How to download your xbox minecraft worlds to pe - theme simply
Save the World: Minecraft PE
Introduction: Save the World: Minecraft PE
Given the number of hours my children have played Minecraft. I'm glad they never lost their game data or Minecraft World, where they are working on. Like everyone else, I regularly backup my device using iTunes. And fortunately it has never been necessary to restore a device.
But what to do if something goes wrong? A full restore of an iPad, because something did not go quite right in survival mode, is going a little too far. And now my oldest daughter has her own smartphone, her "Minecraft World" must be ported.
Because of this, it became time to look at the iOS / Android file structure. And to figure out how to backup/restore the Minecraft Worlds separately. With millions of copies of this game sold, I will not be the only one with this problem. And now this is resolved, it's time to share my solution.
Step 1: Backup From Android
Stop the Minecraft app before creating a backup.
Open the "My Files" application and open the >games>com.mojang>minecraftWorlds-folder. Each folder on this location contains one Minecraft World.
The advantage of Android, over iOS, is the possibility to create a backup of a single world. Just copy the wanted world-folder to another location (e.g. SD-card) or zip the folder and upload it to Google Drive. Don't fortget to remove the zipfile after uploading.
Step 2: Backup From IOS
To make a backup of the Minecraft Worlds on an iOS-device, you must use iTunes.
Stop the Minecraft application before creating a backup. Connect your iOS-device, with an USB cable, to the computer. Select the device and open the Apps-viewer. Scroll down to "File Sharing" and select "Minecraft PE". This will show two, so called, documents: "games" and "internal". These are non-browsable directories in iTunes.
Select the "games"-folder and press the "Save to..." button. Now select your backup destination, and wait until all files are copied to this location.
All your Minecraft Worlds are now stored on your computer.
Step 3: Backup Folder
After saving the iOS or Andriod worlds, we have the following folders on the computer:
\Minecraft Backup ...\Games ...\com.moyang ...\minecraftpe ...\minecraftWorlds ...\[World Folder 1] ...\[World Folder 2] ...\snooperWorld folders have names like "8XYDAAHLAAA=" and "9a0DAHVARAA=", but folders from older versions might contain the name of the world.
Inside the [World folder] is a file named "levelname.txt". This file contains the name of the world. Changing this file doesn't alter the name inside the game. Opening the "level.dat" file reveals another levelname entry (hexadecimal):
0050h: B8 56 00 00 00 00 08 09 00 4C 65 76 65 6C 4E 61 ; ,v.......LevelNa 0060H: 6D 65 08 00 4D 79 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 03 13 00 4C ; me..My World...LI dont't recommend changing the LevelName outside the Game. But this file is usefull for identifying the name of a world.
Step 4: Restore to Android
Restoring to Andriod can be done with the "My Files" application. Copy the folder from the backup location to the minecraftWorlds-folder. Or download and extract your backup-zipfile from Google Drive. Don't forget to delete the zipfile after extracting.
Step 5: Restore to IOS
Restoring the minecraft worlds on an iOS device overwrites all existing worlds on the device. And I recommend to make an additional backup, before restoring World data.
Restoring is the opposite of a backup. Use the "Add file..." button and select the games folder on the computer. There will be a message that the folder already exists. Select "Replace" and wait until all files are copied to the device.
There is no need to restore the entire backup. Just remember that the "Games" folder is the main folder. It's possible to delete or even duplicate worlds inside the Games folder before restoring.
\Copy of Minecraft Backup ...\Games <--[Restore Folder] ...\com.moyang ...\minecraftpe ...\minecraftWorlds ...\cx4DAAdUIAA= <--[World Folder 1] ...\dx4DAAdUIAA= <--[Renamed Copy of World Folder 1] ...\5LIDABcmCwA= <--[World Folder 3] ...\5LIDABcmDwA= <--[Renamed Copy of World Folder 3] ...\snooper \Minecraft Backup ...\Games ...\com.moyang ...\minecraftpe ...\minecraftWorlds ...\cx4DAAdUIAA= [World Folder 1] ...\8XYDAAHLAAA= [World Folder 2] ...\5LIDABcmCwA= [World Folder 3] ...\9a0DAHVARAA= [World Folder n] ...\snooperStep 6: Conclusion
Backup and restore using an iOS device is the easyest. But has one disadvantage: iTunes copies all your worlds to a single folder with multiple subfolders. Restoring, from this folder, overwrites all existing worlds on the iOS device. But it's possible to alter or merge backup folders before restoring.
On Android it's possible to backup and restore one folder at a time. The "My Files" app gives direct access to the filesystem. You can keep your backups on the same device (e.g. on the SD-card) or upload them to Google Drive.
And the best of all: Minecraft Worlds are OS independent. It's possible to restore an iOS backup on an Android device (and vice versa).
Finally, to round off, a zipfile with 2 Worlds. And they both contain a Village.
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31 Discussions
you can try MCPE Backup application from Google Play Store
I tried this and the worlds still didn't show up
probably your worlds are in application memory, then is not accessible by another applications
Wait, so you mean, I can't access them to save them? I tried switching to external and also application and it didnt work. What do you suggest?
This is not just about switching between external and application memory, because switch does NOT mean copy worlds between location. Try switch to External, then create at least one world and this should be visible in MCPE Backup
Actually, I had thought that Microsoft would eventually make a solution for this. And I never thought about making an app for this. But because this is my most visited instructable (!), apparently there is a need for this.
I have not yet tested your app, but it looks good in the app store!
My daughter is using Minecraft for Android. We are switching a broken phone to a new phone of the exact same model. I tried saving to external and application and have gone through the steps listed and when I go into the "minecraftWorlds" folder, it is empty, but it still shows all of the worlds on the app of her original phone.
I also tried moving the app to the external SD card before installing it into the new phone and it still did not help. I have to return the broken phone in a few days or else I face paying hundreds of dollars! Please help!
What do I do?
before making the world backup, make sure that you changed the file storage location to external, you can do this by clicking settings>profile>File Storage Location>external, otherwise the worlds won't appear in the minecraftWorlds folder, i hope it helped :D
edit: to use the worlds the same method apply, otherwise the world will won't appear in the world list
edit 2: don't change the File storage Location while in the world, this may corrupt the world, and makes it behave in a strange way (no animations, you can swim in lava, you don't drown, mobs stop moving, blocks don't have breaking animation) and if it don't get corrupted, all your progress after you changed it will be deleted.
and lastly, i had a problem while changing the file storage location, because if you started a world while the file storage location was in application, you can't change it back to external, i tried and my minecraft crashed :( now i can't backup my world
You are an absolute lifesaver!! My son had 52 worlds containing amazing creations by everyone in the family and you made it possible for me to save them and even back them up to my phone!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
It says that i dont have any worlds but i have like 12

Where I can Find files of my worlds if it is not in the minecraft world folder in android?

This was a great instructable! Easy to follow. I did exactly what was said. I copied the worlds from my daughter's old android tablet onto an sd card then put the card in the new android tablet and copied the worlds into My Files > Games > com.mojang > minecraftWorlds and I can see them all there. But when she opens minecraft, she only sees the two new worlds she created on the new tablet. None of the copied worlds show up in the app.
Have I done something wrong??
Many thanks
What if there are no worlds showing in the folder"MinecraftWorlds" ? I got four worlds and suddenly one went missing but theres nothing in the folder.....?!
On what OS/device? And is there an SD card.
I've installed MinecraftPE on an android 8 device. And it looks like the game data isn't stored on the SD card, only in the device's memory:
TA... (internal memory)
VuMFACXAAA= < this is the folder with all files.
Hi! Thanks for a quick reply...
Minecraft PE on Android, Sony Xperia L1, Android version 7.0 - no SD card. There are currently 4 worlds in the game, the fifth (and the most important) has disappeared.
Yesterday I connected the phone to my PC and went to ">games>com.mojang>" none of them called "minecraftWorlds". So I read somewhere on the net I should change the settings in Minecraft PE to "External storage" and create a world in that mode and then log out, log in again, change to "Application" and then the missing world should appear but that didn´t happen. BUT, when I connected the phone to the PC again I could see the "minecraftWorlds" folder with one other folder inside called "TRIAAHW±AAA=", I guess that´s the world I created in "External storage" mode, right?
Like I said earlier, there should be at least 4 worlds somewhere, the question is where and is it possible that the 5th world is also where the other 4 are?
Thanks for your reply!
Can you scan your entire device for files with the name: "levelname.txt". There should be 4 files, one for each world.
This file contains the name of the minecraft world.
Only one file called that and I can´t open it, "Unidentified error"
I know it's been months, but did you ever figure out how to find your world files? I recently got a new phone and have been trying to move my world files, but they don't show up. I can get to ">games>com.mojang>minecraftWorlds" but there was nothing there. I also tried creating a world in External storage, and now that world shows up, but none of my original worlds, which were created in Application Storage. I'm using an Android 8 device.
Ok, I did this and backed up my iPad Pro. 1 world. Next, Minecraft now is crashing at start(the reason I learned how to back it up). So, after reinstalling MCPE the app worked. Once I add the worlds again the app goes back to crashing. Any clue? Is it a mcpe problem?
Bit how do you restore Minecrafr worlds on Android witjout a computer?