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Useless Machines
You can build everything from honey block conveyor belts to magical hidden doors in Minecraft, but no, people prefer to make pointless contraptions instead. As the self-proclaimed leading expert on dreadful devices, I have nothing but respect for that, so let me be your official guide as to why and how these useless machines are built.
It’s just so beautifully pointless!
The first one I came across was created by Vampyre. As you can see in the Reddit video of their ‘Perfectly useless’ machine, it works by having a hidden piston pushed out of a wall to destroy the lever that activates it.
It was inspired by Sethbling’s ‘Useless Lever’ from back in 2013, but Vampyre didn’t want to just recreate it. “I tried to give myself a challenge to create one where the lever was not right next to the wall, as every model before mine used a lever flush with the wall or something coming from the floor or ceiling,” they tell me.
In their build, the hidden piston moves out two block’s distance from the wall before returning to its starting position. It looks simple enough, but it’s far more complex than any mere machine-making mortal might think, as seen in the images below.

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