Waterdeep dungeon of the mad mage pdf download - something
Commit: Waterdeep dungeon of the mad mage pdf download
1 WATERDEEP: DUNGEON OF THE MAD MAGE Creature and Treasure Lists for Levels 1 through 5 Compiled by Samuel Dillon Courtesy of RPGMusings.com and Iron Neuron Enterprises Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this product designated as Open Game Content is the rules content (creature names, stat blocks, names of magic items, skills, etc., taken from the 5e SRD) as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). The front and back cover, back matter, introduction and Credits page, as well all other parts of this product including all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: RPGMusings.com, the RPGMusings brand, Iron Neuron Enterprises, the Iron Neuron Enterprises Logo. This excludes any content that is Product Identity of Wizards of the Coast. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration). Reference in non Open Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work to content owned by others is not a challenge to their ownership and is used under Fair Use.
2 Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage is an awesome 5e D&D Megadungeon adventure and it is MASSIVE! As I read through the levels of the dungeon and took in all of the information and details about each faction and monster group, it struck me that I need to make a reference guide to each level so that I can get a better understanding of how certain aspects of the dungeon fit together. The first part of that guide is what you are reading. The intent of this booklet is to provide you with quick, easily accessible reference tables to help you run your game at a glance you can find answers to the following questions: 1) Which factions have agents on which levels of the dungeon? 2) On which page of the Monster Manual can I find that creature? 3) Where are the Arch Gates located and where do they take you? 4) What type of creatures are on this level? 5) What sorts of treasures can I expect my players to find if they search this level? 6) How much XP is available on each level? 7) How much treasure is available on each level? 8) Where is the mate to that Boot of Elvenkind the Progue just found on level 4? 9) How many werebats live in the colony on level 5? 10) If I want a level with lots of hobgoblins to use in my homebrew setting, is level 4 good for that? And, well you get the idea. I hope this guide helps you as you plan to run through this adventure or as you try and determine if you want to use these levels as stand alone dungeons in a different setting. This is installment #1, levels 1 5. I will be adding the other levels in the next couple of weeks. And until next time, I wish you good gaming! ~DMSamuel
3Page #s refer to the Monster Manual, unless it has a notation; d refers to the Dungeon of the Mad Mage book, and dmg refers to the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. If there are two entries, the creature has a modification listed in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage but uses the majority of the stats in the MM. Assuming a party of 4 PCs at 5th level entering the dungeon with 6501 XP, each PC would need 7500 XP to reach level 6. There are enough creatures on this level that can be defeated in order to level up from 5th to 6th level. There are a total of 139 creatures to defeat on this level. Note that defeat may not mean "kill" XP can be awarded for trickery and smart avoidance at the DM's discretion.
4 Dungeon of the Mad Mage Level 1 "Dungeon Level" Treasure List Treasure GP Rm Notes Weapons 4 Glowing Longsword, Cursed (cannot drop) Explorer's Pack 10 6 Coins cp, 91sp, 85gp Silver Ring 25 6 Engraved w/dwarven symbols of fertility Coins d6x4 gp (avg 3.5x4=14) Holy Water vial Disguise Kit of them Backpack of them Rations days worth Coins d6x5 gp (avg 3.5.5=17.5) Gem 10 8 Tiger Eye Weapons 9 Scimitar, Light Crossbow Wand of Secrets 11 Withered Heart 14 Cursed, when attuned causes death (info in room 24) Weapons 15 Handaxe Weapons 16 Flail Armor 16 Chain Shirt Flute, Wooden 2 16 Coins cp, 14sp, 21gp Necklace Silver w/bloodstone pendant Driftglobe 17 Crown Copper w/malachite spires Tankard Copper w/hinged lid Weapons 19 Dagger Burglar's Pack Missing lantern and oil Mask Bronze, resembles Halaster's visage (used in room 27) Tools 25 3 pickaxes, 2 shovels Weapons 28 Scimitar, short bow, 9 arrows Weapons 34 Quarterstaff (oak) Armor 34 Hide Armor Spellbook 36 Contains 11 spells Explorer's Pack Missing rations Coins sp, 24gp, 5pp Weapons 36 Greataxe Gem in mummy's eye; banded agate, zircon Circlet of Blasting 39 Coins cp, 350sp Iron Ingots ingots worth 5sp each, wt. = 1 lb each TOTAL GP VALUE GP column is gold piece value listed in Dungeon of the Mad Mage book or taken from the equipment lists in the 5e Player's Handbook. Magic Items and Weapons are valued at 0gp; it is at the DM's discretion how much gold the party can get for these items at time of sale.
6 Dungeon of the Mad Mage Level 2 "Arcane Chambers" Creature List Creature # Ap CR XP Page # Room Faction Boar 1 1/ Halaster's Petrified Collection Snake (Constrictor) 1 1/ Halaster's Petrified Collection Kenku 1 1/ Halaster's Petrified Collection Lizardfolk 1 1/ Halaster's Petrified Collection Mind Flayer Halaster's Petrified Collection Nothic Halaster's Petrified Collection Orc War Chief Halaster's Petrified Collection Badger, Giant 1 1/ Halaster's Petrified Collection Quaggoth Halaster's Petrified Collection Wererat Halaster's Petrified Collection Owlbear TOTAL XP VALUE for 4 PCs = ea # Ap = Number of creatures appearing; CR value is for 1 creature of specified type; XP is total XP for all creatures of that type in that room; Room is room number in Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Page #s refer to the Monster Manual, unless it has a notation; d refers to the Dungeon of the Mad Mage book, and dmg refers to the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. If there are two entries, the creature has a modification listed in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage but uses the majority of the stats in the MM. Assuming a party of 6th level entering the dungeon with XP, each PC would need 9000 XP to reach level 7. There are enough creatures on this level that can be defeated to level up from 6th to 7th level. There are a total of 186 creatures to defeat on this level. Note that defeat may not mean "kill" XP can be awarded for trickery and smart avoidance at the DM's discretion.
7Magic Items and Weapons are valued at 0gp; it is at the DM's discretion how much gold the party can get for these items at time of sale.
9 Level 3 "Sarguath Level" Creature List Creature # Ap CR XP Page # Room Faction Drow Elite Warrior House Auvryndar Grimlock 3 1/ House Auvryndar Quaggoth House Auvryndar Quaggoth Thonot House Auvryndar Troglodytes 12 1/ Hobgoblin 29 1/ Legion of Azrok Hobgoblin Captain Legion of Azrok Bugbear Legion of Azrok Oni Legion of Azrok Goblin 30 1/ Legion of Azrok Goblin Boss Legion of Azrok Intellect Devourer Mind Flayer Xanathar Guild Mage, Human Legion of Azrok Hobgoblin Warlord Legion of Azrok Worg 2 1/ Legion of Azrok Goblin Children Legion of Azrok Zombie 9 1/ Legion of Azrok Goblin 3 1/ Legion of Azrok Hobgoblin 5 1/ Legion of Azrok Shrieker Legion of Azrok TOTAL XP VALUE for 4 PCs = ea # Ap = Number of creatures appearing; CR value is for 1 creature of specified type; XP is total XP for all creatures of that type in that room; Room is room number in Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Page #s refer to the Monster Manual, unless it has a notation; d refers to the Dungeon of the Mad Mage book, and dmg refers to the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. If there are two entries, the creature has a modification listed in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage but uses the majority of the stats in the MM. Assuming a party of 7th level entering the dungeon with XP, each PC would need XP to reach level 8. There are enough creatures on this level that can be defeated to level up from 7th to 8th level. There are a total of 296 creatures to defeat on this level. Note that defeat may not mean "kill" XP can be awarded for trickery and smart avoidance at the DM's discretion.
10Magic Items and Weapons are valued at 0gp; it is at the DM's discretion how much gold the party can get for these items at time of sale.
11Page #s refer to the Monster Manual, unless it has a notation; d refers to the Dungeon of the Mad Mage book, and dmg refers to the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. If there are two entries, the creature has a modification listed in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage but uses the majority of the stats in the MM. Assuming a party of 8th level entering the dungeon with XP, each PC would need XP to reach level 9. While there are enough creatures on this level to level up from 8th to 9th level, the book notes an expectation the party will only get half way to level 9. There are a total of 113 creatures to defeat on this level. Note that defeat may not mean "kill" XP can be awarded for trickery and smart avoidance at the DM's discretion.
12 Dungeon of the Mad Mage Level 4 "Twisted Caverns" Treasure List Treasure GP Rm Notes Crystals fist sized crystals worth 10gp each Gemstones ropers 1d4 (avg 2.Magic Items and Weapons are valued at 0gp; it is at the DM's discretion how much gold the party can get for these items at time of sale.
13 Dungeon of the Mad Mage Level 5 "Wyllowwood" Creature List Creature # Ap CR XP Page # Room Faction Black Bear 1 1/ W Wandering Awakened Tree W Wandering Outcast Werebat d W Wandering Ettercap Will O' Wisp Basilisk Cloaker Awakened Tree Archdruid Wyllow Brown Bear Archdruid Wyllow Elk 2 1/ Archdruid Wyllow Wasp, Giant 3 1/ Archdruid Wyllow Bat, Giant 13 1/ Archdruid Wyllow Awakened Tree Archdruid Wyllow Archdruid, Moon Elf d 6 Archdruid Wyllow Displacer Beast Archdruid Wyllow Toad, Giant Archdruid Wyllow Green Dragon, Young Archdruid Wyllow Mimic Werebat d 12 Werebat Boss (Mobar) Werebat, Modified d 14 Werebat Boss (Mobar) Werebat d 16 Werebat Boss (Mobar) Chimera Boar 2 1/ TOTAL XP VALUE for 4 PCs = ea # Ap = Number of creatures appearing; CR value is for 1 creature of specified type; XP is total XP for all creatures of that type in that room; Room is room number in Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Page #s refer to the Monster Manual, unless it has a notation; d refers to the Dungeon of the Mad Mage book, and dmg refers to the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide. If there are two entries, the creature has a modification listed in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage but uses the majority of the stats in the MM. Assuming a party of 8th level entering the dungeon with XP, each PC would need XP to reach level 9. While there are NOT enough creatures on this level alone to go from 8th to 9th level, the book notes an expectation the party will be half way to level 9 when they enter this level and be able to level up to 10th level upon completion of this level of the dungeon. There are a total of 113 creatures to defeat on this level. Note that defeat may not mean "kill" XP can be awarded for trickery and smart avoidance at the DM's discretion.
14Magic Items and Weapons are valued at 0gp; it is at the DM's discretion how much gold the party can get for these items at time of sale.