) skill checks and may make these skill checks untrained. When making a Knowledge check to fulfill a spirit’s Knowledge Tasks, this bonus equals the pactmaker’s level instead. Pact Augmentation (Su): At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a pactmaker selects one of the following augmentations. She may not select the same pact augmentation more than once unless noted otherwise.While the pactmaker is bound to a spirit, she gains the benefits of her chosen augmentations. At 3rd level, a pactmaker selects her pact augmentations from among the following initial augmentations. Dodge: The pactmaker gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC. Fortitude:The pactmaker gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves. Initiative:The pactmaker gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks. Reflex: The pactmaker gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves. Toughness: The pactmaker’s total and maximum number of hit points increase by 1 per pactmaker level she possesses. Will:The pactmaker gains a +2 bonus on Will saving throws. Beginning at 6th level, the pactmaker can also select from the following pact augmentations. Accuracy: The pactmaker gains a +1 bonus on all weapon attack rolls and damage rolls that she makes. A pactmaker can
Table 1-1: Pactmaker Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12
Special Bind spirit, binder secret, constellation aspects, occult knowledge Binder secret Pact augmentation Bind additional spirit (2 spirits) Binder secret Pact augmentation Spirit mastery (1/day) Binder secret Pact augmentation Bind additional spirit (3 spirits) Binder secret Pact augmentation Spirit mastery (2/day) Binder secret Pact augmentation Bind additional spirit (4 Spirits) Binder secret Pact augmentation Spirit mastery (3/day) Binder secret, occult mastery
select this pact augmentation once at 6th level, and again at 12th and 18th level. Fleet: The pactmaker’s speed for all movement types she possesses increases by 5 feet. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation multiple times. Its effects stack. Skills: The pactmaker selects one skill when she chooses this augmentation. Once selected, this skill cannot be changed. The pactmaker gains a +3 bonus on all checks made with the selected skill. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is selected, choose a different skill to apply its benefits to. Beginning at 9th level, the pactmaker can also select from the following pact augmentations. Fortification:The pactmaker gains a 25% chance to negate the additional damage caused by critical hits and sneak attacks. This benefit does not stack with fortification. The pactmaker can select this pact augmentation up to three times. Each time she selects it, her chance to negate the additional damage caused by critical hits and sneak attacks increases by 25%. Invulnerability: The pactmaker gains spell resistance 6 + her pactmaker level. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation twice. The second time she selects it, her spell resistance increases to 13 + her pactmaker level. Resilience: The pactmaker gains DR 1/–. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation up to five times. Each time
she selects it, her DR increases by 1/–. Bind Additional Spirit (Ex): At 4th level and every 6 levels thereafter, a pactmaker gains the ability to bind one additional spirit to her soul, to a maximum of four spirits at 16th level. Spirit Mastery (Su): At 7th level, a pactmaker can use her occult powers to replenish a spirit’s energy faster than usual, allowing her to use an expended granted ability as if it wasn’t expended. The pactmaker cannot augment this granted ability with an alteration binder secret and after reusing an expended granted ability, the number of rounds it is expended for resets to its full maximum, including modifications such as Rapid Recovery. A pactmaker can use this ability once per day at 7th level, plus one additional time per day for every 6 levels she attains thereafter. Occult Mastery: At 20th level, a pactmaker becomes a master of the occult. Her granted abilities (except any spell-like abilities that she gains from a spirit) are considered extraordinary abilities when determining how they interact with an antimagic field. In addition, the pactmaker suffers no penalties for disobeying the personality influence of a spirit that she made a poor pact with and automatically acquires a spirit’s capstone empowerment when she makes a good pact with it, regardless of her binding check result.
9 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Constellation Aspects
A pactmaker gains one of the following supernatural aspects of her choice whenever she makes a good pact with a spirit. This aspect is chosen from the list associated with her spirit’s constellation. For instance, a pactmaker who seals a good pact with Aza’zati selects her constellation aspect from those available to a Dragon spirit. When her pact with a spirit ends, the pactmaker loses access to any constellation aspects that the spirit granted as if it were one of the spirit’s minor granted abilities. If a constellation aspect is marked with an asterisk ( * ), it physically alters her body, functioning as an additional physical sign. She can show or hide this physical sign just as she could any other.
Angel Constellation Aspects
»» Bless: While the pactmaker is bound to the angel constellation
spirit, she can cast bless as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Radiant Missile: While she is bound to an angel spirit, the pactmaker can cast magic missile as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. When this spell-like ability damages an evil outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, increase the amount of damage that each missile deals to its target to 1d6+1. In addition, if the target has light sensitivity, light blindness, or vulnerability to light, it takes the penalty from that weakness for 1 round. »» Righteous Cause: The pactmaker can shroud 1 weapon (including an unarmed strike or natural weapon) in a righteous aura as a standard action, causing it to bypass damage reduction as if it were good aligned for 1 round per binder level she possesses. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Sacred Touch: While the pactmaker is bound to the angel constellation spirit, she can stabilize a living creature that has –1 or fewer hit points with a touch. If the target later takes damage, it continues dying normally. In addition, the pactmaker can cast cure light wounds as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. In addition, the maximum number of hit points of damage healed by this spell-like ability is based on the pactmaker’s level, not the limit based on cure light wounds. For example, an 11th-level pactmaker with this aspect may use this spell-like ability to heal 1d8+11 points of damage instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum.
Beast Constellation Aspects
»» Eldritch Attacks: While the pactmaker is bound to the beast
spirit, her natural attacks and unarmed strikes are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. »» Keen Senses: While the pactmaker is bound to the beast spirit, she can cast keen sensesAPG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Natural Attacks*: Choose bite or claws. While the pactmaker is bound to the beast spirit, she gains the selected natural attack
10 Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
if she didn’t have it already; this bite attack deals 1d6 points of damage (or 1d4 points if she is Small) while the claw attacks deal 1d4 damage (or 1d3 points if she is Small). If the pactmaker already possesses the selected natural weapon or she gains it from another class feature, feat, spell, or ability, she gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with her selected natural weapon instead. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every four pactmaker levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. »» Speak with Animals: While the pactmaker is bound to the beast spirit, she can cast speak with animals as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Dark Beyond Constellation Aspects
»» Dark Vessel: As an immediate action, the pactmaker can grant the
next attack or spell that targets her a 20% miss chance. This ability doesn’t affect attacks or spells that target multiple creature and lasts 1 round per four pactmaker levels she possesses (minimum 1 round). The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Mind Guard: While the pactmaker is bound to the dark beyond spirit, she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. »» Vanish: While the pactmaker is bound to the dark beyond spirit, she gains the ability to cast vanishAPG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Void Ray: The pactmaker unleashes a ray of focused darkness as a standard action. If she hits with her ray (a ranged touch attack), it deals 1d6 points of cold damage. This attack has a range of 30 feet. Additionally, a creature struck by the ray must succeed on a Fortitude save or become blinded for 1 round. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Dragon Constellation Aspects
»» Draconic Breath: The pactmaker can unleash a breath attack in a
10-foot line that deals 1d6 points of acid, cold, electricity or fire damage or 1d4 sonic damage (her choice). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. The pactmaker must choose which type of energy to use when she gains this constellation and once chosen, it cannot be changed. Increase the damage done by this attack by 1d6 for every two binder levels (maximum 10d6), or by 1d4 for every two binder levels for sonic damage. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Draconic Wings*: While the pactmaker is bound to the dragon spirit, she gains a pair of vestigial wings. These wings are treated as a physical sign and the pactmaker must show this sign in order to receive any benefit from them.The pactmaker takes no damage from falling while benefiting from her draconic wings and she can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot she falls while in midair, at a speed of 60 feet per round. The pactmaker cannot gain height with these wings, she merely coasts
in other directions as she falls. If subjected to a strong wing or an effect that causes her to rise, the pactmaker can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance she can glide. If the pactmaker has a fly speed, this ability instead improves her maneuverability by one step. »» Ferocious: While the pactmaker is bound to the dragon spirit, she gains the benefits of Dazzling Display. She does not need a weapon in hand to use this feat. »» Scaled*:While the pactmaker is bound to the dragon constellation spirit, she gains a +1 natural armor bonus to her AC. This natural armor bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Fiend Constellation Aspects »» Fiendish Horns*: While the pactmaker is
bound to the fiend spirit, she gains a gore attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (or 1d4 points if she is Small). If she already possesses a gore attack, she gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with her gore. When her binder level reaches 5th and every four binder levels thereafter, this insight bonus increases by +1, up to +5 at 17th level. »» Fiendish Resilience*: While the pactmaker is bound to the fiend spirit, her skin becomes warped and tainted by fiendish influence, granting her resistance to acid, cold, or fire (her choice) equal to 1/2 her pactmaker level (minimum 1). This physical blight is treated as a physical sign and the pactmaker must show this sign in order to receive any benefit from it. »» Sow Destruction: While the pactmaker is bound to the fiend spirit, she gains the ability to cast sparkAPG as a spelllike ability at will as well as the ability to cast produce flame as a spelllike ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Unholy Touch: While the pactmaker is bound to the fiend spirit, she can cause a stable creature that has –1 or fewer hit points to resume dying with a touch. In addition, the pactmaker can cast inflict light wounds as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, the maximum number of hit points of damage is based on the pactmaker’s level, not the limit based on inflict light wounds. For example, an 11th-level pactmaker with this aspect may use this spell-like ability to deal 1d8+11 points of damage instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum.
Hero Constellation Aspects
»» Moment of Triumph: While the pactmaker is bound to the hero
spirit, she can cast moment of greatnessuc as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Timely Assistance: While the pactmaker is bound to the hero spirit, she can cast timely inspirationAPG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. At 5th level, the pactmaker can use this ability to cast gallant inspirationAPG instead of timely inspiration. »» Vigilance: While the pactmaker is bound to the hero spirit, she gains 1 temporary hit point at the start of her turn if she does not possess any temporary hit points. »» Weapons of the Hero: Select armor or weapons. While the pactmaker is bound to the hero spirit, she gains proficiency with all martial weapons if she chooses weapons, or proficiency with medium armor if she chooses armor. If the pactmaker is already proficient with all martial weapons and she chooses weapons with this aspect, she gains proficiency with an exotic weapon of her choice instead. If the pactmaker is proficient with medium armor and she chooses armor with this aspect, she gains proficiency with heavy armor instead.
Mage Constellation Aspects
»» Automatic Writing: While the pactmaker is bound to the mage spirit, she can create mystic writings and symbols with a touch. This ability functions as arcane mark except the pactmaker can also create written works in any language that she knows. The pactmaker can write documents with this ability at a speed of 25 words per round. »» Discern Arcana:While the pactmaker is bound to the mage spirit, she can cast detect magic and read magic at will as spell-like abilities. »» Elemental Ray: After sealing her pact with the mage spirit, the pactmaker selects acid, cold, electricity, or fire. While she is bound to the mage spirit, the pactmaker can attack one target within 30 feet as a standard action with a ray of the chosen element. On a successful hit, the ray deals 1d6 points of energy damage of the chosen type + 1 point per pactmaker level she possesses. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Magic Apex: While the pactmaker is bound to the mage spirit, she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
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Noble Constellation Aspects
»» Authoritative: While the pactmaker is bound to the noble spirit, she gains an insight bonus on Diplomacy checks equal to half her pactmaker level. »» Bane: While the pactmaker is bound to the noble spirit, she can cast bane as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Command: While the pactmaker is bound to the noble spirit, she can cast command as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Spurn Blows: As an immediate action, the pactmaker can reduce all damage dealt to her by 1 point until the end of the turn. This ability stacks with damage reduction. When her pactmaker level reaches 4th and every five levels thereafter, the amount of damage prevented by this ability increases by 1, to a maximum of 5 points at 17th level.
Seer Constellation Aspects
»» Canny Prediction: While the pactmaker is bound to the seer
spirit, she may replace the d20 result of any initiative check she makes with an 11. She may not use this ability to replace a natural 1 on an initiative check with this ability. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Foretell: While the pactmaker is bound to the seer spirit, she can cast augury once per day as a spell-like ability. At 5th level, she can cast divination once per day as a spell-like ability instead. »» Future Flashes: As an immediate action, the pactmaker can grant herself a +1 insight bonus to her AC until the end of the turn. When her pactmaker level reaches 4th and every five levels thereafter, the insight bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. »» Know Direction:While the pactmaker is bound to the seer spirit, she always knows which direction is north and gains an insight bonus on Survival checks equal to half her pactmaker level.
Scholar Constellation Aspects
»» Lore Consultant: While the pactmaker is bound to a scholar
spirit, she can reroll any Knowledge check she makes as an immediate action. She must accept the result of this reroll, even if it is worse. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Secret Lore: Select 1 skill. If a skill that the pactmaker has no ranks in is chosen, she can use that skill untrained for the duration of her pact with the scholar spirit. If a skill that the pactmaker has ranks in is chosen, she receives a +3 insight bonus on checks made with the selected skill instead. »» Summon Tome: While the pactmaker is bound is a scholar spirit, she can retrieve any books, scrolls, or written documents on her person as a swift action instead of a full-round action. »» Tongue of the Spirits: Select 1 language (except secret languages). The pactmaker can read and write fluently in this language for the duration of her pact with the scholar spirit.
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Skull Constellation Aspects
»» Chill Touch: While the pactmaker is bound to the skull spirit, she
can cast chill touch as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Disrupt Undead: While the pactmaker is bound to the skull spirit, she can cast disrupt undead as a spell-like ability at will. »» Ghostly Wail: While the pactmaker is bound to the skull spirit, she can cast ghost sound as a spell-like ability at will. In addition, she gains an insight bonus on Intimidate checks equal to half her pactmaker level (minimum 1). »» Putrefy Food and Water: As a standard action, the pactmaker can cause up to 1 cubic pound of food or water per pactmaker level she possesses to immediately spoil with a touch. Magically blessed or prepared food receives a Will saving throw to negate this effect, using its creator (or caster’s) saving throw bonus. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Thief Constellation Aspects
»» Silver Speech: While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit,
she gains an insight bonus on Bluff checks equal to half her pactmaker level (minimum 1) »» Slippery Grace: Select either Escape Artist or Sleight of Hand. While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit, she gains an insight bonus on skill checks made with the selected skill equal to half her pactmaker level (minimum 1). »» Sneak Attack: While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit, her attacks deal an extra +1d6 points of sneak attack damage, as a rogue. The pactmaker can only deal this extra damage against creatures that qualify as the thief spirit’s favored enemy. »» Unwitting Ally:While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit, she can cast unwitting allyAPG as a spell-like ability at will.
Tree Constellation Aspects
»» Goodberry: While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, she
can cast goodberry as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Root Stance: While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, she uses her 2 + her pactmaker level as her base attack bonus when determining her CMD against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers. If she has the Defensive Combat Training feat, she gains a +4 bonus to her CMD against these combat maneuvers instead. »» Improvised Staff:While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, when she wields an improvised, wooden weapon such as a chair leg or a broom, she treats the object as a club, a great club, or a quarterstaff instead of an improvised weapon, as appropriate. In addition, she can cast shillelagh as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Thorn Javelin: While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, she can cast thorn javelinACG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Binder Secrets
At the indicated levels, a pactmaker receives a binder secret, a bit of forgotten lore that allows her to use her occult powers in new and exciting ways. In addition to standard secrets, the following categories of binder secrets exist with unique mechanics governing their use. Alteration: An alteration secret allows a binder to alter the nature of one of her major granted abilities. Applying the benefits of an alteration secret to a major granted ability does not require an action and doing so increases the number of rounds that the major granted ability is expended to 10 rounds, or 8 rounds if the pactmaker possesses the Rapid Recovery feat. A pactmaker may only apply the benefits of one alteration secret to a granted ability at a time. Rituals: A ritual secret allows a binder to perform a special ceremony to produce a desired effect. All rituals involve one or more occult spirits and in order to perform a ritual, the binder must complete the Knowledge Tasks of any spirit to be involved and be able to seal pacts with that spirit. Otherwise, performing a ritual secret is identical to performing a pact ritual, as outlined in Chapter 3, except ritual secrets take 10 minutes to perform and cannot be rushed without the rush ritual binder secret. If you fail your binding check when performing a ritual secret, the ritual fails and you cannot attempt that ritual again for 24 hours.
Allure of the Night
You tantalize your foes with the whispers of occult spirits, driving them mad unless they focus their anger. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can attempt a Diplomacy check against all creatures within 30 feet of her as a standard action (DC equals 10 + half the creature’s Hit Dice + the creature’s Wisdom modifier). If she succeeds, the creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and suffers a 20% spell failure chance when casting spells. These penalties do not apply to attacks or spells that target the pactmaker or that include her in their targeted area. These penalties last for 1 round, plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which the pactmaker exceeds the creature’s Diplomacy DC. For every 4 binder levels beyond 2nd that the pactmaker possesses, the penalty on attack rolls increases by –1 and the spell failure chance increases by 5%. Creatures that fail their Diplomacy checks are aware of these penalties. This ability requires sonic components but is not language-dependent. Whether or not this Diplomacy check is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this binder secret again for 1 day.
Analyze Pact Spirits
You learn about the spirits that a creature is bound to with a touch. Prerequisites: Intuit spirit binder secret or ability to cast detect pact spirits†. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can touch an opponent as a standard action to learn about any spirits that it is
bound to. If she hits the target with a melee touch attack, she determines the number of spirits that it is bound to, the level of those spirits, the names of their granted abilities and how many daily uses (if any) those abilities have remaining, and the constellation that each spirit belongs to as if she had studied the creature for 3 rounds with detect pact spirits†. The pactmaker does not detect pact spirits in any other object or individual within range when using this binder secret.
Bouncing Major Ability (Alteration)
You redirect a failed granted ability to a new target. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability that targets a single creature, she can redirect that major granted ability onto a new target within range after the major granted ability fails to affect its original target, whether it failed to hit the target or the target succeeded on its saving throw. The redirected granted ability behaves in all ways as if its new target were its original target. If the original target was affected by the granted ability in any way (including by a lesser effect on a successful save) then the granted ability cannot be redirected in this manner. A pactmaker may use this alteration secret up to three times per day.
Bountiful Abilities
You can make additional use of a bound spirit’s granted abilities. Benefit: A pactmaker with this talent can use her minor granted abilities more often.Twice per day, she can use a minor granted ability that is normally only usable once per day one additional time. The uses of this binder secret do not have to be used with the same minor granted ability. Alternatively, when the pactmaker uses a minor granted ability that can be used for a number of rounds, minutes, or hours per day, she can spend one use of this talent in order to use the activated minor granted ability for 3 rounds, minutes, or hours without subtracting this time from the maximum number of rounds, minutes, or hours that she can normally use the minor granted ability. Special: A pactmaker can select this binder secret once initially, plus an additional time beginning at 6th level, 12th level, and 18th level. Its effects stack.
Create Pact Poltergeist (Ritual)
You bind a spirit into an inanimate object. Prerequisites: Expel Spirit†, pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: Instead of binding a spirit onto her soul, a pactmaker with this secret can bind it into an inanimate, unattended object as part of a ritual. The inanimate object is transformed into a pact poltergeist, functioning as animate objects except that the spell’s duration is increased to 1 day and the pact poltergeist is intelligent, possessing mental ability scores equal to 10 + the spirit’s level. The pact poltergeist displays its bound spirit’s physical sign, though it can be suppressed if the pactmaker made a good pact with the bound spirit. Likewise,
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the pact poltergeist suffers the bound spirit’s personality influence, even if the pactmaker made a good pact with the bound spirit. If the pactmaker made a poor pact with the spirit that is animating the pact poltergeist, the pactmaker suffers that spirit’s personality influence penalty whenever the pact poltergeist is prevented from acting in accordance with the spirit’s personality influence instead of the pact poltergeist itself. The pact poltergeist is considered the pactmaker’s vestigial companion, functioning as a familiar. The pactmaker possesses a wizard level equal to her pactmaker level when determining her pact poltergeist’s abilities. In addition, the pact poltergeist gains access to all of its bound spirit’s granted abilities (including its capstone empowerment, if it was earned). A pact poltergeist also can manifest a mouth to speak with at will as a standard action, functioning as magic mouth. Moreover, it possesses the ability to see and hear out 120 feet, regardless of its type. A pact poltergeist counts against the total number of spirits that a pactmaker can bind to her soul to at once and she may only have a single pact poltergeist at a time. If the pact poltergeist is destroyed or the spirit is exorcised, the pact ends and the spirit returns from whence it came.
Death Ward
Your bound spirit protects you from death’s door. Prerequisites: Iron Will, Jealous Guardian†, Unyielding Personality†, ability to bind 6th-level spirits. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret is bound to a spirit, she may roll any saving throws that she makes against death effects twice and use the better result. The pactmaker must declare that she is using this ability before rolling her saving throw. A pactmaker cannot use this ability against an effect that does not allow a saving throw.
Disguise Granted Abilities
You are a master of hiding your occult powers from onlookers. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can take 10 on Bluff and Disguise checks made to hide her spirit’s physical sign as well as the use of her granted abilities.
Double Occult Weapon
You can enhance two weapons with your occult weapon ability simultaneously. Prerequisite: Occult weapon binder secret. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret uses occult weapon to improve her weapon, she can choose to enhance two weapons or both ends of a double weapon. Once she chooses which two weapons to apply her occult weapon ability to, it cannot be changed for the duration of the pact. Any enhancement bonus she adds to one of her weapons gets added to both automatically, but weapon special abilities must be accounted for separately. For example, if she can enhance up to the equivalent of a +2 bonus, she could give both of her weapons an additional +1 bonus and apply the keen special weapon ability
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to one of those weapons. Normal: A pactmaker may only select one weapon to benefit from her occult weapon binder secret.
Echoing Major Ability (Alteration)
Your granted abilities leave a spiritual echo behind when they are used, allowing you to activate the granted ability again on your next turn. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 8th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she may delay its expenditure until the end of her next turn, allowing her to use the ability one additional time on her next turn. At the end of the pactmaker’s next turn, the echoed major ability is expended, even if it wasn’t used.
Ectoplasmic Resonance
Your supernatural powers allow you to strike true against incorporeal creatures. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret is adept at striking creatures without a physical body, allowing her to overcome an incorporeal creature’s defenses as a swift action. Until the end of the turn, the pactmaker’s attacks and supernatural abilities deal full damage to an incorporeal target and effects that do not cause damage do not have a reduced chance to effect an incorporeal opponent. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Empower Major Ability (Alteration)
You expend extra supernatural energy to strengthen your spirit’s abilities. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she can increase its variable, numeric effects by 50%. A pactmaker may use this alteration secret up to three times per day.
Exorcise Pact Spirits
You force spirits and other possessing entities out from others with ease. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can break the bonds connecting a spiritual creature to its mortal vessel as a standard action, functioning as dismiss pact spirit†. At 10th level, this binder secret functions as banish pact spirits† instead. A pactmaker can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 5 levels attained thereafter.
Horrid Skean
You enshroud a weapon with occult energy that rends your foes asunder. Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of living darkness binder secret, base attack bonus +10, ability to bind 6th-level spirits. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret adds her level on damage rolls made with any weapon that she has bound a spirit to using the occult weapon binder secret. This damage isn’t multiplied on a critical hit. In addition, when the pactmaker
uses the attack action her weapon’s critical damage multiplier increases by x1 while it is bound with a spirit.
Greater Spiritual Resonance
It is nearly impossible for outside forces to wrestle spirits from your protective grasp. Prerequisites: Improved spiritual resonance binder secret, spiritual resonance binder secret, ability to bind 9thlevel spirits. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret increases the range of her spiritual resonance binder secret to 30 feet. In addition, the insight bonus that her spiritual resonance provides her allies on Will saving throws against dismiss pact spirit† and similar effects increases to +6.
Guardian Spirit
Your bound spirits alert you to the presence of others. Prerequisite: Undying aid binder secret. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret is asleep, her bound spirit alerts her to the presence of any creature that moves within 20 feet, functioning as an alarm spell. Unlike alarm, there is no password to avoid setting this binder secret off, though the pactmaker may designate for certain creatures to not trigger this alarm.
Hateful Major Ability (Alteration)
You can penetrate the defenses of your spirit’s most hated enemies. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she can allow it to ignore all energy resistances and immunities, spell resistance, and damage reduction that affected creatures possess if the creature is a favored enemy of the major granted ability’s spirit.
The touch of the spirit realm has broken your connection to reality, making you immortal. Prerequisite: Maximum spirit level 9th. Benefit: A pactmaker that selects this secret stops aging and can no longer die of old age. She does not take any age penalties because of her age, but she continues to benefit from age bonuses. In addition, the pactmaker is immune to aging effects.
Improved Spiritual Resonance
You are able to keep spirits tightly bound to their vessels with greater skill and effect.
Prerequisites: Spiritual resonance binder secret, ability to bind 6th-level spirits. Benefit: When she selects this secret, the range of the pactmaker’s spiritual resonance binder secret improves to 20 feet and the insight bonus it provides her allies on Will saves against dismiss pact spirit†, banish pact spirits†, and similar effects increases to +4.
Improved Vestigial Protection
Your ability to manifest protective auras from bound spirits becomes more potent. Prerequisites: Amateur Pactmaker† or bind spirit class feature, vestigial protection binder secret, binder level 17th. Benefit: When she selects this secret, the pactmaker’s vestigial protection aura expands to a 20-foot emanation. Ranged attacks made against allies within the aura gain a 20% miss chance.
Incite Animosity
You are able to set your spirit’s wrath upon any opponent. Benefit: While bound to a spirit, a pactmaker with this secret can select one target within 30 feet that she can see as a move action and mark it as an enemy of the Spirit Realm. For 1 minute, all spirits that the pactmaker is bound to treat the marked target as though it were a favored enemy. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) and she can mark only a single creature at once with this ability; marking a second creature with incite animosity causes its effects to end for the first creature.
Inquiry (Ritual)
You are able to use pact magic to interview occult entities for information. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can perform a ritual in order to gain insight and knowledge from occult creatures. Unlike most rituals, she only needs to know a spirit’s name and have completed its seal Knowledge Task in order to use this ritual. Instead of the spirit’s usual ritual, the pactmaker draws a salt circle around herself for protection and calls out to the spirit while systematically lighting a set of five candles. After the fifth candle has been lit, the spirit’s presence becomes palpable around her. While the spirit is manifested (up to 10 minutes), the pactmaker can ask one question to the spirit, functioning as divination. Use the pactmaker’s level as her caster level when determining
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the chance for a correct divination. Alternatively, the pactmaker can ask the spirit questions about its former life or existence, which grants her a permanent +5 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks made to complete the spirit’s Knowledge Tasks. An inquiry ritual must be performed in complete darkness (except for the candlelight used in the ritual’s ceremony) between midnight and dusk. Performing the ritual at any other time causes it to fail.You may only perform one inquiry ritual per night.
Intuit Spirit
You can sense occult auras. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret gains the ability to cast detect pact spirits† at will as a spell-like ability.
Merciful Spirit
You are able to lessen the force of your abilities, allowing them to deal nonlethal damage. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can modify any granted ability that deals hit point damage to deal nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. Granted abilities that inflict damage of a particular type (such as fire) inflict nonlethal damage of that same type. If she uses this binder secret to modify a granted ability to deal nonlethal damage to a creature that qualifies as the favored enemy of the spirit that granted the ability to her, the pactmaker risks suffering the spirit’s personality influence if she made a poor pact with it.
Mutable Bonus (Ritual)
You can adjust the insight that a spirit bestows upon you with its supernatural powers. Benefit: While a pactmaker with this secret is bound to a spirit who possesses a minor granted ability that grants her an insight bonus on one or more types of skill checks, she can perform a ritual that allows her to reassign that minor granted ability’s bonus. After performing the ritual, the pactmaker may apply the bonus to a different skill that uses the same key ability score. Additionally, the selected skill can be used untrained for the duration of her pact with the spirit. For example, if the pactmaker’s spirit has a minor granted ability that grants her an insight bonus on Escape Artist and Spellcraft checks, she can select either skill’s key ability modifier (Dexterity or Intelligence) and apply the minor granted ability’s bonus to a different Dexterity- or Intelligence-based skill. This ritual replaces all of the minor granted ability’s usual bonuses. The pactmaker may only reassign one bonus per minor granted ability, even if the granted ability normally benefits more than one skill. Once a minor granted ability has been altered by this ritual, it cannot be changed again until after the pact ends and the spirit departs from the pactmaker’s soul.
Pact Effigy
You use your knowledge of occult lore and magic to create wondrous objects of power. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th.
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Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret treats her binder level as her caster level for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of item creation feats.
Occult Communion (Ritual)
Rather than summon a spirit into a seal, you project your mind to the spirit realm in order to interview a spirit in its own element. Prerequisites: Inquiry binder secret, pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret uses the inquiry binder secret, the ritual functions as contact other plane rather than divination. For the purpose of this ritual, the spirit realm is an outer plane and a spirit of 3rd level or lower is a lesser deity, a spirit of 4th level through 6th level is an intermediate deity, and a spirit of 7th level or above is a greater deity.
Occult Secret
You have unlocked the secret of a new pact feat. Benefit: You gain a bonus pact feat. You must meet this feat’s prerequisites, if any. Special: A pactmaker can select this binder secret once initially, plus one additional time at 6th level, 12th level, and 18th level.
Occult Weapon
You bind a spirit onto one of your weapons, transforming it into a conduit of occult power. Benefit: After sealing a pact with a spirit, a pactmaker with this secret can choose to trade one of a spirit’s granted abilities for the benefits of this binder secret instead of the vestigial bond normally available to that spirit. This granted ability is the same one(s) that the chosen spirit trades for its vestigial bond ability. The benefits of occult weapon are considered that spirit’s vestigial bond ability for all purposes, and the pactmaker cannot gain the benefits of another vestigial bond ability while benefiting from this binder secret. As a swift action, the pactmaker grants one weapon that she is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. She can select a natural weapon or her unarmed strikes with this ability. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. This bonus is added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: conductiveAPG, corrosiveAPG, corrosive burstAPG, dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, ghost touch, icy burst, keen, returning, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the
spirit is bound to the weapon and cannot be changed until the next time the pactmaker uses this binder secret. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the pactmaker. Once the pactmaker has chosen how to allocate this bonus, it lasts for the duration of her pact with the spirit and cannot be changed. A pactmaker can only enhance one weapon in this way at a time, and she cannot enhance multiple weapons simultaneously.
Revelation of Brilliance
Occultinogen (Ritual)
Rush Ritual
You are able to brew a concoction that allows you to seal occult power within a drinkable agent. Prerequisite: Cognatogen class feature or mutagen class feature. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can perform a 1 hour ritual that creates an occultinogen, a mutagen-like concoction that traps occult potential in drinkable form. Upon imbibing the occultinogen, the pactmaker becomes bound in a poor pact to the spirit involved in the ritual for 1 hour. A spirit bound to a pactmaker via an occultinogen counts against the total number of spirits that she can seal pacts with; if the spirit granted by the occultinogen would cause the pactmaker to exceed her maximum number of spirits, then the granted abilities of the highest-level spirit that she is bound to become suppressed until the effects of the occultinogen end. The pactmaker may possess both a Reserved Spirit and a spirit that has been suppressed by this ability simultaneously. A pactmaker cannot expel, suppress, or otherwise dismiss a spirit that she has gained from an occultinogen. All limitations of mutagens apply to occultinogens as if they were the same substance–a pactmaker may only maintain one cognatogen, mutagen, or occultinogen at a time, an occultinogen that is not in a pactmaker’s possession becomes inert, drinking an occultinogen makes a character without this binder secret sick, and so on. When the effect of the occultinogen ends, the pactmaker takes 2 points of Charisma damage. The infuse mutagen discovery and the persistent mutagen discovery apply to occultinogens.
Quicken Major Ability (Alteration)
You expend extra supernatural energy to use your spirit’s abilities faster. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she can activate it as a swift action instead of its normal activation time. A pactmaker may use this alteration secret up to three times per day.
Remove Malady
You use your supernatural talents to dispel pact maladies. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 8th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this gains the ability to cast remove malady† as spell-like ability once per day, plus one additional use at 11th level and every three levels thereafter.
Knowledge bequeathed to you by occult spirits augments your book learning. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret adds her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Knowledge skill checks that she makes. If the pactmaker has the occult scholar archetype, she gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks that she makes and she can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained instead. You are able to perform binder rituals more quickly than most. Prerequisite: Any ritual binder secret. Benefit: A pactmaker with this binder secret can rush a ritual binder secret, reducing the amount of time that it takes to perform the binder secret’s ritual by up to 9 minutes. The pactmaker take a cumulative –2 penalty on binding checks made with the spirit per minute that she rushes the ritual. For example, performing a ritual binder secret in 1 minute incurs a –18 penalty on your binding checks. Normal: Performing a ritual binder secret takes 10 minutes.
Seal of Living Darkness
You can terrify foes with a soul-wrenching shriek, channeled through your weapon. Prerequisite: Occult weapon binder secret. Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this secret may make demoralize attempts as a move action. When she successfully demoralizes an opponent while wielding this weapon, increase the number of rounds that her target is shaken for by 1 for every 4 binder levels she possesses.
Scribe Binding Tattoo (Ritual)
You have learned the secret of scribing a spirit’s seal onto your body as a tattoo in order to perform its ritual faster. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can perform a ritual that allows her to scribe a spirit’s seal onto her body in the form of a binding tattoo. Unlike most rituals, a binding tattoo ritual takes 10 hours rather than 10 minutes. In order to create a binding tattoo, the pactmaker must complete all four of the spirit’s Knowledge Tasks. This tattoo is the size of the pactmaker’s fist and can be placed anywhere upon her body. After the ritual is complete, the pactmaker may use the tattoo instead of drawing the spirit’s seal, allowing a pactmaker to skip this step when performing the spirit’s ritual. A pactmaker may possess one binding tattoo scribed upon her body at a time, plus one additional binding tattoo for every 4 pactmaker levels she possesses (maximum 5). Creating a binding tattoo requires alchemical components worth 100 gp x the spirit’s level. Removing a binding tattoo is tricky work that requires four 8-hour rituals and alchemical components worth 50 gp. These four rituals do not need to be performed
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consecutively, but the pactmaker stops benefiting from the tattoo after the first ritual has been completed. Special: A binder with the rush ritual binder secret can reduce the amount of time that it takes to create a binding tattoo by up to 9 hours, taking a cumulative –2 penalty on binding checks made with the spirit per hour that the ritual is rushed.
Shade Step
You can step through the spirit realm, allowing you to move short distances without allowing your opponents the ability to react. Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of living darkness binder secret. Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this binder secret may move up to 10 feet as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity. For every 4 binder levels she possesses, increase the distance that the pactmaker can move using this ability by 5 feet, to a maximum of 30 feet at 20th level. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
pactmaker is not bound to a spirit herself or dead, but it continues to function while she is unconscious.
Thanks to your spirit’s presence, you are able to completely thwart effects that would harm your physical and mental health. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can use mental and physical resilience to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. This ability can only be used while the pactmaker is bound to a spirit. A helpless pactmaker does not gain the benefit of this binder secret.
Steal Pact Spirits
You are able to steal the granted powers of a spirit that you have successfully identified. Prerequisites: Analyze pact spirit binder secret or ability to cast detect pact spirits†. Benefit: A pactmaker with this binder secret can attempt to steal a granted ability from an opponent that is unable to Shroud of Shadows defend itself. As a standard action, the pactmaker can make You draw shadows into your occult weapon and use them to cloak a melee touch attack against an opponent that is flat-footed, yourself from enemy attacks. denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, or that she is flanking. She Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of livmay only make this melee attack if she has identified one or ing darkness binder secret. more of the spirits that the target is bound to. If she hits, the Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the pactmaker’s with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this level + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier) or have one of its binder secret may surround herself in shadow as a move granted abilities of the pactmaker’s choice become expended action, granting her concealment (20% miss chance) from all for 1 minute.While the granted ability is expended in this manmelee attacks until the start of her next turn. The pactmaker ner, the pactmaker gains access to that granted ability for 1 cannot use this concealment to make Stealth checks and it minute or until the creature dies or its pact with the granted provides no benefit against ranged attacks. ability’s associated spirit ends. When using a stolen granted ability, the pactmaker uses Spirit Imp the lower between her binder level and the creature’s binder Your foray into pact magic has helped you learn how to befriend a level to determine the ability’s effects. If the stolen granted spirit imp companion. ability has uses per day or a similar restriction, any uses of this Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 1st. ability that the target had already used count against the total Benefit: You gain a spirit imp as a familiar (see page 364 number of uses that the pactmaker has access to and vice versa. for spirit imp details), using your pactmaker level as your The pactmaker uses her Charisma modifier in place of the tareffective wizard level.This familiar follows the rules for famil- get’s when determining all effects of the stolen granted ability iars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature. except its uses per day. If a pactmaker uses this ability to steal a major granted ability that is expended, it remains expended until the appropriate number of rounds have passed. Spiritual Resonance You are able to harmonize your allies’ spirits with that of your own, A pactmaker may not steal a granted ability from a spirit whose level exceeds her maximum spirit level. She may only binding you to one another. possess one stolen granted ability at a time, though she may Prerequisite: Ability to bind 3rd-level spirits. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret emits an aura that dismiss a stolen granted ability as a free action, returning it to protects allied spirits from being expelled from their hosts. its proper binder. Allies within 10 feet of the pactmaker gain a +2 insight bonus on Will saves made against dismiss pact spirit†, banish pact spir- Sustenance its†, or any other effect that attempts to unwillingly expel a Your body is nourished by occult energies. spirit from their soul. This ability does not function while the Benefit: While bound to a spirit, a pactmaker with this
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secret does not need to eat or drink. At 10th level, the pactmaker also does not need to breathe while bound to a spirit, making her immune to inhaled poisons and effects, including suffocation.
Tendrils of Darkness
You can draw shadows into your occult weapon and use them to latch on to your enemies, restricting their movement. Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of living darkness binder secret, shroud of shadows binder secret, maximum spirit level 4th. Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this secret can make a CMB check against one creature within 30 feet as a standard action. If she succeeds, she creates a tendril of shadow that pins the target in place for 1 round, plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which the pactmaker beats her target’s CMD. While its shadow is pinned, the target’s speed for all of its movement types is reduced to 5 feet and it cannot take 5-foot steps. A creature can attempt to escape this effect as a standard action by succeeding on an opposed CMB check or an Escape Artist check against the pactmaker’s CMD + her Charisma modifier.
You are more flexible than others in your trade. Prerequisite: Tunneled lore class feature. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret select 1 constellation that she has barred and unbar it; the pactmaker may perform pact rituals with spirits from the unbarred constellation, though her binder level is reduced by half when making binding checks with such spirits. Constellations unbarred by this binder secret are not considered to have been selected by the tunneled lore class feature and gain none of the benefits for having been selected as such. For example, a bard with the soul muse archetype does not gain the ability to use the soul musing class feature with a constellation that she has unbarred with this binder secret. Special: If the pactmaker later multiclasses into a class with the tunneled lore class feature, that class’s tunneled lore class feature does not bar any constellations that she has selected using this binder secret.
Undying Aid
Your bound spirits mend broken bones and heal your wounds. Benefit: While bound to a spirit, a pactmaker with this
secret can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to her binder level as a standard action by expending one major granted ability that she possesses for 5 rounds. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Undying Salvation
Your bound spirits sacrifice their pacts to spare your life. Prerequisites: Expel Spirits†, undying aid binder secret, ability to bind 6th level spirits. Benefit: While a pactmaker with this secret is bound to a spirit, she can use the undying aid binder secret when she is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by expelling one spirit that she is bound to as an immediate action.The pactmaker can even use this ability if the damage dealt to her would be enough to slay her; if her current hit point total is at a negative amount less than her Constitution score after being healed by undying aid, she comes to life and stabilizes at her new hit point total. If the pactmaker’s hit point total is an amount that is equal to or greater than her Constitution score, she remains dead. If the pactmaker’s life is saved by this binder secret, she gains a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.
Vestigial Protection
You can focus a spirit’s supernatural power into defending you and your allies. Prerequisite: Amateur Pactmaker† or bind spirit class feature. Benefit: After sealing a pact with a spirit, a pactmaker with this secret can choose to trade one of a spirit’s granted abilities for the benefits of this binder secret instead of the vestigial bond normally available to that spirit. This granted ability is the same one(s) that the chosen spirit trades for its vestigial bond ability. The benefits of vestigial protection are considered that spirit’s vestigial bond ability for all purposes, and the pactmaker cannot gain the benefits of another vestigial bond ability while benefiting from this binder secret. As a swift action, the pactmaker can use this ability to project her bound spirit as a protective aura, granting all allies within 10 feet a +2 deflection bonus to their AC and a +2 dodge bonus on Reflex saving throws. At 12th level and every four binder levels thereafter, these bonuses improve by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 20th level. A pactmaker can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her binder level. These minutes don’t need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
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Favored Class Options
The rules below allow members of races from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide to take alternate rewards when they gain a level in the pactmaker class, provided they have chosen pactmaker as their favored class. Racial favored class options were introduced in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. Each of these rewards replaces the normal reward for having a level in a favored class (gaining 1 extra hit point or 1 extra skill rank). Unlike those general rewards, the options presented here speak directly to the themes of the pactmaker class and the general tendencies of each race. Whenever you gain a level, you can choose which favored class option you take. Unless noted otherwise, these benefits always stack with themselves. Many of these alternate class rewards add only 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, or 1/6 to a class ability (such as adding to the pactmaker’s battery pool). When applying such a benefit to a die roll or class ability, always round down (minimum 0).You may need to select an option multiple times before the benefit applies. Some options may have a fixed numerical limit, after which selecting the option provides no benefit. In these cases, you can always select from among the standard rewards when taking a level in the favored class. The pactmaker cannot gain a bonus that improves a pactmaker class feature or racial trait unless he possesses that class feature or racial trait. Aasimar: The pactmaker adds +1/4 to the saving throw DC of granted abilities that she receives from angel spirits. Catfolk: While bound to a beast spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1 foot enhancement bonus to her speed. This bonus provides a pactmaker with no benefits until it has been selected five times. Changeling: While bound to a beast spirit, the pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new monstrous aspect whenever she seals a good pact with a spirit. She gains this monstrous aspect even if she does not possess the monstrous aspects class feature, and this ability counts as having the monstrous aspects class feature for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites. Dhampir: While bound to a skull spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/4 enhancement bonus to the bonuses provided by her undead resistance racial trait. Duergar: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with any spell-like abilities she possesses. Drow: While bound to a spirit, add +1/4 to the DC of any poisons that the pactmaker applies to her weapons. Dwarf: The pactmaker gains a +1/2 bonus on binding checks made with spirits whose favored enemies include monsters with the elf, giant, goblin, or orc subtype or monsters of the dragon type. Elf: Select 1 spirit. The pactmaker reduces the number of rounds that the spirit’s major granted ability is expended for by 1/6. This ability stacks with other, similar effects (such as the Rapid Recovery feat†). The number of rounds that a spirit’s
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major granted ability is expended for after use cannot be reduced to fewer than 1 round. Fetchling: While bound to a dark beyond spirit, the pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new dark beyond constellation aspect whenever she seals a good pact with a spirit, even if she does not possess the constellation aspects class feature. Gathlain: Select 1 tree spirit.While bound to the selected spirit, the pactmaker adds +1/4 to the number of times per day that she can use her racial spell-like abilities and calculates the save DC of those spell-like abilities (if any) as if they were a minor granted ability of the selected spirit. Gillman: The pactmaker reduces the amount that she must beat a spirit’s binding DC by in order to earn its capstone empowerment by 1/6. This benefit stacks with Capstone Binder. Goblin: The pactmaker gains a +1/3 bonus on binding checks made to seal a good pact with a spirit who includes dogs or horses as its favored enemies. Gnome: The pactmaker adds +1/4 to the saving throw DC of granted abilities that the occult receives from tree spirits. Grippli: Select 1 spirit that provides a totem bonus for having its seal drawn in a specific location. The pactmaker fulfills the location requirement of the selected spirit’s totem bonus if she draws the spirit’s seal within a swamp. Half-Elf: Select 1 spirit. Add a +1/2 bonus on binding checks with the selected spirit (maximum +5). The pactmaker cannot select a spirit with this bonus if she qualifies as the spirit’s favored enemy. Half-Orc: Add +1/2 to the hit point damage the pactmaker deals with her granted abilities. Halflings: While bound to a spirit, increase the bonus that the pactmaker receives from her halfling luck racial trait by +1/6 or increase the number of times per day that the pactmaker can use her adaptable luck racial traitarg by 1/4. Hobgoblin: Select 1 combat maneuver. While bound to a hero spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/4 insight to her CMB when performing the selected combat maneuver (maximum +2). Human: The pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new binder secret. Ifrit: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial fire resistance by +1/2. Kitsune: Add +1/2 to the number of times per day, rounds per day, minutes per day, or hours per day that the pactmaker may use her minor granted abilities that are polymorph effects. Kobold: Add a +1/3 enhancement bonus to any armor or natural armor bonus to AC that the pactmaker receives from a granted ability. Orc: Select 1 spirit that includes orcs as a favored ally or that provides a totem bonus to an orc binder. The pactmaker adds a +1/2 insight bonus on damage rolls made with the selected spirit’s granted abilities. Oread: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial acid resistance by +1/2. Merfolk: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker can
breathe air and increases its swim speed and land speed by +1. This bonus provides a pactmaker with no benefits until it has been selected five times. Nagaji: Add +1/2 to all binding checks that the pactmaker makes with noble spirits. Ratfolk: Select 1 spirit that includes ratfolk or any type of rodent as a favored ally. The pactmaker gains a +1/3 on Will saves against the selected spirit’s influence. Samsaran:While bound to a spirit, increase the number of negative hit points the pactmaker may accrue before dying by 1. Strix: The pactmaker gains a +1/3 bonus on binding checks made to seal a good pact with a spirit who includes humans as its favored enemy. Suli: While bound to a mage or scholar spirit, increase the number of times per day that the pactmaker may use her elemental assault or energy strike racial trait by 1/3. Svirfneblin:While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with any spell-like abilities she possesses. Sylph: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial electricity resistance by +1/2. Tengu: Select 1 spirit with a totem that requires the ability to speak one or more languages. The pactmaker is treated as
the spirit’s favored ally if this totem is met, even if she normally wouldn’t be. Each time this bonus is selected, choose a different spirit. Tiefling: The pactmaker adds +1/4 to the saving throw DC of granted abilities that the occult receives from fiend spirits. Undine:While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial cold resistance by +1/2. Vanara: While bound to a seer spirit, the pactmaker may reroll +1/4 Reflex save each day. This ability must be used before the GM has revealed the saving throw’s result. Vishkanya: Select 1 spirit. While bound to the selected spirit, the vishkanya’s vishkanya venom racial ability calculates its saving throw DC as if it were a spirit’s granted ability. Wayang: The pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new binder secret. She must select seal of darkness or a binder secret that lists seal of darkness as one of its prerequisites with this new binder secret. Wyvaran: While bound to a dragon spirit, the pactmaker increases her maneuverability with any fly speed she possesses by +1/4 step, improving clumsy to poor, poor to average, average to good, or good to perfect, respectively. Wyrwood: The pactmaker adds +1/2 to all damage that she deals to any of her bound spirits’ favored enemies with a granted ability.
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Base Classes Introduced in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide, archetypes allow players to customize the class features of a base class with new and existing options. The archetypes in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls all involve pact magic or some aspect of pact magic, such as inquisitors who use pact magic to protect community members or pactmakers who etch occult symbols and seals onto their bodies. This section is divided into 30 subsections by class, with each subsection including occult options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s 29 base classes, plus the new pactmaker base class introduced in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls.
Selecting Archetypes
The primary way that archetypes modify base classes is by replacing class features. When a player selects a class for his character, he can choose to adopt an archetype. Each alternate class feature presented in an archetype replaces or alters a specific class feature from the archetype’s base class. Class features that are not specifically replaced function as described in the original version of the class. When an archetype includes multiple alternate class features, a character must take all of them—often blocking her from ever gaining certain standard class features, but replacing them with other options. All other class features of the base class that aren’t mentioned among the alternate class features remain unchanged and are acquired normally when a character reaches the appropriate level, unless otherwise noted. A character with an alternate class feature due to an archetype doesn’t count as having the class feature that was replaced for purposes of meeting any requirements or prerequisites. On the other hand, any alternate class features listed as altering an existing class feature otherwise works as that original class feature, and is considered to be that class feature for purposes of meeting any requirements of prerequisites, even if that feature is renamed to fit a new theme. For example, a class feature that alters the bard’s bardic performance still counts as bardic performance for any prerequisite that requires that ability. A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as the other alternate feature. For example, a warpriest could not be both a champion of fate and a disenchanter, because both archetypes replace the channel energy class feature with something else. If an archetype replaces a class feature that’s part of a series of improvements or additions to the base ability (such as a fighter’s weapon training or a ranger’s favored enemy), the next time the character would gain that ability, it counts
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Sarah Kemplin (Order #10397598)
Pact Magic Unbound
Grimoire of Lost Souls Alexander Augunas Dario Nardi
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—————————————————————————————————————————— Product Identity All legends herein written and copyrighted 2007 by Dario Nardi except the legend of Muse Istago (page 146) by Melonie Ho in 2008 and the legends of Anajira, Hi’Ryia, andYith’anu (see pages 159, 203, and 233, respectively) in 2013 by Alexander Augunas. All other material written by Alexander Augunas and Dario Nardi, copyright 2015 where not covered by the Open Game License summarized on page 381. All game mechanics, statistics, and names of spirits are considered Open Game Content. The Radiance House logo, all trademarks and registered trademarks, dialogue, plots, storylines, characters, artwork, logos, and trade dress herein are coprighted by Dario Nardi and are not Open Game Content. Special Contributions These persons contributed spirit concepts that originally appeared in Villains of Pact Magic: Bill Browne (Athru and Dantalios), Luke Buchanan (Aladdar), Morgan Hardy (Dead Kings), Melanie Ho (Muse Istago), Mark Jackman (Moy), Judah Ben Jehoshua (The Crystal Lady, The Nivea Nieces), Marc Palmer (Windigo), Scott Perry (Mishpo), Jason W. Remore (Coralene, Vaukner), and Stefen Styrsky (Gulguthriana). Finally, thank you “Luthorne” from the messageboards for extensive proofreading. Version 1.3—October 23, 2016 For Use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. Publisher Radiance House PO BOX 691971, West Hollywood, CA 90069 | Printed in USA ISBN: 978-0-9885235-7-9 Artists Yehuda Ben Jehoshua acted as art director, created the background interior, and co-created the cover with Adam Schmidt, who also did all 9 chapter openers and 24 additional pieces. Also thank you artists Eric Lofgren, Frank Walls, Kristen Collins, and Hugo Solis. Thank you R.J. Peña and Devin Harrington, who colorized grayscale art pieces originally done by J von K for the original 3.5 edition of Secrets of Pact Magic. Pact magic seal elements and most pact magic seals are by Dario Nardi. ——————————————————————————————————————————
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Chap 2: Feats .....................69 Chap 7: Magic Items ........313
Types of Feats ........................69 Feat Descriptions ...................70 Introduction ...........................4 Table: Feats ...........................72 You Ready? ............................5 Table: Improved Monstrous Aspects ..76 What is the Occult? ..................5 Pact Magic Availability ............10 Chap 3: Pactmaking ...........83 Binding Spirits ......................83 Chap 1: Classes ......................7 Key Terms for Pact Magic .........85 Pactmaker ..............................8 Spirit Basics ..........................86 Class Features ....................8 Descriptions of Spirit Constellations ..87 Constellation Aspects ........10 Starless Spirits .......................88 Binder Secrets ................13 Multiclassing ........................90 Favored Class Options .......20 Spirit Politics ........................91 Base Classes ..........................22 Alchemist .......................23 Chap 4: Spirits ...................93 Arcanist .........................24 Acquiring Spirits ....................93 Table: Spirits by Level (levels 1-3) ..94 Barbarian .......................25 Table: Spirits by Level (levels 4-6) ..96 Bard .............................28 Table: Spirits by Level (levels 7-9) ..98 Bloodrager .....................32 Brawler .........................34 Descriptions of Spirits: Cavalier .........................35 1st Level ......................100 Cleric ...........................37 2nd Level ......................119 Druid ............................39 3rd Level ......................136 Fighter ..........................40 4th Level ......................158 Gunslinger .....................41 5th Level ......................177 Hunter ..........................42 6th Level ......................196 Inquisitor .......................43 7th Level ......................216 Investigator ....................45 8th Level ......................234 Magus ...........................46 9th Level ......................253 Monk ...........................47 Oracle ..........................48 Chap 5: Spells ...................271 Pactmaker ......................50 Spells by Class and Level .........271 Paladin ..........................53 New Subschool: Aging ...........272 Ranger ..........................54 New Descriptor ...................273 Rogue ...........................55 Spell Descriptions ................280 Shaman .........................56 Alchemical Power Components ..281 Skald ............................58 Slayer ...........................59 Chap 6: Prestige Classes ...293 Sorcerer ........................60 Devotee ............................294 Summoner .....................62 Divine Exorcist ....................297 Swashbuckler ..................63 Greensprout Rapscallion ........300 Warpriest ......................64 Mascareri ...........................303 Witch ...........................65 Ravage Binder .....................306 Undying Soul .......................309 Wizard .........................67
Armor ..............................314 Weapons ............................315 Rings ................................316 Rods .................................317 Staves ................................318 Wondrous Items ..................319 Artifacts ............................323
Chap 8: Occult Locales ......325 A Treatise on Pact Magic ..........326 Organizations & Planes ............332 Organizations: Death Company ..............334 Enclave of the Closed Eye ...336 Fifth Mountaintop Brigade ..338 Nightwatch ...................340 Nightfang Adherents ........342 Order of Salendrios .........344 Ravage Binders ...............346 Places: Apocryphal Desert ...........348 The Byways ...................350 Nightfang Weald ............352
Chap 9: Esoterica ............355 Options .............................355 Aging ................................356 Frehmins ............................358 Occult Creatures .................361 Autrok, Ergon ................362 Carnival Animal ............363 Ravager Vessel ...............364 Spirit Imp .....................364 Spirit-Touched ................365 Pactmaker BackgroundGenerator..366 Pact Maladies ......................368 Skills .................................372 Ravager Spirits ....................374
Thank You .........................377 Index ..................................378 Open Game License ........381
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You Ready?
What is the Occult?
Although the word refers to any supernatural or mystical tradi“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the tion or belief, Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls human mind to correlate all its contents.We live on a placid island of uses the term “occult” to specifically refer to bindable spirits or ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant the practice of pact magic in general. Occult creatures are those that we should voyage far.The sciences, each straining in its own direc- that are either bound to a spirit or possess strong ties to the denition, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together zens of the Spirit Realm, so while options from other Pathfinder of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, Roleplaying Game sources might label themselves as being and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from “occult,” they are not occult sources for the purpose of how they the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of interact with the options found within these pages unless the GM decides otherwise. a new dark age.” — H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu Here, the term “occultist” refers generally to any individual who practices an occult tradition, and as a result there may be Beyond the material, there exists a world without swords or other classes or prestige classes that label themselves as such. spells. A world without men or gods. A world without light or Depending on the setting, the pactmaker base class presented darkness. A world without a beginning, and a world without here might be know as a “binder,” “ritualist,” or “spirit occultist” end. Known as the Spirit Realm, this world is home to way- as fitting the flavor of your campaign setting. ward, lost, and ultimately damned entities known as spirits. Secluded from reality itself, the denizens of the Spirit Realm endure soul-crushing silence as they endlessly hunger to taste multiverse and eventually challenged the gods themselves. After their royal heir committed deicide, Heaven and Hell united to the supple fruits of reality once again. It is difficult to say for sure where a spirit comes from. Some obliterate the atlans and their colonies from space and time forspirits have their origin in events long since forgotten while oth- ever, condemning the art of pact magic to obscurity. ers reference events that have yet to pass. Some spirits seem native to the empty abyss while others fondly recall life before Perception of Pact Magic they became trapped in their timeless prison. Regardless, clues Even after thousands of years, the perception of pact magic to the history surrounding all spirits exist to binders cunning to the common folk has changed very little. Although opinenough to find them. Once this information is within her grasp, ions and reactions to pact magic shift with its availability in a a binder can use the strange symbols, forgotten lore, and geo- campaign setting, most commoners find the prospect of bindmetric signs she has gathered to pull a shadow of that spirit into ing another being onto one’s soul to be an unsettling prosthe mortal realm for a time, suspended in reality within a vessel pect and are intimidated (if not outright terrified) of binders. known as a seal. Then, binder and spirit barter: the binder for The strange, glowing sigils, eerie physical manifestations, and supernatural powers and the spirit for temporary housing within unexpected personality shifts all contribute to an air of superthe binder’s soul. An agreement is made, the pact is sealed, and stition that follows a binder wherever she goes. for a time, the spirit dwells within the binder’s soul, granting her Further complicating a would-be binder’s pursuits is the powers both incredible and terrible to behold. And so together negative attention she attracts from many religious organizathey walk, binder and spirit, a heretic housing an unnatural thing, tions. A vast majority of faiths have forgotten the terrors of seeking out the secrets of pact magic. pact magic and view it with the same wary superstition as any common folk, though priests may forcibly attempt to exorcise what they perceive to be demons or ghosts from the binder in An Art Long-Since Lost Practitioners of pact magic are often few and far between, but order to save her soul from damnation. Far more terrifying, their scarcity is not attributed to the youthfulness of their craft. however, are the outlying sects of religious fanatics who are On the contrary pact magic is incredibly old, possibly older able to identify pact magic for what it truly is and remember than wizardry or witchcraft. Although believed to have existed the gods’ ancient enmity for the occult. These individuals are long before the Atlan Empire, pact magic is most heavily attrib- quick to slay whatever binders they happen across. uted to the ancient Atlans, a people that mastered pact magic so thoroughly that it was said that even the youngest Atlan child What Wonders Await.... could seal a pact with a spirit and claim its powers for her own. Within these pages, the secrets of forbidden arts long since With their tremendous access to supernatural power, the lost to the sands of time will be revealed to you. Whether Atlan Empire dominated the ancient world, subjugating over researching an esoteric spell, sealing a pact with a powerful a third of the world’s known races beneath their rule. In time, spirit, or searching for a magical artifact, this tome includes a the atlans grew arrogant and turned their pursuits beyond the broad array of content to transform your campaign setting into confines of the Material Plane. They built colonies across the a world built on the shoulders of pact magic.
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Below are the contents of each chapter. Sown throughout the chapters are short tales that provide insight into the history, lore, and life of those who pursue the occult arts. Chapter 1 – Classes: You begin your journey into the shadowy world of pact magic with character class options for virtually all PCs. Chapter 1 includes a new base class, the pactmaker, as well as pact magic archetypes for 29 different Pathfinder Roleplaying Game base classes. Chapter 2 – Feats: Whether you choose to dabble in the occult or fight against the corruptive influence of the Spirit Realm, Chapter 2 of Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls offers over two dozen feats that allow characters of every ilk to gain techniques and tricks for dealing with occult powers. Chapter 3 – Pactmaking: Before you can wield the supernatural power of the spirits, you must first master the art of pactmaking. Chapter 3 provides in-depth coverage of the process that binders must take in order to successfully bind a spirit without losing their souls in the process. Chapter 4 – Spirits: This massive chapter provides 137 occult spirits for you to discover and seal pacts with. Chapter 5 – Spells: Countless spells were lost to the sands of time when pact magic vanished from the world, and Chapter 5 includes a number of potent, new spells to compliment the occult forces found in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls. Chapter 6 – Prestige Classes:You will find six specialized classes that represent focus in a specific binder discipline. Chapter 7 – Magic Items: A number of forgotten treasures, ancient and terrible, await you in Chapter 6 if you dare to claim them for your own. Chapter 8 – Occult Locales: Seek adventure in three alternate planes of existence or work for or against pact magic with one of seven organizations. Chapter 9 – Esoterica: Here are assorted additional content to help you integrate pact magic into your campaign world, including a background generator for pactmaker, expanded rules for age categories, and occult uses for skills.
Navigating the Grimoire
Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls draws upon the work of many different Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products to provide an integrated experience for players and GMs. The following citations are used throughout this product. ACG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide APG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide ARG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide B1 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary B2 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 B3 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 B4 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 UCM Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign UC Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat UM Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic † Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls
Pact Magic Availability
Throughout Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls, pact magic’s availability is referred to many times. Although easy to learn and easier to master, pact magic is reviled throughout most societies and binders are put to death in a myriad of cruel and inhumane manners, for they are seen not as people, but as monsters that consort with unknowable agents of fear and destruction. But no matter how hard man or god alike try, no secret can be buried beneath the sands of time forever.... As with the firearm availability rules in Chapter 3 of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, it is a GM’s responsibility to determine the availability of pact magic in her campaign setting. A helpful suggestion when implementing pact magic is to keep different levels of availability throughout your campaign setting. Similar to humanity’s historic scientific breakthroughs in the real world, advancement in pact lore occurs in places where great minds congregate, so pact magic’s budding presence in your campaign setting will feel more natural if some places view occult powers with fear and suspicion, others with scientific fascination, and most with ignorance. Below are suggested levels of pact magic availability. This book assumes a default availability of emerging. None: Although it likely existed there to some extent in an age long past, there are some places where pact magic is simply unavailable. All of the options presented in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls are unavailable, although some esoteric, anti-occult traditions such as the Order of Salendrios (and its associated options) might still be present and therefore available for selection. Rare: In a world where pact magic is rare, only the bravest of souls know of its existence. Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls class options that involve spirit binding are not available with the exception of the pactmaker class and its archetypes. Additionally, occult magic items and services cannot be purchased and spellcasters cannot learn spells with the occult descriptor unless they research the spell themselves using the downtime system (see Chapter 2 in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign) or discover the spell in some other manner, such as by raiding an esoteric soul weaver’s spellbook cache. Emerging: As pact magic emerges, word of its wonders spread and an increasing number of binder traditions are rediscovered. All Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls class options are available and occult magic items and services can be purchased; although, they are only available in hidden occult communities. In addition, any spellcaster with the Amateur Binding feat or the bind spirit class feature can learn spells with the occult descriptor without needing to resort to the methods detailed under the rare availability. Commonplace: Where pact magic becomes commonplace, an occult renaissance ensues. All Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls options are available without any the restrictions detailed at any other stage of occult availability.
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Chapter 1 classes Classes The lost art of binding is impossibly deep and over thousands of years, numerous techniques have surfaced that allow characters to employ the old and terrible power of the Spirit Realm. The echoes of wars fought long ago linger in these traditions as shadowy conflicts erupt with renewed vigor behind closed doors. This is the world one enters upon sealing one’s first deal with an occult spirit: the world of pact magic. This chapter introduces new options for players seeking to harness the power of occult spirits to their whims. Utilizing this chapter, virtually anyone can discover the secrets of pact magic and utilize its occult power for their own ends.
The Pactmaker
Chapter 1 introduces a new base class, the pactmaker. While other classes may learn to harness occult spirits and incorporate them into that class’s traditions, the pactmaker is the undisputed master of pact magic. Able to summon powerful spirits faster than others and bind multiple spirits to her soul simultaneously, the pactmaker slowly uncovers forgotten secrets that allows her to gain powers beyond that of other characters. Archetypes and Options: Chapter 1 also includes a number of archetypes for the pactmaker base class, alternate class features that a character can take to modify which abilities she receives from the pactmaker class. Additionally, Chapter 1 includes alternate favored class bonuses for pactmakers of every race available in the Advanced Race Guide.
Other Classes
Chapter 1 also includes occult options for 29 different base classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Each class receives new archetypes, class options, and similar abilities that allow it to utilize occult powers to meet its ends where appropriate.
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Pactmaker Undisputed masters of the occult arts, pactmakers are the masters of pact magic and the secret history of the cosmos hidden within it. Where other binders flounder to house a single spirit within their souls, pactmakers are capable of containing multiple entities simultaneously using forgotten secrets and ancient techniques. Viewed as heretics and lost souls by their peers, pactmakers are both scholars and pioneers in their pursuits of knowledge and occult power. While others may view pact magic as simplistic, pactmakers prove that the secrets of pact magic are easy to learn, but require a lifetime of dedication to master. Role: Pactmakers are extraordinarily versatile thanks to the myriad of spirits that exist in the world; if a pactmaker is able to discover a spirit’s ancient rituals, she is able to call upon its otherworldly powers to serve her. No two spirit’s powers are exactly the same, allowing a pactmaker with a modest sense of foresight to seal pacts with spirits that allow her to fulfill virtually any role on a day-to-day basis. Alignment: Any Hit Die: d8. Starting Age: As a sorcerer. Starting Wealth: 2d6 x 10 gp (average 70 gp).
Class Skills
The pactmaker’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Linguistics (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the pactmaker. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A pactmaker is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor. Bind Spirit: A pactmaker may seal pacts with otherworldly entities known as spirits. In order to summon a spirit, the pactmaker must learn the spirit’s ceremony, constellation, personality, and seal by completing its four Knowledge Tasks; see Researching the Spirit in Chapter 3 for more information on this process. A pactmaker begins play having completed all four Knowledge Tasks for one 1st-level spirit of her choice. Each day, a pactmaker may bind one spirit to her soul using pact magic; see Performing a Pact Ritual in Chapter 3. This spirit’s level may not exceed the pactmaker’s maximum spirit level, which is limited to 1st-level spirits at 1st level. At 3rd level and every two pactmaker levels thereafter, the pactmaker’s maximum spirit level increases by 1, to a maximum of 9th-level spirits at 17th level. A pactmaker’s binder level is equal to her level. The DC to resist a pactmaker’s supernatural powers is equal to 10 + 1/2 the
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pactmaker’s binder level + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier. Binder Secret: A pactmaker’s greatest power is not within the seals she draws or the spirits she summons, but in the esoteric knowledge she unearths in her pursuit of the secrets of pact magic. At 1st level, a pactmaker gains one binder secret. She must meet all of the binder secret’s prerequisites, if any. At 2nd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the pactmaker gains access to an additional binder secret. She may not select the same binder secret multiple times unless noted otherwise. Constellation Aspects (Su): Beginning at 1st level, every time a pactmaker makes a good pact with a spirit, she gains an additional supernatural power known as a constellation aspect for the duration of her pact with the spirit. This constellation aspect must be drawn from among those listed as being available to the spirit she sealed a good pact with, based upon its constellation. For example, Aza’zati, a Dragon spirit, grants pactmakers a constellation aspect chosen from among those listed as Dragon constellation aspects when a good pact is sealed with him. A pactmaker may possess one constellation aspect per spirit that she is bound to and has sealed a good pact with. A constellation aspect is considered a minor granted ability for the purpose of how it interacts with all effects, including feats, spells, and magic items. A pactmaker may not select an individual aspect more than once and their benefits don’t stack. If a constellation aspect grants the pactmaker a spell-like ability, use the pactmaker’s level as the spell’s caster level. The saving throw DC against a pactmaker’s constellation aspects is equal to 10 + 1/2 of the pactmaker’s level + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier. Occult Knowledge (Ex): A pactmaker adds half her class level (minimum 1) to Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (planes) skill checks and may make these skill checks untrained. When making a Knowledge check to fulfill a spirit’s Knowledge Tasks, this bonus equals the pactmaker’s level instead. Pact Augmentation (Su): At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a pactmaker selects one of the following augmentations. She may not select the same pact augmentation more than once unless noted otherwise.While the pactmaker is bound to a spirit, she gains the benefits of her chosen augmentations. At 3rd level, a pactmaker selects her pact augmentations from among the following initial augmentations. Dodge: The pactmaker gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC. Fortitude:The pactmaker gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves. Initiative:The pactmaker gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks. Reflex: The pactmaker gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves. Toughness: The pactmaker’s total and maximum number of hit points increase by 1 per pactmaker level she possesses. Will:The pactmaker gains a +2 bonus on Will saving throws. Beginning at 6th level, the pactmaker can also select from the following pact augmentations. Accuracy: The pactmaker gains a +1 bonus on all weapon attack rolls and damage rolls that she makes. A pactmaker can
Table 1-1: Pactmaker Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5
Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12
Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6
Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12
Special Bind spirit, binder secret, constellation aspects, occult knowledge Binder secret Pact augmentation Bind additional spirit (2 spirits) Binder secret Pact augmentation Spirit mastery (1/day) Binder secret Pact augmentation Bind additional spirit (3 spirits) Binder secret Pact augmentation Spirit mastery (2/day) Binder secret Pact augmentation Bind additional spirit (4 Spirits) Binder secret Pact augmentation Spirit mastery (3/day) Binder secret, occult mastery
select this pact augmentation once at 6th level, and again at 12th and 18th level. Fleet: The pactmaker’s speed for all movement types she possesses increases by 5 feet. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation multiple times. Its effects stack. Skills: The pactmaker selects one skill when she chooses this augmentation. Once selected, this skill cannot be changed. The pactmaker gains a +3 bonus on all checks made with the selected skill. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is selected, choose a different skill to apply its benefits to. Beginning at 9th level, the pactmaker can also select from the following pact augmentations. Fortification:The pactmaker gains a 25% chance to negate the additional damage caused by critical hits and sneak attacks. This benefit does not stack with fortification. The pactmaker can select this pact augmentation up to three times. Each time she selects it, her chance to negate the additional damage caused by critical hits and sneak attacks increases by 25%. Invulnerability: The pactmaker gains spell resistance 6 + her pactmaker level. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation twice. The second time she selects it, her spell resistance increases to 13 + her pactmaker level. Resilience: The pactmaker gains DR 1/–. A pactmaker can select this pact augmentation up to five times. Each time
she selects it, her DR increases by 1/–. Bind Additional Spirit (Ex): At 4th level and every 6 levels thereafter, a pactmaker gains the ability to bind one additional spirit to her soul, to a maximum of four spirits at 16th level. Spirit Mastery (Su): At 7th level, a pactmaker can use her occult powers to replenish a spirit’s energy faster than usual, allowing her to use an expended granted ability as if it wasn’t expended. The pactmaker cannot augment this granted ability with an alteration binder secret and after reusing an expended granted ability, the number of rounds it is expended for resets to its full maximum, including modifications such as Rapid Recovery. A pactmaker can use this ability once per day at 7th level, plus one additional time per day for every 6 levels she attains thereafter. Occult Mastery: At 20th level, a pactmaker becomes a master of the occult. Her granted abilities (except any spell-like abilities that she gains from a spirit) are considered extraordinary abilities when determining how they interact with an antimagic field. In addition, the pactmaker suffers no penalties for disobeying the personality influence of a spirit that she made a poor pact with and automatically acquires a spirit’s capstone empowerment when she makes a good pact with it, regardless of her binding check result.
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Constellation Aspects
A pactmaker gains one of the following supernatural aspects of her choice whenever she makes a good pact with a spirit. This aspect is chosen from the list associated with her spirit’s constellation. For instance, a pactmaker who seals a good pact with Aza’zati selects her constellation aspect from those available to a Dragon spirit. When her pact with a spirit ends, the pactmaker loses access to any constellation aspects that the spirit granted as if it were one of the spirit’s minor granted abilities. If a constellation aspect is marked with an asterisk ( * ), it physically alters her body, functioning as an additional physical sign. She can show or hide this physical sign just as she could any other.
Angel Constellation Aspects
»» Bless: While the pactmaker is bound to the angel constellation
spirit, she can cast bless as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Radiant Missile: While she is bound to an angel spirit, the pactmaker can cast magic missile as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. When this spell-like ability damages an evil outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, increase the amount of damage that each missile deals to its target to 1d6+1. In addition, if the target has light sensitivity, light blindness, or vulnerability to light, it takes the penalty from that weakness for 1 round. »» Righteous Cause: The pactmaker can shroud 1 weapon (including an unarmed strike or natural weapon) in a righteous aura as a standard action, causing it to bypass damage reduction as if it were good aligned for 1 round per binder level she possesses. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Sacred Touch: While the pactmaker is bound to the angel constellation spirit, she can stabilize a living creature that has –1 or fewer hit points with a touch. If the target later takes damage, it continues dying normally. In addition, the pactmaker can cast cure light wounds as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. In addition, the maximum number of hit points of damage healed by this spell-like ability is based on the pactmaker’s level, not the limit based on cure light wounds. For example, an 11th-level pactmaker with this aspect may use this spell-like ability to heal 1d8+11 points of damage instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum.
Beast Constellation Aspects
»» Eldritch Attacks: While the pactmaker is bound to the beast
spirit, her natural attacks and unarmed strikes are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. »» Keen Senses: While the pactmaker is bound to the beast spirit, she can cast keen sensesAPG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Natural Attacks*: Choose bite or claws. While the pactmaker is bound to the beast spirit, she gains the selected natural attack
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if she didn’t have it already; this bite attack deals 1d6 points of damage (or 1d4 points if she is Small) while the claw attacks deal 1d4 damage (or 1d3 points if she is Small). If the pactmaker already possesses the selected natural weapon or she gains it from another class feature, feat, spell, or ability, she gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with her selected natural weapon instead. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every four pactmaker levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. »» Speak with Animals: While the pactmaker is bound to the beast spirit, she can cast speak with animals as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Dark Beyond Constellation Aspects
»» Dark Vessel: As an immediate action, the pactmaker can grant the
next attack or spell that targets her a 20% miss chance. This ability doesn’t affect attacks or spells that target multiple creature and lasts 1 round per four pactmaker levels she possesses (minimum 1 round). The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Mind Guard: While the pactmaker is bound to the dark beyond spirit, she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. »» Vanish: While the pactmaker is bound to the dark beyond spirit, she gains the ability to cast vanishAPG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Void Ray: The pactmaker unleashes a ray of focused darkness as a standard action. If she hits with her ray (a ranged touch attack), it deals 1d6 points of cold damage. This attack has a range of 30 feet. Additionally, a creature struck by the ray must succeed on a Fortitude save or become blinded for 1 round. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Dragon Constellation Aspects
»» Draconic Breath: The pactmaker can unleash a breath attack in a
10-foot line that deals 1d6 points of acid, cold, electricity or fire damage or 1d4 sonic damage (her choice). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. The pactmaker must choose which type of energy to use when she gains this constellation and once chosen, it cannot be changed. Increase the damage done by this attack by 1d6 for every two binder levels (maximum 10d6), or by 1d4 for every two binder levels for sonic damage. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Draconic Wings*: While the pactmaker is bound to the dragon spirit, she gains a pair of vestigial wings. These wings are treated as a physical sign and the pactmaker must show this sign in order to receive any benefit from them.The pactmaker takes no damage from falling while benefiting from her draconic wings and she can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot she falls while in midair, at a speed of 60 feet per round. The pactmaker cannot gain height with these wings, she merely coasts
in other directions as she falls. If subjected to a strong wing or an effect that causes her to rise, the pactmaker can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance she can glide. If the pactmaker has a fly speed, this ability instead improves her maneuverability by one step. »» Ferocious: While the pactmaker is bound to the dragon spirit, she gains the benefits of Dazzling Display. She does not need a weapon in hand to use this feat. »» Scaled*:While the pactmaker is bound to the dragon constellation spirit, she gains a +1 natural armor bonus to her AC. This natural armor bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Fiend Constellation Aspects »» Fiendish Horns*: While the pactmaker is
bound to the fiend spirit, she gains a gore attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (or 1d4 points if she is Small). If she already possesses a gore attack, she gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with her gore. When her binder level reaches 5th and every four binder levels thereafter, this insight bonus increases by +1, up to +5 at 17th level. »» Fiendish Resilience*: While the pactmaker is bound to the fiend spirit, her skin becomes warped and tainted by fiendish influence, granting her resistance to acid, cold, or fire (her choice) equal to 1/2 her pactmaker level (minimum 1). This physical blight is treated as a physical sign and the pactmaker must show this sign in order to receive any benefit from it. »» Sow Destruction: While the pactmaker is bound to the fiend spirit, she gains the ability to cast sparkAPG as a spelllike ability at will as well as the ability to cast produce flame as a spelllike ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Unholy Touch: While the pactmaker is bound to the fiend spirit, she can cause a stable creature that has –1 or fewer hit points to resume dying with a touch. In addition, the pactmaker can cast inflict light wounds as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). In addition, the maximum number of hit points of damage is based on the pactmaker’s level, not the limit based on inflict light wounds. For example, an 11th-level pactmaker with this aspect may use this spell-like ability to deal 1d8+11 points of damage instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum.
Hero Constellation Aspects
»» Moment of Triumph: While the pactmaker is bound to the hero
spirit, she can cast moment of greatnessuc as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Timely Assistance: While the pactmaker is bound to the hero spirit, she can cast timely inspirationAPG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. At 5th level, the pactmaker can use this ability to cast gallant inspirationAPG instead of timely inspiration. »» Vigilance: While the pactmaker is bound to the hero spirit, she gains 1 temporary hit point at the start of her turn if she does not possess any temporary hit points. »» Weapons of the Hero: Select armor or weapons. While the pactmaker is bound to the hero spirit, she gains proficiency with all martial weapons if she chooses weapons, or proficiency with medium armor if she chooses armor. If the pactmaker is already proficient with all martial weapons and she chooses weapons with this aspect, she gains proficiency with an exotic weapon of her choice instead. If the pactmaker is proficient with medium armor and she chooses armor with this aspect, she gains proficiency with heavy armor instead.
Mage Constellation Aspects
»» Automatic Writing: While the pactmaker is bound to the mage spirit, she can create mystic writings and symbols with a touch. This ability functions as arcane mark except the pactmaker can also create written works in any language that she knows. The pactmaker can write documents with this ability at a speed of 25 words per round. »» Discern Arcana:While the pactmaker is bound to the mage spirit, she can cast detect magic and read magic at will as spell-like abilities. »» Elemental Ray: After sealing her pact with the mage spirit, the pactmaker selects acid, cold, electricity, or fire. While she is bound to the mage spirit, the pactmaker can attack one target within 30 feet as a standard action with a ray of the chosen element. On a successful hit, the ray deals 1d6 points of energy damage of the chosen type + 1 point per pactmaker level she possesses. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Magic Apex: While the pactmaker is bound to the mage spirit, she gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
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Noble Constellation Aspects
»» Authoritative: While the pactmaker is bound to the noble spirit, she gains an insight bonus on Diplomacy checks equal to half her pactmaker level. »» Bane: While the pactmaker is bound to the noble spirit, she can cast bane as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Command: While the pactmaker is bound to the noble spirit, she can cast command as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Spurn Blows: As an immediate action, the pactmaker can reduce all damage dealt to her by 1 point until the end of the turn. This ability stacks with damage reduction. When her pactmaker level reaches 4th and every five levels thereafter, the amount of damage prevented by this ability increases by 1, to a maximum of 5 points at 17th level.
Seer Constellation Aspects
»» Canny Prediction: While the pactmaker is bound to the seer
spirit, she may replace the d20 result of any initiative check she makes with an 11. She may not use this ability to replace a natural 1 on an initiative check with this ability. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Foretell: While the pactmaker is bound to the seer spirit, she can cast augury once per day as a spell-like ability. At 5th level, she can cast divination once per day as a spell-like ability instead. »» Future Flashes: As an immediate action, the pactmaker can grant herself a +1 insight bonus to her AC until the end of the turn. When her pactmaker level reaches 4th and every five levels thereafter, the insight bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. »» Know Direction:While the pactmaker is bound to the seer spirit, she always knows which direction is north and gains an insight bonus on Survival checks equal to half her pactmaker level.
Scholar Constellation Aspects
»» Lore Consultant: While the pactmaker is bound to a scholar
spirit, she can reroll any Knowledge check she makes as an immediate action. She must accept the result of this reroll, even if it is worse. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Secret Lore: Select 1 skill. If a skill that the pactmaker has no ranks in is chosen, she can use that skill untrained for the duration of her pact with the scholar spirit. If a skill that the pactmaker has ranks in is chosen, she receives a +3 insight bonus on checks made with the selected skill instead. »» Summon Tome: While the pactmaker is bound is a scholar spirit, she can retrieve any books, scrolls, or written documents on her person as a swift action instead of a full-round action. »» Tongue of the Spirits: Select 1 language (except secret languages). The pactmaker can read and write fluently in this language for the duration of her pact with the scholar spirit.
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Skull Constellation Aspects
»» Chill Touch: While the pactmaker is bound to the skull spirit, she
can cast chill touch as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Disrupt Undead: While the pactmaker is bound to the skull spirit, she can cast disrupt undead as a spell-like ability at will. »» Ghostly Wail: While the pactmaker is bound to the skull spirit, she can cast ghost sound as a spell-like ability at will. In addition, she gains an insight bonus on Intimidate checks equal to half her pactmaker level (minimum 1). »» Putrefy Food and Water: As a standard action, the pactmaker can cause up to 1 cubic pound of food or water per pactmaker level she possesses to immediately spoil with a touch. Magically blessed or prepared food receives a Will saving throw to negate this effect, using its creator (or caster’s) saving throw bonus. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Thief Constellation Aspects
»» Silver Speech: While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit,
she gains an insight bonus on Bluff checks equal to half her pactmaker level (minimum 1) »» Slippery Grace: Select either Escape Artist or Sleight of Hand. While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit, she gains an insight bonus on skill checks made with the selected skill equal to half her pactmaker level (minimum 1). »» Sneak Attack: While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit, her attacks deal an extra +1d6 points of sneak attack damage, as a rogue. The pactmaker can only deal this extra damage against creatures that qualify as the thief spirit’s favored enemy. »» Unwitting Ally:While the pactmaker is bound to the thief spirit, she can cast unwitting allyAPG as a spell-like ability at will.
Tree Constellation Aspects
»» Goodberry: While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, she
can cast goodberry as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). »» Root Stance: While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, she uses her 2 + her pactmaker level as her base attack bonus when determining her CMD against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers. If she has the Defensive Combat Training feat, she gains a +4 bonus to her CMD against these combat maneuvers instead. »» Improvised Staff:While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, when she wields an improvised, wooden weapon such as a chair leg or a broom, she treats the object as a club, a great club, or a quarterstaff instead of an improvised weapon, as appropriate. In addition, she can cast shillelagh as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. »» Thorn Javelin: While the pactmaker is bound to the tree spirit, she can cast thorn javelinACG as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Binder Secrets
At the indicated levels, a pactmaker receives a binder secret, a bit of forgotten lore that allows her to use her occult powers in new and exciting ways. In addition to standard secrets, the following categories of binder secrets exist with unique mechanics governing their use. Alteration: An alteration secret allows a binder to alter the nature of one of her major granted abilities. Applying the benefits of an alteration secret to a major granted ability does not require an action and doing so increases the number of rounds that the major granted ability is expended to 10 rounds, or 8 rounds if the pactmaker possesses the Rapid Recovery feat. A pactmaker may only apply the benefits of one alteration secret to a granted ability at a time. Rituals: A ritual secret allows a binder to perform a special ceremony to produce a desired effect. All rituals involve one or more occult spirits and in order to perform a ritual, the binder must complete the Knowledge Tasks of any spirit to be involved and be able to seal pacts with that spirit. Otherwise, performing a ritual secret is identical to performing a pact ritual, as outlined in Chapter 3, except ritual secrets take 10 minutes to perform and cannot be rushed without the rush ritual binder secret. If you fail your binding check when performing a ritual secret, the ritual fails and you cannot attempt that ritual again for 24 hours.
Allure of the Night
You tantalize your foes with the whispers of occult spirits, driving them mad unless they focus their anger. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can attempt a Diplomacy check against all creatures within 30 feet of her as a standard action (DC equals 10 + half the creature’s Hit Dice + the creature’s Wisdom modifier). If she succeeds, the creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and suffers a 20% spell failure chance when casting spells. These penalties do not apply to attacks or spells that target the pactmaker or that include her in their targeted area. These penalties last for 1 round, plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which the pactmaker exceeds the creature’s Diplomacy DC. For every 4 binder levels beyond 2nd that the pactmaker possesses, the penalty on attack rolls increases by –1 and the spell failure chance increases by 5%. Creatures that fail their Diplomacy checks are aware of these penalties. This ability requires sonic components but is not language-dependent. Whether or not this Diplomacy check is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this binder secret again for 1 day.
Analyze Pact Spirits
You learn about the spirits that a creature is bound to with a touch. Prerequisites: Intuit spirit binder secret or ability to cast detect pact spirits†. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can touch an opponent as a standard action to learn about any spirits that it is
bound to. If she hits the target with a melee touch attack, she determines the number of spirits that it is bound to, the level of those spirits, the names of their granted abilities and how many daily uses (if any) those abilities have remaining, and the constellation that each spirit belongs to as if she had studied the creature for 3 rounds with detect pact spirits†. The pactmaker does not detect pact spirits in any other object or individual within range when using this binder secret.
Bouncing Major Ability (Alteration)
You redirect a failed granted ability to a new target. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability that targets a single creature, she can redirect that major granted ability onto a new target within range after the major granted ability fails to affect its original target, whether it failed to hit the target or the target succeeded on its saving throw. The redirected granted ability behaves in all ways as if its new target were its original target. If the original target was affected by the granted ability in any way (including by a lesser effect on a successful save) then the granted ability cannot be redirected in this manner. A pactmaker may use this alteration secret up to three times per day.
Bountiful Abilities
You can make additional use of a bound spirit’s granted abilities. Benefit: A pactmaker with this talent can use her minor granted abilities more often.Twice per day, she can use a minor granted ability that is normally only usable once per day one additional time. The uses of this binder secret do not have to be used with the same minor granted ability. Alternatively, when the pactmaker uses a minor granted ability that can be used for a number of rounds, minutes, or hours per day, she can spend one use of this talent in order to use the activated minor granted ability for 3 rounds, minutes, or hours without subtracting this time from the maximum number of rounds, minutes, or hours that she can normally use the minor granted ability. Special: A pactmaker can select this binder secret once initially, plus an additional time beginning at 6th level, 12th level, and 18th level. Its effects stack.
Create Pact Poltergeist (Ritual)
You bind a spirit into an inanimate object. Prerequisites: Expel Spirit†, pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: Instead of binding a spirit onto her soul, a pactmaker with this secret can bind it into an inanimate, unattended object as part of a ritual. The inanimate object is transformed into a pact poltergeist, functioning as animate objects except that the spell’s duration is increased to 1 day and the pact poltergeist is intelligent, possessing mental ability scores equal to 10 + the spirit’s level. The pact poltergeist displays its bound spirit’s physical sign, though it can be suppressed if the pactmaker made a good pact with the bound spirit. Likewise,
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the pact poltergeist suffers the bound spirit’s personality influence, even if the pactmaker made a good pact with the bound spirit. If the pactmaker made a poor pact with the spirit that is animating the pact poltergeist, the pactmaker suffers that spirit’s personality influence penalty whenever the pact poltergeist is prevented from acting in accordance with the spirit’s personality influence instead of the pact poltergeist itself. The pact poltergeist is considered the pactmaker’s vestigial companion, functioning as a familiar. The pactmaker possesses a wizard level equal to her pactmaker level when determining her pact poltergeist’s abilities. In addition, the pact poltergeist gains access to all of its bound spirit’s granted abilities (including its capstone empowerment, if it was earned). A pact poltergeist also can manifest a mouth to speak with at will as a standard action, functioning as magic mouth. Moreover, it possesses the ability to see and hear out 120 feet, regardless of its type. A pact poltergeist counts against the total number of spirits that a pactmaker can bind to her soul to at once and she may only have a single pact poltergeist at a time. If the pact poltergeist is destroyed or the spirit is exorcised, the pact ends and the spirit returns from whence it came.
Death Ward
Your bound spirit protects you from death’s door. Prerequisites: Iron Will, Jealous Guardian†, Unyielding Personality†, ability to bind 6th-level spirits. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret is bound to a spirit, she may roll any saving throws that she makes against death effects twice and use the better result. The pactmaker must declare that she is using this ability before rolling her saving throw. A pactmaker cannot use this ability against an effect that does not allow a saving throw.
Disguise Granted Abilities
You are a master of hiding your occult powers from onlookers. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can take 10 on Bluff and Disguise checks made to hide her spirit’s physical sign as well as the use of her granted abilities.
Double Occult Weapon
You can enhance two weapons with your occult weapon ability simultaneously. Prerequisite: Occult weapon binder secret. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret uses occult weapon to improve her weapon, she can choose to enhance two weapons or both ends of a double weapon. Once she chooses which two weapons to apply her occult weapon ability to, it cannot be changed for the duration of the pact. Any enhancement bonus she adds to one of her weapons gets added to both automatically, but weapon special abilities must be accounted for separately. For example, if she can enhance up to the equivalent of a +2 bonus, she could give both of her weapons an additional +1 bonus and apply the keen special weapon ability
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to one of those weapons. Normal: A pactmaker may only select one weapon to benefit from her occult weapon binder secret.
Echoing Major Ability (Alteration)
Your granted abilities leave a spiritual echo behind when they are used, allowing you to activate the granted ability again on your next turn. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 8th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she may delay its expenditure until the end of her next turn, allowing her to use the ability one additional time on her next turn. At the end of the pactmaker’s next turn, the echoed major ability is expended, even if it wasn’t used.
Ectoplasmic Resonance
Your supernatural powers allow you to strike true against incorporeal creatures. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret is adept at striking creatures without a physical body, allowing her to overcome an incorporeal creature’s defenses as a swift action. Until the end of the turn, the pactmaker’s attacks and supernatural abilities deal full damage to an incorporeal target and effects that do not cause damage do not have a reduced chance to effect an incorporeal opponent. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Empower Major Ability (Alteration)
You expend extra supernatural energy to strengthen your spirit’s abilities. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she can increase its variable, numeric effects by 50%. A pactmaker may use this alteration secret up to three times per day.
Exorcise Pact Spirits
You force spirits and other possessing entities out from others with ease. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can break the bonds connecting a spiritual creature to its mortal vessel as a standard action, functioning as dismiss pact spirit†. At 10th level, this binder secret functions as banish pact spirits† instead. A pactmaker can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 5 levels attained thereafter.
Horrid Skean
You enshroud a weapon with occult energy that rends your foes asunder. Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of living darkness binder secret, base attack bonus +10, ability to bind 6th-level spirits. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret adds her level on damage rolls made with any weapon that she has bound a spirit to using the occult weapon binder secret. This damage isn’t multiplied on a critical hit. In addition, when the pactmaker
uses the attack action her weapon’s critical damage multiplier increases by x1 while it is bound with a spirit.
Greater Spiritual Resonance
It is nearly impossible for outside forces to wrestle spirits from your protective grasp. Prerequisites: Improved spiritual resonance binder secret, spiritual resonance binder secret, ability to bind 9thlevel spirits. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret increases the range of her spiritual resonance binder secret to 30 feet. In addition, the insight bonus that her spiritual resonance provides her allies on Will saving throws against dismiss pact spirit† and similar effects increases to +6.
Guardian Spirit
Your bound spirits alert you to the presence of others. Prerequisite: Undying aid binder secret. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret is asleep, her bound spirit alerts her to the presence of any creature that moves within 20 feet, functioning as an alarm spell. Unlike alarm, there is no password to avoid setting this binder secret off, though the pactmaker may designate for certain creatures to not trigger this alarm.
Hateful Major Ability (Alteration)
You can penetrate the defenses of your spirit’s most hated enemies. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she can allow it to ignore all energy resistances and immunities, spell resistance, and damage reduction that affected creatures possess if the creature is a favored enemy of the major granted ability’s spirit.
The touch of the spirit realm has broken your connection to reality, making you immortal. Prerequisite: Maximum spirit level 9th. Benefit: A pactmaker that selects this secret stops aging and can no longer die of old age. She does not take any age penalties because of her age, but she continues to benefit from age bonuses. In addition, the pactmaker is immune to aging effects.
Improved Spiritual Resonance
You are able to keep spirits tightly bound to their vessels with greater skill and effect.
Prerequisites: Spiritual resonance binder secret, ability to bind 6th-level spirits. Benefit: When she selects this secret, the range of the pactmaker’s spiritual resonance binder secret improves to 20 feet and the insight bonus it provides her allies on Will saves against dismiss pact spirit†, banish pact spirits†, and similar effects increases to +4.
Improved Vestigial Protection
Your ability to manifest protective auras from bound spirits becomes more potent. Prerequisites: Amateur Pactmaker† or bind spirit class feature, vestigial protection binder secret, binder level 17th. Benefit: When she selects this secret, the pactmaker’s vestigial protection aura expands to a 20-foot emanation. Ranged attacks made against allies within the aura gain a 20% miss chance.
Incite Animosity
You are able to set your spirit’s wrath upon any opponent. Benefit: While bound to a spirit, a pactmaker with this secret can select one target within 30 feet that she can see as a move action and mark it as an enemy of the Spirit Realm. For 1 minute, all spirits that the pactmaker is bound to treat the marked target as though it were a favored enemy. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) and she can mark only a single creature at once with this ability; marking a second creature with incite animosity causes its effects to end for the first creature.
Inquiry (Ritual)
You are able to use pact magic to interview occult entities for information. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can perform a ritual in order to gain insight and knowledge from occult creatures. Unlike most rituals, she only needs to know a spirit’s name and have completed its seal Knowledge Task in order to use this ritual. Instead of the spirit’s usual ritual, the pactmaker draws a salt circle around herself for protection and calls out to the spirit while systematically lighting a set of five candles. After the fifth candle has been lit, the spirit’s presence becomes palpable around her. While the spirit is manifested (up to 10 minutes), the pactmaker can ask one question to the spirit, functioning as divination. Use the pactmaker’s level as her caster level when determining
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the chance for a correct divination. Alternatively, the pactmaker can ask the spirit questions about its former life or existence, which grants her a permanent +5 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks made to complete the spirit’s Knowledge Tasks. An inquiry ritual must be performed in complete darkness (except for the candlelight used in the ritual’s ceremony) between midnight and dusk. Performing the ritual at any other time causes it to fail.You may only perform one inquiry ritual per night.
Intuit Spirit
You can sense occult auras. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret gains the ability to cast detect pact spirits† at will as a spell-like ability.
Merciful Spirit
You are able to lessen the force of your abilities, allowing them to deal nonlethal damage. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can modify any granted ability that deals hit point damage to deal nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. Granted abilities that inflict damage of a particular type (such as fire) inflict nonlethal damage of that same type. If she uses this binder secret to modify a granted ability to deal nonlethal damage to a creature that qualifies as the favored enemy of the spirit that granted the ability to her, the pactmaker risks suffering the spirit’s personality influence if she made a poor pact with it.
Mutable Bonus (Ritual)
You can adjust the insight that a spirit bestows upon you with its supernatural powers. Benefit: While a pactmaker with this secret is bound to a spirit who possesses a minor granted ability that grants her an insight bonus on one or more types of skill checks, she can perform a ritual that allows her to reassign that minor granted ability’s bonus. After performing the ritual, the pactmaker may apply the bonus to a different skill that uses the same key ability score. Additionally, the selected skill can be used untrained for the duration of her pact with the spirit. For example, if the pactmaker’s spirit has a minor granted ability that grants her an insight bonus on Escape Artist and Spellcraft checks, she can select either skill’s key ability modifier (Dexterity or Intelligence) and apply the minor granted ability’s bonus to a different Dexterity- or Intelligence-based skill. This ritual replaces all of the minor granted ability’s usual bonuses. The pactmaker may only reassign one bonus per minor granted ability, even if the granted ability normally benefits more than one skill. Once a minor granted ability has been altered by this ritual, it cannot be changed again until after the pact ends and the spirit departs from the pactmaker’s soul.
Pact Effigy
You use your knowledge of occult lore and magic to create wondrous objects of power. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th.
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Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret treats her binder level as her caster level for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of item creation feats.
Occult Communion (Ritual)
Rather than summon a spirit into a seal, you project your mind to the spirit realm in order to interview a spirit in its own element. Prerequisites: Inquiry binder secret, pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret uses the inquiry binder secret, the ritual functions as contact other plane rather than divination. For the purpose of this ritual, the spirit realm is an outer plane and a spirit of 3rd level or lower is a lesser deity, a spirit of 4th level through 6th level is an intermediate deity, and a spirit of 7th level or above is a greater deity.
Occult Secret
You have unlocked the secret of a new pact feat. Benefit: You gain a bonus pact feat. You must meet this feat’s prerequisites, if any. Special: A pactmaker can select this binder secret once initially, plus one additional time at 6th level, 12th level, and 18th level.
Occult Weapon
You bind a spirit onto one of your weapons, transforming it into a conduit of occult power. Benefit: After sealing a pact with a spirit, a pactmaker with this secret can choose to trade one of a spirit’s granted abilities for the benefits of this binder secret instead of the vestigial bond normally available to that spirit. This granted ability is the same one(s) that the chosen spirit trades for its vestigial bond ability. The benefits of occult weapon are considered that spirit’s vestigial bond ability for all purposes, and the pactmaker cannot gain the benefits of another vestigial bond ability while benefiting from this binder secret. As a swift action, the pactmaker grants one weapon that she is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. She can select a natural weapon or her unarmed strikes with this ability. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. This bonus is added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: conductiveAPG, corrosiveAPG, corrosive burstAPG, dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, ghost touch, icy burst, keen, returning, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the
spirit is bound to the weapon and cannot be changed until the next time the pactmaker uses this binder secret. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the pactmaker. Once the pactmaker has chosen how to allocate this bonus, it lasts for the duration of her pact with the spirit and cannot be changed. A pactmaker can only enhance one weapon in this way at a time, and she cannot enhance multiple weapons simultaneously.
Revelation of Brilliance
Occultinogen (Ritual)
Rush Ritual
You are able to brew a concoction that allows you to seal occult power within a drinkable agent. Prerequisite: Cognatogen class feature or mutagen class feature. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can perform a 1 hour ritual that creates an occultinogen, a mutagen-like concoction that traps occult potential in drinkable form. Upon imbibing the occultinogen, the pactmaker becomes bound in a poor pact to the spirit involved in the ritual for 1 hour. A spirit bound to a pactmaker via an occultinogen counts against the total number of spirits that she can seal pacts with; if the spirit granted by the occultinogen would cause the pactmaker to exceed her maximum number of spirits, then the granted abilities of the highest-level spirit that she is bound to become suppressed until the effects of the occultinogen end. The pactmaker may possess both a Reserved Spirit and a spirit that has been suppressed by this ability simultaneously. A pactmaker cannot expel, suppress, or otherwise dismiss a spirit that she has gained from an occultinogen. All limitations of mutagens apply to occultinogens as if they were the same substance–a pactmaker may only maintain one cognatogen, mutagen, or occultinogen at a time, an occultinogen that is not in a pactmaker’s possession becomes inert, drinking an occultinogen makes a character without this binder secret sick, and so on. When the effect of the occultinogen ends, the pactmaker takes 2 points of Charisma damage. The infuse mutagen discovery and the persistent mutagen discovery apply to occultinogens.
Quicken Major Ability (Alteration)
You expend extra supernatural energy to use your spirit’s abilities faster. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: When a pactmaker with this secret activates a major granted ability, she can activate it as a swift action instead of its normal activation time. A pactmaker may use this alteration secret up to three times per day.
Remove Malady
You use your supernatural talents to dispel pact maladies. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 8th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this gains the ability to cast remove malady† as spell-like ability once per day, plus one additional use at 11th level and every three levels thereafter.
Knowledge bequeathed to you by occult spirits augments your book learning. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret adds her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Knowledge skill checks that she makes. If the pactmaker has the occult scholar archetype, she gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks that she makes and she can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained instead. You are able to perform binder rituals more quickly than most. Prerequisite: Any ritual binder secret. Benefit: A pactmaker with this binder secret can rush a ritual binder secret, reducing the amount of time that it takes to perform the binder secret’s ritual by up to 9 minutes. The pactmaker take a cumulative –2 penalty on binding checks made with the spirit per minute that she rushes the ritual. For example, performing a ritual binder secret in 1 minute incurs a –18 penalty on your binding checks. Normal: Performing a ritual binder secret takes 10 minutes.
Seal of Living Darkness
You can terrify foes with a soul-wrenching shriek, channeled through your weapon. Prerequisite: Occult weapon binder secret. Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this secret may make demoralize attempts as a move action. When she successfully demoralizes an opponent while wielding this weapon, increase the number of rounds that her target is shaken for by 1 for every 4 binder levels she possesses.
Scribe Binding Tattoo (Ritual)
You have learned the secret of scribing a spirit’s seal onto your body as a tattoo in order to perform its ritual faster. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 5th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can perform a ritual that allows her to scribe a spirit’s seal onto her body in the form of a binding tattoo. Unlike most rituals, a binding tattoo ritual takes 10 hours rather than 10 minutes. In order to create a binding tattoo, the pactmaker must complete all four of the spirit’s Knowledge Tasks. This tattoo is the size of the pactmaker’s fist and can be placed anywhere upon her body. After the ritual is complete, the pactmaker may use the tattoo instead of drawing the spirit’s seal, allowing a pactmaker to skip this step when performing the spirit’s ritual. A pactmaker may possess one binding tattoo scribed upon her body at a time, plus one additional binding tattoo for every 4 pactmaker levels she possesses (maximum 5). Creating a binding tattoo requires alchemical components worth 100 gp x the spirit’s level. Removing a binding tattoo is tricky work that requires four 8-hour rituals and alchemical components worth 50 gp. These four rituals do not need to be performed
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consecutively, but the pactmaker stops benefiting from the tattoo after the first ritual has been completed. Special: A binder with the rush ritual binder secret can reduce the amount of time that it takes to create a binding tattoo by up to 9 hours, taking a cumulative –2 penalty on binding checks made with the spirit per hour that the ritual is rushed.
Shade Step
You can step through the spirit realm, allowing you to move short distances without allowing your opponents the ability to react. Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of living darkness binder secret. Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this binder secret may move up to 10 feet as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity. For every 4 binder levels she possesses, increase the distance that the pactmaker can move using this ability by 5 feet, to a maximum of 30 feet at 20th level. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
pactmaker is not bound to a spirit herself or dead, but it continues to function while she is unconscious.
Thanks to your spirit’s presence, you are able to completely thwart effects that would harm your physical and mental health. Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 11th. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret can use mental and physical resilience to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. This ability can only be used while the pactmaker is bound to a spirit. A helpless pactmaker does not gain the benefit of this binder secret.
Steal Pact Spirits
You are able to steal the granted powers of a spirit that you have successfully identified. Prerequisites: Analyze pact spirit binder secret or ability to cast detect pact spirits†. Benefit: A pactmaker with this binder secret can attempt to steal a granted ability from an opponent that is unable to Shroud of Shadows defend itself. As a standard action, the pactmaker can make You draw shadows into your occult weapon and use them to cloak a melee touch attack against an opponent that is flat-footed, yourself from enemy attacks. denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, or that she is flanking. She Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of livmay only make this melee attack if she has identified one or ing darkness binder secret. more of the spirits that the target is bound to. If she hits, the Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the pactmaker’s with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this level + the pactmaker’s Charisma modifier) or have one of its binder secret may surround herself in shadow as a move granted abilities of the pactmaker’s choice become expended action, granting her concealment (20% miss chance) from all for 1 minute.While the granted ability is expended in this manmelee attacks until the start of her next turn. The pactmaker ner, the pactmaker gains access to that granted ability for 1 cannot use this concealment to make Stealth checks and it minute or until the creature dies or its pact with the granted provides no benefit against ranged attacks. ability’s associated spirit ends. When using a stolen granted ability, the pactmaker uses Spirit Imp the lower between her binder level and the creature’s binder Your foray into pact magic has helped you learn how to befriend a level to determine the ability’s effects. If the stolen granted spirit imp companion. ability has uses per day or a similar restriction, any uses of this Prerequisite: Pactmaker level 1st. ability that the target had already used count against the total Benefit: You gain a spirit imp as a familiar (see page 364 number of uses that the pactmaker has access to and vice versa. for spirit imp details), using your pactmaker level as your The pactmaker uses her Charisma modifier in place of the tareffective wizard level.This familiar follows the rules for famil- get’s when determining all effects of the stolen granted ability iars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature. except its uses per day. If a pactmaker uses this ability to steal a major granted ability that is expended, it remains expended until the appropriate number of rounds have passed. Spiritual Resonance You are able to harmonize your allies’ spirits with that of your own, A pactmaker may not steal a granted ability from a spirit whose level exceeds her maximum spirit level. She may only binding you to one another. possess one stolen granted ability at a time, though she may Prerequisite: Ability to bind 3rd-level spirits. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret emits an aura that dismiss a stolen granted ability as a free action, returning it to protects allied spirits from being expelled from their hosts. its proper binder. Allies within 10 feet of the pactmaker gain a +2 insight bonus on Will saves made against dismiss pact spirit†, banish pact spir- Sustenance its†, or any other effect that attempts to unwillingly expel a Your body is nourished by occult energies. spirit from their soul. This ability does not function while the Benefit: While bound to a spirit, a pactmaker with this
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secret does not need to eat or drink. At 10th level, the pactmaker also does not need to breathe while bound to a spirit, making her immune to inhaled poisons and effects, including suffocation.
Tendrils of Darkness
You can draw shadows into your occult weapon and use them to latch on to your enemies, restricting their movement. Prerequisites: Occult weapon binder secret, seal of living darkness binder secret, shroud of shadows binder secret, maximum spirit level 4th. Benefit: While wielding a weapon that she has selected with the occult weapon binder secret, a pactmaker with this secret can make a CMB check against one creature within 30 feet as a standard action. If she succeeds, she creates a tendril of shadow that pins the target in place for 1 round, plus 1 additional round for every 5 by which the pactmaker beats her target’s CMD. While its shadow is pinned, the target’s speed for all of its movement types is reduced to 5 feet and it cannot take 5-foot steps. A creature can attempt to escape this effect as a standard action by succeeding on an opposed CMB check or an Escape Artist check against the pactmaker’s CMD + her Charisma modifier.
You are more flexible than others in your trade. Prerequisite: Tunneled lore class feature. Benefit: A pactmaker with this secret select 1 constellation that she has barred and unbar it; the pactmaker may perform pact rituals with spirits from the unbarred constellation, though her binder level is reduced by half when making binding checks with such spirits. Constellations unbarred by this binder secret are not considered to have been selected by the tunneled lore class feature and gain none of the benefits for having been selected as such. For example, a bard with the soul muse archetype does not gain the ability to use the soul musing class feature with a constellation that she has unbarred with this binder secret. Special: If the pactmaker later multiclasses into a class with the tunneled lore class feature, that class’s tunneled lore class feature does not bar any constellations that she has selected using this binder secret.
Undying Aid
Your bound spirits mend broken bones and heal your wounds. Benefit: While bound to a spirit, a pactmaker with this
secret can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to her binder level as a standard action by expending one major granted ability that she possesses for 5 rounds. The pactmaker can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Undying Salvation
Your bound spirits sacrifice their pacts to spare your life. Prerequisites: Expel Spirits†, undying aid binder secret, ability to bind 6th level spirits. Benefit: While a pactmaker with this secret is bound to a spirit, she can use the undying aid binder secret when she is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by expelling one spirit that she is bound to as an immediate action.The pactmaker can even use this ability if the damage dealt to her would be enough to slay her; if her current hit point total is at a negative amount less than her Constitution score after being healed by undying aid, she comes to life and stabilizes at her new hit point total. If the pactmaker’s hit point total is an amount that is equal to or greater than her Constitution score, she remains dead. If the pactmaker’s life is saved by this binder secret, she gains a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.
Vestigial Protection
You can focus a spirit’s supernatural power into defending you and your allies. Prerequisite: Amateur Pactmaker† or bind spirit class feature. Benefit: After sealing a pact with a spirit, a pactmaker with this secret can choose to trade one of a spirit’s granted abilities for the benefits of this binder secret instead of the vestigial bond normally available to that spirit. This granted ability is the same one(s) that the chosen spirit trades for its vestigial bond ability. The benefits of vestigial protection are considered that spirit’s vestigial bond ability for all purposes, and the pactmaker cannot gain the benefits of another vestigial bond ability while benefiting from this binder secret. As a swift action, the pactmaker can use this ability to project her bound spirit as a protective aura, granting all allies within 10 feet a +2 deflection bonus to their AC and a +2 dodge bonus on Reflex saving throws. At 12th level and every four binder levels thereafter, these bonuses improve by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 20th level. A pactmaker can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her binder level. These minutes don’t need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
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Favored Class Options
The rules below allow members of races from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide to take alternate rewards when they gain a level in the pactmaker class, provided they have chosen pactmaker as their favored class. Racial favored class options were introduced in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. Each of these rewards replaces the normal reward for having a level in a favored class (gaining 1 extra hit point or 1 extra skill rank). Unlike those general rewards, the options presented here speak directly to the themes of the pactmaker class and the general tendencies of each race. Whenever you gain a level, you can choose which favored class option you take. Unless noted otherwise, these benefits always stack with themselves. Many of these alternate class rewards add only 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, or 1/6 to a class ability (such as adding to the pactmaker’s battery pool). When applying such a benefit to a die roll or class ability, always round down (minimum 0).You may need to select an option multiple times before the benefit applies. Some options may have a fixed numerical limit, after which selecting the option provides no benefit. In these cases, you can always select from among the standard rewards when taking a level in the favored class. The pactmaker cannot gain a bonus that improves a pactmaker class feature or racial trait unless he possesses that class feature or racial trait. Aasimar: The pactmaker adds +1/4 to the saving throw DC of granted abilities that she receives from angel spirits. Catfolk: While bound to a beast spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1 foot enhancement bonus to her speed. This bonus provides a pactmaker with no benefits until it has been selected five times. Changeling: While bound to a beast spirit, the pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new monstrous aspect whenever she seals a good pact with a spirit. She gains this monstrous aspect even if she does not possess the monstrous aspects class feature, and this ability counts as having the monstrous aspects class feature for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites. Dhampir: While bound to a skull spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/4 enhancement bonus to the bonuses provided by her undead resistance racial trait. Duergar: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with any spell-like abilities she possesses. Drow: While bound to a spirit, add +1/4 to the DC of any poisons that the pactmaker applies to her weapons. Dwarf: The pactmaker gains a +1/2 bonus on binding checks made with spirits whose favored enemies include monsters with the elf, giant, goblin, or orc subtype or monsters of the dragon type. Elf: Select 1 spirit. The pactmaker reduces the number of rounds that the spirit’s major granted ability is expended for by 1/6. This ability stacks with other, similar effects (such as the Rapid Recovery feat†). The number of rounds that a spirit’s
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major granted ability is expended for after use cannot be reduced to fewer than 1 round. Fetchling: While bound to a dark beyond spirit, the pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new dark beyond constellation aspect whenever she seals a good pact with a spirit, even if she does not possess the constellation aspects class feature. Gathlain: Select 1 tree spirit.While bound to the selected spirit, the pactmaker adds +1/4 to the number of times per day that she can use her racial spell-like abilities and calculates the save DC of those spell-like abilities (if any) as if they were a minor granted ability of the selected spirit. Gillman: The pactmaker reduces the amount that she must beat a spirit’s binding DC by in order to earn its capstone empowerment by 1/6. This benefit stacks with Capstone Binder. Goblin: The pactmaker gains a +1/3 bonus on binding checks made to seal a good pact with a spirit who includes dogs or horses as its favored enemies. Gnome: The pactmaker adds +1/4 to the saving throw DC of granted abilities that the occult receives from tree spirits. Grippli: Select 1 spirit that provides a totem bonus for having its seal drawn in a specific location. The pactmaker fulfills the location requirement of the selected spirit’s totem bonus if she draws the spirit’s seal within a swamp. Half-Elf: Select 1 spirit. Add a +1/2 bonus on binding checks with the selected spirit (maximum +5). The pactmaker cannot select a spirit with this bonus if she qualifies as the spirit’s favored enemy. Half-Orc: Add +1/2 to the hit point damage the pactmaker deals with her granted abilities. Halflings: While bound to a spirit, increase the bonus that the pactmaker receives from her halfling luck racial trait by +1/6 or increase the number of times per day that the pactmaker can use her adaptable luck racial traitarg by 1/4. Hobgoblin: Select 1 combat maneuver. While bound to a hero spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/4 insight to her CMB when performing the selected combat maneuver (maximum +2). Human: The pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new binder secret. Ifrit: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial fire resistance by +1/2. Kitsune: Add +1/2 to the number of times per day, rounds per day, minutes per day, or hours per day that the pactmaker may use her minor granted abilities that are polymorph effects. Kobold: Add a +1/3 enhancement bonus to any armor or natural armor bonus to AC that the pactmaker receives from a granted ability. Orc: Select 1 spirit that includes orcs as a favored ally or that provides a totem bonus to an orc binder. The pactmaker adds a +1/2 insight bonus on damage rolls made with the selected spirit’s granted abilities. Oread: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial acid resistance by +1/2. Merfolk: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker can
breathe air and increases its swim speed and land speed by +1. This bonus provides a pactmaker with no benefits until it has been selected five times. Nagaji: Add +1/2 to all binding checks that the pactmaker makes with noble spirits. Ratfolk: Select 1 spirit that includes ratfolk or any type of rodent as a favored ally. The pactmaker gains a +1/3 on Will saves against the selected spirit’s influence. Samsaran:While bound to a spirit, increase the number of negative hit points the pactmaker may accrue before dying by 1. Strix: The pactmaker gains a +1/3 bonus on binding checks made to seal a good pact with a spirit who includes humans as its favored enemy. Suli: While bound to a mage or scholar spirit, increase the number of times per day that the pactmaker may use her elemental assault or energy strike racial trait by 1/3. Svirfneblin:While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker gains a +1/2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with any spell-like abilities she possesses. Sylph: While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial electricity resistance by +1/2. Tengu: Select 1 spirit with a totem that requires the ability to speak one or more languages. The pactmaker is treated as
the spirit’s favored ally if this totem is met, even if she normally wouldn’t be. Each time this bonus is selected, choose a different spirit. Tiefling: The pactmaker adds +1/4 to the saving throw DC of granted abilities that the occult receives from fiend spirits. Undine:While bound to a spirit, the pactmaker increases her racial cold resistance by +1/2. Vanara: While bound to a seer spirit, the pactmaker may reroll +1/4 Reflex save each day. This ability must be used before the GM has revealed the saving throw’s result. Vishkanya: Select 1 spirit. While bound to the selected spirit, the vishkanya’s vishkanya venom racial ability calculates its saving throw DC as if it were a spirit’s granted ability. Wayang: The pactmaker gains 1/6 of a new binder secret. She must select seal of darkness or a binder secret that lists seal of darkness as one of its prerequisites with this new binder secret. Wyvaran: While bound to a dragon spirit, the pactmaker increases her maneuverability with any fly speed she possesses by +1/4 step, improving clumsy to poor, poor to average, average to good, or good to perfect, respectively. Wyrwood: The pactmaker adds +1/2 to all damage that she deals to any of her bound spirits’ favored enemies with a granted ability.
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Base Classes Introduced in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide, archetypes allow players to customize the class features of a base class with new and existing options. The archetypes in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls all involve pact magic or some aspect of pact magic, such as inquisitors who use pact magic to protect community members or pactmakers who etch occult symbols and seals onto their bodies. This section is divided into 30 subsections by class, with each subsection including occult options for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game’s 29 base classes, plus the new pactmaker base class introduced in Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls.
Selecting Archetypes
The primary way that archetypes modify base classes is by replacing class features. When a player selects a class for his character, he can choose to adopt an archetype. Each alternate class feature presented in an archetype replaces or alters a specific class feature from the archetype’s base class. Class features that are not specifically replaced function as described in the original version of the class. When an archetype includes multiple alternate class features, a character must take all of them—often blocking her from ever gaining certain standard class features, but replacing them with other options. All other class features of the base class that aren’t mentioned among the alternate class features remain unchanged and are acquired normally when a character reaches the appropriate level, unless otherwise noted. A character with an alternate class feature due to an archetype doesn’t count as having the class feature that was replaced for purposes of meeting any requirements or prerequisites. On the other hand, any alternate class features listed as altering an existing class feature otherwise works as that original class feature, and is considered to be that class feature for purposes of meeting any requirements of prerequisites, even if that feature is renamed to fit a new theme. For example, a class feature that alters the bard’s bardic performance still counts as bardic performance for any prerequisite that requires that ability. A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as the other alternate feature. For example, a warpriest could not be both a champion of fate and a disenchanter, because both archetypes replace the channel energy class feature with something else. If an archetype replaces a class feature that’s part of a series of improvements or additions to the base ability (such as a fighter’s weapon training or a ranger’s favored enemy), the next time the character would gain that ability, it counts
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