Remarkable topic: Coub mp4 download
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Coub mp4 download |
How to convert Coub to MP4 online with ease?

About Coub Downloader
While checking videos at Coub.com you must be thinking, it would be great if i can have this particular song (audio) in my mobile or desktop. I know thats possible but it used to require quite a lot of steps like first downloading somevideo downloader like IDM then after video being downloaded in your device you need to install some audio converter software just to convert it to mp3 format. I know thats quite a long way just to get the audio of the song. you never know when thisvideo get removed or deleted fromCoub.com so you surely love to have this one offline. Well guess what? now you can just download any audio file from any site with the help of this tool. just follow the steps. its never been this easy.
View & Search a video
While searching on the video Coub.com you got some video by which you actually wanted to have mp4 of. just copy the url of that page which contain the media by either copying from url bar. I know its pretty easy you can move to next step, just some keyboard shortcuts. Press (CTRL/Command + L) for selecting url bar & Press (CTRL/Command + C) for copying the url.
Copy the video URL from Coub
You already have the url from Coub.com in you clipboard now. you must be thinking this ain't tough till now, it ain't going to be either just follow me. now you need to either search for the site OFFMP3 in google or just open directly from url bar. You can actually use the shortcuts here too, just move to next step if you know them already. Press (CTRL/Command + L) for focusing on the url bar then type offmp3 and press enter. To be honest you don't have to do much just copy the url and paste it on offmp3. if you already familiar with the steps just give a try. lets move to next step now.
Paste the video URL and Start conversion
This step ain't have much you just have to paste the url in the rectangle box which even says paste the url. While you open offmp3 you already have your focus on the rectangle box if not just click on the rectangle box paste the url via mouse or press (CTRL/Command + P) to paste it there. Now you can see the url in the box just press the convert button next to it. It'll do some processing like checking url and then downloading & converting. Don't worry you don't have to do anything here just let the magic happens behind the screens. It'll probably take just few seconds to do all processing depends on the remote server there you go you have your completed page. which got the download button. just click on that you got your download started it'll take just few more seconds then you have your MP4 in your device. pretty easy right ? well if you want to change tags or cut the mp3 you can move to next step. its totally optional. Who would have thought it could be this easy to download audio from Coub.com
Edit audio tags OR Cut the audio
This last step is totally optional it just to change audio tags like name, album, genre, year, cover art etc. you can even cut / trim audio as per your needs on this step just click on Edit MP3, You'll be redirect to a custom edit page where you have all options / fields to put the remaining tags even will have the option to cut audio from start duration to end. you can check the audio preview too before saving the tags. Everything is pretty easy. just fill the required fields and press save tags, it'll do some processing before you have your tagged audio ready to download. Just to let you know this app will not charge ya anything for audio conversion from Coub.com. it is absolutely free now (forever) This one probably the best online Coub.com mp3 converter you've ever come across.