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Nov. 09th, 2005: PlayStation 2 Release Candidate added
Posted by lavosspawn

The first binary release of the PlayStation 2 Port has now been posted to our forums in this thread. It was not added to the download pages as it still needs some testing. If you've got a PlayStation 2 with a modchip, grab it and tell us about your results.

Nov. 01st, 2005: Freeware BASS updated
Posted by joostp

In light of the 0.8.0 release, which requires the additional SKY.CPT file to run Beneath a Steel Sky, we've updated the archive of the freeware CD version to include this file, and while we were at it, updated the data files to the last-known released version of BASS, which should fix some text issues that appear when playing the game in non-english languages.

You can download it from the downloads page (whenever the SourceForge mirrors pick it up), or download the SKY.CPT file separately here.

Oct. 30th, 2005: ScummVM 0.8.0 released.
Posted by sev

We are pleased to announce a long-awaited ScummVM 0.8.0 release. We, the ScummVM Team, have prepared a big pack of new features for you. Most outstanding amongst these are:

  • New improved launcher and in-game GUI
  • Support for Inherit the Earth and Gobliiins
  • Playstation Portable, Playstation 2 and EPOC/SymbianOS ports
  • CGA and Hercules rendering modes for some games
  • Preliminary support for NES and C64 LucasArts games
  • Much improved support for Humongous Entertainment children games (Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam, Putt-Putt, Spy Fox, Fatty Bear, Backyard Sports and Buzzy)

You may find a more detailed list of changes as well as files to download at our downloads page. We encourage you to update to this latest and best ScummVM version as soon as possible.

Along with this release, we are also pleased to announce the launch of our new forums. Located at the easy to remember address of, the new forums feature individual sub-forums for Ports, and many new functions for both the users and moderators alike.

Please note that the forums will be closed and archived within the next 48 hours. These archives will be available from the bottom of the forums' Main Index page.

Oct. 11th, 2005: A great call of testers.
Posted by sev

Hello, fellow users. Now it's time to help the ScummVM team bring out a new release of err... ScummVM. Ta-da!

We have a large amount of changes, new features and bugfixes. Almost every aspect of the program was touched, tuned, altered. So we once again need to ask for testers of every game we support.

We'd like to mention two completely new titles we support now. They are Inherit the Earth and Gobliiins (first one in the series). Please, pay attention to those too.

Instructions on how to do the testing are located at our Wiki page. Please, stick to those and report on our mailing list, on #scummvm or in our forums.

Sep. 09th, 2005: Screenshots are not needed anymore.
Posted by sev

The last bastion of the screenshots camp has fallen. We have just received Zak v1 shots and that means that all is done. Thanks a lot to you, our fellow users, who took part in this saga. There are too many of you to mention, but you know who you are.

We also need to test another couple of newly supported games. These are Maniac Mansion NES version and Zak McKracken Commodore 64. See sections 3.8 and 3.9 in our README on how to run these. We need to know whether these games are completable or not.

Aug. 30th, 2005: Screenshots needed.
Posted by sev

If you like screenshots as much as we do, you can play an integral role in demonstrating the capabilities of ScummVM with merely single still-frame image.

Basically, we need you to submit screenshots for our screenshots gallery. We have an explanation of the proper way to do so here in our wiki.

So, if you've got a few minutes, an interesting save in the middle of a game, and you want to help, please feel free to take and submit a screenshot of it. As the wiki states, ScummVM should be in HQ2x mode with aspect ratio correction ON.

Aug. 4th, 2005: Time is only a word. A pretty short one.
Posted by ender

Due to a local space/time vortex which will in the future be located near Earth, the meaning of 'regularly' may be in flux. Stay tuned for further updates.

And now, to current news:

We're happy to report that Ron Gilbert, co-creator of Maniac Mansion and SCUMM, made a nice reference to ScummVM on his website (Grumpy Gamer. Or so we hear from Slashdot, which seems to have brought his site to its knees :)

Please note, however, that the Nintendo DS port mentioned is not yet an official or supported port. So please don't contact us about it, because we can't help :)

The contents of Rons latest post has been quoted in this blogspot post. For the record, we've given Ron the nod in our readme.txt since Wed Apr 17 17:31:05 2002 (UTC).

We're also calling for testers to report problems with 'Inherit the Earth' (details and purchase information behind the link!). Please use the bug tracker, and set the correct game under Group. Please only test with the latest CVS version. Thanks!

May. 11th, 2005: News, lots and lots of them...
Posted by fingolfin

On the downside, we really need to post news more regularly. On the upside, we have accumulated a lot to tell you about:

New Ports
  • Ports are important for us -- that much we have in common with the good ol' pirates from Monkey Island. Of course in our case it's not the wet kind (with ships and stuff), but rather ports of ScummVM to different architectures. On that front, we have some pretty nice things coming up for the next ScummVM release, including an official PlayStation 2 port, as well as the AmigaOS port now being official, too. And with some luck maybe even the often requested EPOC/Symbian port will finally be a regular part of ScummVM (take a look at the relevant patch tracker item if you are curious).
New games
  • We added a new game engine, this time for Coktel's Gobliiins series. So far, Gobliiins 1 is completable. Work on the other parts (Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, and "The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble") has not yet begun, but at least Gobliins 2 seems to be similar to part 1, so we hope to have that in the foreseeable future, too. Regarding the other parts, we'll see...
  • Thanks to the hard work of some dedicated people we also finally support the (in)famous NES version of Maniac Mansion. Wow, that should be about the last LucasArts SCUMM game we were not supporting ... ;-)
  • Support for Humongous Entertainment's kids games is progressing well, the following titles can be completed with the current development version of ScummVM:
    • Freddi Fish 1 - 4
    • Pajama Sam 1 & 2
    • Putt-Putt (several titles)
    • Spy Fox 1 & 2
    • Several arcade titles
New thumbs
  • No, I didn't undergo plastic surgery (although another pair of thumbs sounds tempting...). Rather, we added support for thumbnails in SCUMM savegames. Pretty cool stuff, click here for a screenshot.

Not too shabby, we think. And we actually have more really cool stuff in the works, stay tuned.

Apr. 1st, 2005: Don't wake the dragon!
Posted by ender

Apart from previous hints, more information is now available about the ScummVM project Dragon.

Please note that Dragon is still very much an unreleased Work In Progress, but things have just started working and we're expecting to announce more about this project over the coming week.

Mar. 30th, 2005: Something new this way comes...
Posted by ender

Although it will not be part of the official ScummVM program, some of our team members have been working on a little easter surprise for you all. Unfortunately, we're running a bit late.

Expect something very sweet (especially for Linux and Mac people) soon...

Mar. 28th, 2005: ScummVM 0.7.1 released
Posted by fingolfin

We are pleased to announce the release of ScummVM 0.7.1. This update concentrates on fixing bugs from 0.7.0, especially in the Windows Mobile port (PocketPC / Smartphone). For more information check out the release notes.

As usual, you can download it from our downloads page.

On an unrelated side note, we received even more boot params from you, our dear users, in the past two weeks. Many thanks to those who contributed!

Mar. 13th, 2005: Fate of the boot params
Posted by fingolfin

We now have an extensive list of boot params for Fate of Atlantis on our boot params page. Many thanks to Laura Abbott who spent a lot of time to compose this list and then generously donated it to us. I am sure this will help us working on FOA issues in the future.

In other news, Robert Kelsen has volunteered to work as a SlackWare packager, and has started by providing a SlackWare binary of 0.7.0. Way to go, Rob!

So, apparently, some people actually read our news section... I am astonished ;-). Thanks to all of you out there who contribute to ScummVM by providing us with useful feedback, and the occasional praise -- both really help keeping up interest in working on ScummVM!

Mar. 9th, 2005: Boot params, anybody got some boot params?
Posted by fingolfin

I guess it's time for the usual, regular, monthly sign of life, "Yes, we are alive. No, we still won't merge with FreeSCI. Yes, you can donate your Ferrari to me, I might reconsider then."
As usual, lots of small and big things happened, we might post some info in the not too distant future. In the meantime, I'd like to set a spotlight on a small but nifty detail, maybe it'll be of interest/use to some of you...:

Some time ago, we added a list of boot params to our documentation section. Maybe you have already noticed it, if not, check it out.

In case you don't know what a boot param is (shame on you!), I actually tried to explain it on that page, so, have a look anyway ;-). If you think the explanation is not clear enough, drop me a line and tell me how to improve it.

And if you really want to feel cool, you can even contribute a bit here and help us out by filling in some of the gaps in our boot param tables. Once again, see the boot param page for more information.

Jan. 1st, 2005: Additional 0.7.0 binaries, and some big numbers
Posted by fingolfin

First off: once more a Happy New Year to all of you out there!

We just wanted to let you know that since the release of ScummVM 0.7.0 a week ago, a few more binaries have arrived at your download page. We now offer binaries for the following systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux: Fedora Core
  • Solaris 8
  • PalmOS
  • PocketPC (WinCE)
  • Dreamcast
  • BeOS

... and hopefully the Debian package will be ready soon.

That's already quite nice, but more never hurts. For example, it would be nice to have packages for Mandrake, Slackware, Solaris x86, or your favorite toaster. So if you are interested in joining us as a packager, please contact us.

And now for something completely different: Taking a look at our project statistics page, you might notice that we have now more than 10,000,000 page views (accumulated over the total life time of ScummVM as a project), and have served more than 1.1 million downloads since our conception. Not too shabby, we think :-)

Dec. 24th, 2004: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and a Happy New ScummVM 0.7.0!
Posted by fingolfin

We are proud to announce the release of ScummVM 0.7.0, right in time for Christmas Eve!

While not quite as ground breaking as some of our previous major releases, this version sports some notable improvements and additions, amongst them:

  • Added preliminary support for 26 Humongous Entertainment titles
  • Added support for FLAC (lossless) encoded audio files
  • Added native support for Macintosh versions of some SCUMM games -- this means the 'rescumm' tool is now mostly obsolete, and you can now play those games directly from the original CD
  • Added smooth horizontal scrolling for The Dig, Full Throttle and COMI (matching the original engine)
  • Added support for compressed speech and music in Broken Sword 1 and 2
  • And as usual, we fixed lots and lots of bugs

A link to the release notes and a more detailed list of changes can be found over on the downloads page, along with the download links. Updating to this latest and greatest version is strongly recommended to all our users.

Dec. 23rd, 2004: Website contest poll closed: We have a winner!
Posted by fingolfin

It's been almost two months since we started our website design contest, and I know some of you have been eagerly awaiting the outcome. Since the team couldn't quite decide on who should be winner, we let you, our dear users, have a word in the outcome of this epic battle. And finally, we are happy to let it be known that after about 1400 votes we do have a clear winner! And it is... draven, with a strong majority of 55% of all votes! Congratulations, draven!

So what now? We'll be settling the issue of the prize(s) for the winning entry in the next few days, and start working on implementing the new design. We consider doing some further tweaks to it (like, some people suggested to actually use the logo of jeanm's submission; and we have some other ideas up our sleeves). This may take some time, partially because it's a holiday time for a lot of us. So I am afraid you'll have to be a bit more patient.

Good things need time :-).

Dec. 17th, 2004: Website Poll is open again
Posted by sev

We are pleased to reopen our website poll. We found a free poll service, but unfortunately it is ad-driven. Please bear with this.

P.S.: If you have already given your vote with the old poll, you will have to re-vote using the new poll.

Dec. 6th, 2004: Website Poll temporarily closed
Posted by ender

Since so many people decided to screw the results of the poll, it is temporarily closed while we make a more cheat-proof script. We'll let you know when voting is back online.

Dec. 5th, 2004: Website Revamp contest status update; 0.7.0 release plans; user manual
Posted by fingolfin

Yo folks,

you are probably all wondering . Well, good question :-)

First off, let me tell you that some of the submitted designs are really awesome, and I would hereby like to thank all the people who submitted their work. Sorry for letting you wait so long on the outcome.

Now, to determine the winner, we conducted an internal poll with the team. This took some time until all team members were able to submit their filled out forms. That process didn't produce a clear winner, though. So then, some of us wanted to conduct a poll amongst you, dear users, to pick the winner out of the three finalists. For various reasons, that just didn't happen... until now!

Go to our poll page to see the finalists, and to be able to poll on them! We'll let this polling go for about 14 days, at which point we'll finally decide on the winner.

On another matter, we have now started work on the next major release of ScummVM. 0.7.0 is (rather aggressively) scheduled for Christmas 2004! We hope to be able to deliver a nice christmas present to you this way. But for this to work out, we need your help: We need people who actively test the latest CVS so that we can iron out and fix all remaining issues with it, to ensure a high quality release.

If you want to help, check out the release status page for a list of games which need testing.

That's it for today, hopefully the next time around we can announce something more substantial (like a new release or a new website). Until then: happy play testing to all of you!

P.S.: Maybe you also have been wondering As a matter of fact, we are now working towards this goal. There is basically a single major piece missing for that: a good user manual. If you are a skilled manual writer, have some spare time, and want to help, drop us a mail on the scummvm-devel mailing list.

Oct. 28th, 2004: Updated FAQ
Posted by sev

Several months have passed since we last updated our FAQ. Lots of things have happened in the meanwhile and we have added a nice collection of new answers to it. So what are you waiting for? Go and read the FAQ now!

Oct. 23nd, 2004: Contest submissions closed!
Posted by ender

Well, we left it open a bit longer for those who ran late... but the entries for the ScummVM Revamp contest are now closed. Judges will be looking at the pages over the last few days, and unless there is an out-right winner the finalists will be voted on by YOU - our dearest users :)

Further information will be posted soon. The winner will receive some Random Stuff(tm), with the main prize being some Sam and Max swag (most likely) signed by the creator of Sam and Max, Steve Purcell. Further information will be posted soon!

Oct. 19th, 2004: Contest submissions closing soon
Posted by ender

Anybody wishing to enter the Website Revamp contest better get their entries in, only two days left!

So far we have only five entries. Thats not too bad, but I was hoping for at least another five more. So if your still sitting on an entry, SEND IT IN!

Please send all contest entries to Further information on this contest is available a couple of posts down.

Oct. 11th, 2004: Contest reminder!
Posted by ender

Greetings fellow adventurers!

Just a reminder that the submission deadline for the Website Revamp contest is here in just ten days! The very first submission was just received, so if you have yet to even start, time is running out.

The prizes will be announced as soon as somebody gets back to me since certain sites news posts suggest he hasn't forgotten :)

Sept 30, 2004: And so it was said, Let There Be Contest!
Posted by ender

Hello, humble Website Watchers. We have gathered you all here today for a contest of most epic proportions.

Well, not really.

We're holding a contest to redesign the ScummVM website. If you have talent, and want to contribute something to ScummVM, here is your chance.


  • Designs should be submitted in Photoshop (.PSD) or GIMP (.XCF) format. Layers should be used, and consideration taken that the majority of the design is feasibly done in HTML with minimal use of large graphical elements.
  • The completed design must be designed for optimal use at 1024x768, but the page should be designed to be renderable in lower resolutions and in text-only browsers.
  • The main focus should be on an easy, noticeable and uncrowded navigation system.
  • Sites submitted with a completed HTML template will be considered for extra points if they obey the following extra rules. Otherwise they will be graded on design merits only.
    • Completed sites should be submitted as a one-page HTML template. All original graphics should be included (layered if applicable) in Photoshop .PSD or GIMP .XCF format.
    • Sites must have readable HTML/CSS code, and should be quick-loading and as 'light' as possible.
    • Sites should be W3C HTML4.01 verified, and have no particular browser dependencies.

Submissions close on the 21st of October, and public voting will occur after the team has selected the final candidates. There will be a prize or two of some sort for the winner, which will be announced at a later date. Please e-mail all submissions to in a .zip, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 archive.

Sept 11, 2004: Lots of stuff going on
Posted by ender

Well, this is just to let you know we are not dead. There has been some amazing work happening in the last few weeks - with ScummVMs support for the HE SCUMM games improving in rapid bursts thanks to the combined talent of cyx, Kirben and Sev. And of course, there has been more development than just this.

And now we would like to bring up the point that our side-projects Residual and ScummEX both need developers and contributors. We welcome patches from other programmers very much. With the help of ScummVM developers joostp and aquadran, salty-horse (a regular #scummvm'er) today submitted a patch for lipsync animations in Residual. Please see our 'subprojects' page and the 'Coding Guidelines' in our Documentation section. If you are interested in persuing a particular problem, please e-mail the "-devel" mailing list or pop on IRC if you need advice or help.

Aug 05, 2004: ScummVM 0.6.1b released {Insert Witty Comment Here}
Posted by fingolfin

ScummVM version 0.6.1b was released today, fixing some very annoying regressions we discovered in its predecessor, 0.6.1. Everybody is strongly recommended to update to this version

And now... have some fun, folks!

Jul 28, 2004: Oh No! Not Again!
Posted by ender

Well, one of those "Small Yet Important" coding mistakes has cropped up in ScummVM 0.6.1. A copy-and-paste error in the 'Edit Game' screen may result in people not being able to save a game.

The mistake involves the new 'Paths' tab, which allows for easier editing of game paths. Unfortunately, the 'Extra Path' field on this screen is accidentally saved as directory to use for saved games, instead of correct field below it. This was noticed and fixed in the experimental CVS version, but the fix was mistakenly left out of the ScummVM 0.6.1 release.

If you encounter this glitch, the recommended work around is to set the Extra Path to the saved game directory. ScummVM 0.6.1b will be released soon to correct this issue.

Jul 27, 2004: What have you done this time, you meddling milquetoast?!?
Posted by ender

ScummVM 0.6.1 is out, and can now be grabbed from our download page!
Among the usual changes, ScummVM should now run natively on 64-bit machines -- something we actually forgot to mention in the NEWS file.

And you know what they say: "To save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs." So we made a mother-load of fixes in this release. Some of the wonderful things you will no LONGER see in ScummVM include:

  • Glitches using an Ogg Vorbis talkie file in some games
  • Crashes on 64-bit machines
  • Crashes when saving to an invalid directory in Broken Sword 1
  • Lots of sound glitches in Curse of Monkey Island, Full Throttle and The Dig
  • Crashes in some international versions of Simon the Sorcerer
  • ... and lots of other annoying bugs!

So don't delay, download today. Downloads are not yet available for all supported ports, such as non-ARM PocketPCs and the HandheldPC binaries. These should become available within the next week.

May 10, 2004: There be monkeys here!
Posted by ender

This is just a quick update to let everybody know we're still alive. Work on ScummVM is progressing as per usual, and we intend to release ScummVM 0.6.1 shortly.

ScummVM 0.6.1 will contain several bugfixes for various games, as well as several sound and music enhancements for later SCUMM games (Full Throttle, The Dig, Curse of Monkey Island).

Also, followers of CVS may have noticed that support for Another World was recently added. This provoked quite a bit of argument within the ScummVM team as to whether this is considered an adventure and within ScummVMs goals.

After much debate, the engine author (cyx) decided that it would be more convenient to continue the project seperate from ScummVM. It has now been removed, and future information and development will occur as part of the RAW project. To prevent any doomsday predictions, I should also point out that he remains a member of the ScummVM team.

Apr 02, 2004: There is no Cabal
Posted by fingolfin

CABAL team splits over fundamental design issues

After yesterdays ground-breaking announcement, we are sad to announce the immediate disbandment of the CABAL team. Over the last several days there has been heated debate regarding several important design issues, and current tension in the team has risen to an insurmountable level.

"It's really unfortunate", Max Horn, senior developer on ScummVM and Exult, was quoted as saying, "but [former FreeSCI maintainer] Christoph [Reichenbach]'s ideas of aligning curly braces with the left-hand side of function declarations while appending them to the end of the line for 'while' and 'for' loops did not make any sense at all."
The latter replied by pointing out that "using anything but tabs for indentation is calling for trouble."

Claudio Matsuoka, of the Sarien project, pointed out his disappointment and noted that he didn't see much of a point in trying to co-operate with people entirely incapable of reaching agreements on such trivial issues. "I mean, we haven't even resolved the entire EMACS vs. vi dispute, and they're already at each other's throats again."
James Brown, another senior developer on the ScummVM project, sadly announced that he was laughed out of the project meer hours before a decision to split was made. "They just said I didn't belong, since I prefer nano as a editor..." he admitted.

Apr 01, 2004: Announcing CABAL
Posted by fingolfin

April 1st, THE INTERNET: The FreeSCI, Sarien and ScummVM teams today announced the formation of CABAL (Coalesced 'Adventures beyond Architecture' League), a universal adventure game interpreter. This new project will unite the strengths and capabilities of the projects involved, creating what the project members believe will be a revolution for adventure game fans around the globe.

When asked about the relevance of CABAL for the worldwide adventure gaming market, ScummVM project lead Max Horn commented that "[with] the market for adventure titles waning, we believe that the formation of a project with the explicit goal of running every adventure game ever released will infuse it with new life." FreeSCI maintainer Lars Skovlund added that "this will certainly cause an upheaval in the gaming world. Adventure game fans around the world, rejoice!".

In addition to supporting LucasArts' SCUMM games (including famous titles such as "Monkey Island", "Indiana Jones" and "Sam and Max"), Sierra's SCI and AGI lines ("King's Quest", "Leisure Suit Larry", "Space Quest"...), and other games already supported by the retrospective engines, the newly united team plans to continue to add further titles to their already impressive list.

Some of the juicy new modules include:
  • An Infocom module (based on the Frotz Z-machine interpreter), so you can now play your favorite text adventures anywhere you go!
  • Exult is being merged in as a plugin, allowing Ultima 7 fans around the world to play their favorite game on the many platforms already supported by the CABAL component engines - including Palm/PocketPC PDAs and the Dreamcast.
  • Revolution software has offered the source-code for Broken Sword 3, which will be added to the titles supported by the upcoming CABAL3D project - alongside with Grim Fandango and, possibly, Ultima IX (negotiations are ongoing).
  • Support for the SNES games Final Fantasy IV through VI (Japanese numbering, i.e. FF2/FF3 according to US releases) is planned for sometime this Fall. Whilst these are not strictly adventure games, the storyline and plots in this series are more imaginative than any 'action adventure' title published in recent years.

Offers by various companies, including Microsoft and Amiga International, to buy out the team have been gently but firmly declined by the leads of the joint project. "We know that we could earn a lot of money from this, but we are idealists and at this time we have the goal to reform the worlds adventure market. Once that is achieved, we can reconsider about making some money out of this."

Posted by ender

A few people have asked for further details on the TechTV segment featuring ScummVM. Well, you can read the online article intended to compliment the segment on the TechTV Website.

ScummVM will be shown as 'Free File of the Day' on the 'Call for Help' program at 3PM EST on Friday the 19th of March, and again at 9AM Eastern on Monday the 22nd of March.

Don't know how to watch TechTV? I'm told those of you in America can tune into DirecTV channel 354, Dish Network channel #191, or locate the cable channel by following the instructions on

Or, if you just happen to have a C-band dish in the general vicinity of GE Americom Satcom C4 at the time of the show, it's on transponder 12 at 135 degrees west, 40 degrees elevation.

Those lucky Australians subscribed to Foxtel Digital can also watch the program. I have to try and find somebody with FTD so I can watch it myself.

Mar 16, 2004: The big Zero Six Zero
Posted by ender
In other news, ScummVM will be featured on TechTV's Call for Help show, on the 19th of March as Free File of the Day.

The ScummVM project is pleased to announce the immediate release of ScummVM 0.6.0. ScummVM is a graphic adventure game interpreter designed to allow users to play many classic adventure game titles on various computer systems; (Linux, Windows 2000/XP, *BSD, Mac OS X, PocketPC/Handheld PC, Palm, Dreamcast and more)

Version 0.6.0 brings with it a new milestone in ScummVM history, with all LucasArts/LucasFilm SCUMM adventure titles now being supported. We are also proud to announce in conjunction with ScummVM 0.6.0 the release of the classic adventure game 'Flight of the Amazon Queen' (originally available for the Amiga and DOS) as freeware. The ScummVM team would like to thank the authors Steve Stamatiadis and John Passfield for providing the team with the source code to this classic game, and allowing us to release it.

So, what's new?

ScummVM 0.6.0 includes, as usual, many bugfixes in all supported game engines. There have also been dramatic fixes and improvements in the area of sound and music, as well as a greatly improved game management/options screen and two new graphics modes (HQ2x and HQ3x). Most importantly, we have also added new support for the following games:

  • The classic V1 versions of the original LucasArts SCUMM games Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken and the LucasArts SCUMM game 'Full Throttle'
  • Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2. Many thanks to Revolution for providing us with the source-code to these games.
  • Support for Flight of the Amazon Queen. Thanks to Steve and John for providing us with the source code to this game, and permitting its release as freeware.

ScummVM 0.6.0, the two freeware games Flight of the Amazon Queen and Beneath a Steel Sky, as well as converted cutscenes required for playing Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2 may be downloaded from the Download Page

Mar 15, 2004: That's no head Max! It's one damn ugly timebomb!
Posted by ender

ScummVM 0.6.0 will be released in the next 48 hours, along with our super special yet not really all that secret surprise!

Keep your eyes on this page!

Mar 09, 2004: What's blatently stolen, but isn't a yo-yo
Posted by ender

What? We promised more frequent news updates? You lie! Prove it!... News archives you say? Pfffah. Um. We were hacked!

We are nearing the final release of ScummVM 0.6.0, and there are just a few last minute bugs to fix. We're also waiting for a reply to an e-mail from twopeople whom have recently gone on an international jaunt, under the guise of 'work'. We have heard rumors they have been seen in San Francisco running around naked screaming "I'm working, I'm working". If spotted, approach with extreme caution, as they may be holidaying and dangerous.

On a related, but more serious note, since the above pair are reasonably incommunicardo, we may be releasing ScummVM 0.6.0 without the previously promised freeware game, which will instead be released at a later stage.

We will leave you now with the promised blatently stolen quote. There is no subliminal message enclosed. Honest.

Anyway, to answer your question, to get into the games industry, break into the Sony party at E3, walk around saying "Online multiplayer is the future," and if nobody has hired you by 11:00 pm, sleep with the first person you hear speaking either Japanese or French. Worked for me!

- Tim Schafer, as seen onDoubleFine, replying to a nutty fans e-mail.

Finally, Ender, your humble (yet lazy) news poster and co-project leader would like to let any Sony employees who happen to read this site know that he believes Online multiplayer is the future. We're not even going to touch the Sam and Max 2 thing. (Boo! Hiss!)

Stay tuned for more zany and space-filling content-less news posts in the future!

Feb 19, 2004: 0.6.0-PRE testing
Posted by ender

We have recently branched ScummVM 0.6.0, and are now entering the final testing phase. As such, we would be most happy if people could test the latest daily builds (or CVS build from tag 'branch-0-6-0' and report their results.

We have already conducted preliminary testing of several games, but the following still have not been tested and should take priority:

  • V1 Maniac Mansion
  • V2 Maniac Mansion
  • V1 Zak McKracken
  • V2 Zak McKracken
  • EGA Indiana Jones 3
  • VGA Indiana Jones 3
  • EGA Monkey Island 1
  • Monkey Island 2
  • The Dig
  • Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey 3)

Please report bugs in our bug tracker and successful completions of games on our General Forum. Thanks in advance for helping to shape up the next release of ScummVM!

Jan 30, 2004: Just add water
Posted by ender
Just a quick news post to let everybody know that ScummVM 0.6.0 is still in-progress. Unfortunatly, recent downtime and other issues with have delayed the branching and final testing of this release, but we're still hoping to get it out as soon as we can!

On another note, continuing the current rash of computer problems, all e-mail addresses are currently broken. We hope to fix this within the next few days, and no messages should be lost. If however you want to discuss something important with us, we really suggest talking to us in real-time on our IRC channel (#scummvm, on
Jan 17, 2004: Clarification on downloads.
Posted by ender
Some people appear to think that yesterdays news post implies that Broken Sword 1 and 2 will be released as freeware. We would just like to clarify that this is not currently the case. We will be releasing cutscene packs for use with the ORIGINAL game data in ScummVM, and hopefully freewaring a completely different non-Revolution game.
Jan 17, 2004: Insert Topic Here
Posted by ender
So, what has been going on in the world of ScummVM lately?
Currently we are gearing up for our 0.6.0 release - this release will mark a major milestone in ScummVM history. As of ScummVM 0.6.0, ScummVM should finally support (at least the PC versions) of all LucasArts SCUMM adventures!

However, we need some help. As part of our next release we are also adding support for the Revolution games Broken Sword 1 and 2 which will require specially reencoded versions of the in-game cutscenes, as well as releasing another classic adventure game as freeware.
However, we are not yet sure whether SourceForge will be able or willing to host these files. So if anybody reading this news article happens to run, for example, a large bandwidth-plenty archive (http or ftp) that preferably doesn't require annoying registration methods (ala Fileplanet) and is willing to help... then please e-mail Ender (@ and offer your assistance.

Stay tuned for more information on our next release, as it happens.
Dec 25, 2003: That's the second biggest reindeer nose...
Posted by ender

Everybody here at ScummVM Central, well, everybody still conscious, hopes that everybody is having (or has had) a good Christmas!

As a vague attempt to start our new years resolution (of posting news more frequently) a bit early, here is a mostly pointless news post. First, a request. If anybody notices any article in the media about ScummVM (or indeed is from the media), please e-mail press [at] so we can add it to our press page.

The release schedule for 0.6.0 has been pushed back a little due to various problems (such as reencoding Broken Sword cutscenes) and heavy development on certain features (like Full Throttles INSANE subsystem).

In an effort to reduce the length of our pre-release testing phase, I would ask that anybody here who does use a daily or CVS build please report any bugs they find in every-day use. This includes (despite what we usually say) our 'new' games: Full Throttle, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Broken Sword 1 and 2.

As we are calling for testers before we 'freeze' development for a new release, please ensure you test with the latest available CVS before reporting any bugs.

Dec 12, 2003: ScummVM is Dead, please read this post.
Posted by ender

Whilst we know that the end of the year is approaching, it saddens us to announce that the ScummVM project is closing due to personal reasons on behalf of most of the developers. Visitors to our forum, such as timofonic, have suspected this may be the case for some time and unfortunately I have been urged by einheitlix to tell the truth.

It's been a great ride, and we had some really wonderful things in store for you, such as a new game we were planning to freeware for our next release, and the announcement that the oft-requested completion of support for Full Throttle was underway - although it would probably be in 0.7.0 not 0.6.0... but it's moot now.

I was planning on holding back this news until after the festivities, but as it's just a hoax to see how many people actually read our news page and pay attention, I've decided to announce it now.

In summary, in case people just skimmed that last paragraph: we are NOT really dead. We're very much alive and kicking, and will be bringing you lots-o-cool-stuff early next year!

(not so hidden link... see whats in store for the next version!)

Sept 09, 2003: I'm feeling dirty
Posted by ender

Welcome to yet another quasi-regular reminder that, yes, your favorite project is far from dead. So what's going on in the world of ScummVM?

ScummVM 0.6.0, although not due out for a few months at least, is going to knock your socks off. Or at least, make them a nice shade of purple. Among the usual massive structural changes, bugfixes galore, and maybe even a new platform or two... we have recently (almost) finished support for the original V1 versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken. This leaves the ever difficult Full Throttle as the only LucasArts game we do not support in it's mainstream form.

Also, thanks once more to the gracious support of Revolution, the next version of ScummVM will include support for yet another of their wonderful innovative games - Broken Sword 2!

These are both already present, in some form, in our developmental CVS and daily builds - however please remember they are experimental and still being heavily worked on. Please do NOT file bugs or pester anyone regarding them. And maybe, just maybe, we might have some more surprises in store before the next major release makes it to a SourceForge mirror near you!

Aug 08, 2003: ScummVM 0.5.1 released
Posted by ender

ScummVM version 0.5.1 was released today, fixing several issues uncovered since ScummVM 0.5.0.

The following changes are included in this release:

  • Beneath a Steel Sky savegame code completely rewritten, eliminating several situations where ScummVM 0.5.0 would produce unusable 'frozen' saved games
  • Several other Beneath a Steel Sky bugs have been fixed
  • Some Curse of Monkey Island actor graphical issues have been fixed
  • Some issues when running ScummVM fullscreen under MacOS X have been resolved
  • MorphOS port has undergone several critical bugfixes
  • Dreamcast port now supports Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2

We recommend all users upgrade to this release. Please note that whilst BASS saves from 0.5.0 are compatible with this release, we recommend restarting your game using the 0.5.1 save system if you continue to experience problems.

Aug 03, 2003: Nothing's ever perfect
Posted by ender

Although ScummVM 0.5.0 is our most tested version yet, a few problems always slip through the cracks. Among some other minor issues, it has come to our attention that Beneath a Steel Sky may occasionally produce unusable save games. Although this is a timing issue, and very rare on most systems, a small group of people may discover this happening fairly often.

A ScummVM 0.5.1 point release is planned in the near-future to fix this, and several other smaller issues which have came to our attention. Also, the manual for Beneath a Steel sky and possibly a scan of the included comic will be available for download later in the week.

Thanks for everybody's support, and assistance in making our project even better!

Aug 02, 2003: ScummVM 0.5.0, Beneath a Steel Sky, and a BROKEN caps lock KEY
Posted by ender

Version 0.5.0 of ScummVM, the classic adventure game interpreter, has just been released. This is our most tested version yet, thanks to everybody who answered our call for testing. Thanks!

So what's new? Well, besides the usual bugfixes and improvements are:

  • Extensive overhaul of the music subsystem, more games now support music
  • Support for the Enhanced (V2) versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken
  • Support for Beneath a Steel Sky, made possible thanks to Revolution Software supplying us with the original assembly source code!
  • Aspect Ratio correction added, by popular request

A link to the release notes and a more detailed list of changes can be found over on the downloads page, along with the downloads... and our special (worst kept secret :) surprise!

As an extra SPECIAL bonus, the really really wonderful people at Revolution Software Ltd. have decided to allow us to make Beneath a Steel Sky *freeware!* You can download either the CD version (70M, includes speech) or the smaller Floppy version (8M), along with ScummVM 0.5.0, from the downloads page.

Enjoy! Oh, and there is that little donate button down there on the left. We need to buy our Dreamcast porter a copy of Simon the Sorcerer :)

Jul 11, 2003: ScummVM 0.5.0-Pre
Posted by ender

ScummVM has just entered a CVS freeze and testing, to prepare for an eventual 0.5.0 stable release (hopefully at the end of July). But we need YOUR help!

Please click that little 'Documentation' option over there, and look at the 0.5.0 release checklist. If there is a game that is listed as needing testing, and you happen to feel like playing it through with the latest development version of ScummVM, please do so and let us know the results. Further information is on the checklist page.

Besides many fixes that will be in the upcoming 0.5.0, especially in the area of music, comes support for three new games:

  • Enhanced Maniac Mansion
  • Enhanced Zak McKracken
  • Beneath a Steel Sky, thanks to the support of Revolution

In other news, Anonymous CVS is (and has been for some time) lagging behind the official development tree. If you want the bleeding-edge CVS (for testing, as an example), please use the 'Source Snapshot' on the Download page over Anonymous CVS. And of course,
Be Vigilant

May 25, 2003: Rise, son of Cygna! It is the dawn of ScummVM 0.4.1
Posted by fingolfin

ScummVM 0.4.1, a stability-focused point release, is now available for download. Changes since 0.4.0 include:

  • Several crashes/bugs have been fixed in Curse of Monkey Island.
  • Several iMUSE and music-related bugs have been fixed.
  • AdvMame3X is new, giving a 3x scaled and AdvMame-smoothed game.
  • Fixed airport doors in Zak McKracken
  • Fixed crash in SDL backend

The source code, as well as binaries for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and PalmOS are already available at our download page. As always, other binaries (for PocketPC, MorphOS, Dreamcast and others) will follow shortly.

Posted by fingolfin

Five months after our last release, 0.3.0b, and over 2500 CVS commits/adds later, the ScummVM team proudly presents ScummVM 0.4.0.

The following is an overview of what's new in 0.4.0:

  • Curse of Monkey Island (comi) support (experimental)
  • Added support for the EGA versions of Loom, Monkey Island and Indy3
  • Improved music support in Indy3 and the floppy versions of Monkey Island
  • Many Simon the Sorcerer 1 & 2 improvements and fixes
  • Very pre-alpha Beneath a Steel Sky code. Don't expect it to do anything (in fact it is disabled in the 0.4.0 release, but you can get it by compiling ScummVM yourself).
  • Even more pre-alpha support for enhanced versions of V2 SCUMM games (Maniac Mansion and Zak)
  • Preliminary support for early Humongous Entertainment titles (very experimental)
  • New debug console and several GUI/Launcher enhancements
  • New Save/Load code (easier to expand while retaining compatibility)
  • Dreamcast port now works with new games added for 0.3.0b
  • New official PalmOS port
  • Various minor and not so minor SCUMM game fixes
  • Large memory leak fixed for The Dig/COMI
  • SMUSH code optimised, frame dropping added for slower machines
  • Code cleanups

The source code, as well as binaries for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, PocketPC, Solaris and PalmOS are already available at our download page. Other binaries for MorphOS, Dreamcast and others, will follow shortly.

We hope you will enjoy the best ScummVM ever!

Apr 24, 2003: Current stuffches.
Posted by ender

We've received a number of e-mails lately asking if any work is happening on ScummVM. We would like to reassure people that do -not- follow CVS that yes, a lot of work is happening.

We are currently gearing up for the release of 0.4.0, which should be happening within a few weeks. I'd like to ask people who feel like living dangerously to try out CVS and Daily Builds, and let us know of any problems we should be aware of. In the 'Documentation' section on the left, you will see a 'ScummVM 0.4.0 Checklist'. Games that have been tested without any problems are marked there - please test the games that are not marked tested and let us know your results on the Forum (Update: That's the General forum). Remember to include the date you downloaded the build you completed the game with.

At the moment we are focusing on earlier EGA games (Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, LoomEGA, Indy3EGA), although Beneath a Steel Sky support is progressing at a slow but steady pace. Somebody also recently donated a Playstation 2 modchip to the team, so expect a native PS2 port as soon as Ender has it installed (ScummVM already runs fine under Playstation2 Linux).

A reminder to those that are interested in our latest progress, you can always sign up to the cvs-logs mailing list. Click the 'Project Home' link on the left, and browse to the 'Lists' page. This list will receive an e-mail every time there is a new change to the source-code, so be warned it can be rather technical and high-traffic. As an alternative you can just play with CVS Checkouts or Daily Builds and discover anything new yourself :)

Mar 18, 2003: RIP yot, 1983 - 2003
Posted by fingolfin

Last Friday, March 14th, our fellow ScummVM developer and friend, Felix Jakschitsch (known to many under his nickname yot), committed suicide at the young age of 19.

We are completely shocked by this, and do not know or understand what drove him into this. It is a sorrowful world in which a cheerful, intelligent and helpful man is put in a situation in which he sees no other way to escape than taking his own life. We are sad to lose our valued friend. He contributed important work to ScummVM, including much of the Zak256 support. His loss is felt deeply by all of us, and we extend our condolence to his family and close friends, whose grief we share.

If you want to leave a message to his friends and family, there is a guestbook available. Also here is a news paper article telling more details (use babelfish if you don't speak german).

Felix, we miss you and will never forget you.

Mar 08, 2003: Playstation 2 Port
Posted by ender
Work has been slow lately, but recently with the addition of Super Dooper Secret Project Number Six, development has started to pick back up with a lot of code cleanup and some fairly important bugfixes. Expect a new release eventually.

In other news, there has been a surge in interest of a Playstation 2 port again. I (Ender) am quite willing to do one if people donate at least US$75 (see that little button under the menu) to purchase a modchip. It shouldn't take long, and one of you - our loyal users - has already volunteered to install it for me if I do manage to obtain one. If we find there is enough interest (which will obviously depend on the donation status :), we will start an official port ASAP.
Jan 28, 2003: The people have spoken :)
Posted by ender
Over at the Linux Game Tome (, ScummVM has been voted Best Emulator. Thanks to anybody who voted for us.

In other news, Curse of Monkey Island support is stabilizing. While there are still a number of small graphical glitches, currently we are down to two known gameplay-critical bugs and a number of other 'inconveniences' and cases of incorrect behavior. We hope to be able to announce Curse of Monkey Island completable very soon.

A lot of people have been asking where we are going from here. Here is a brief (very subject to change!) guide to our next few targets:
  • February 2003: Curse of Monkey Island completable
  • Feb - Mar 2003: Regression testing/bugfixes for other supported games
  • Feb - Mar 2003: Completion of the Launcher functionality (tabbed option dialogs, etc)
  • Early March 03: CVS Freeze, Regression testing, 0.4.0 release
  • March onwards: V1/V2 game support (Maniac Mansion, non-FmTowns Zak, EGA Loom, etc.)

As usual, this is but a rough guideline depending on both progress and free time for our developers. If you want to help, and know how to use CVS and a compiler... either fix bugs, or regression test! We are very much looking for people to test CVS with games other than ComI and look for critical bugs that were not present in 0.3.0b, then attempt to try different versions of CVS and locate at least the day when the bug started occurring. This allows us to more easily determine what changes have caused problems, without spending weeks blindly guessing.

Needless to say, if you find a critical bug that IS also present in 0.3.0b, check for a bug report. If one isn't present, please submit one!
Jan 14, 2003: You've learned a valuable lesson today, and that's the best prize of all! (Hyuk hyuk hyuk!)
Posted by khalek
If you're a Linux user, Happy Penguin are running a series of polls to determine the best games in a ton of categories. Go vote for your favourite emulators, what you think the most promising project is, et cetera... Hopefully some of those votes might even be for us :)
Jan 06, 2003: Penguins, Penguins.. everywhere
Posted by ender
Hey all.

I (Ender) am interested in finding out if any ScummVM users will be present at '03 here in Perth... if you'll be there, drop a post in the forum. If there are a few people going we might get together for Pizza or something afterwards, or maybe chuck together a last minute spontaneous Classic Gaming BOF (if somebody else wants to organise it, I'm a terrible person for that kind of stuff :)

Jan 04, 2003: Ho Ho Ho and a Bottle of...
Posted by ender
First, a quick note that the problems with the Clie Source forum have been resolved, and the Clie/Palm port will be merged into CVS as soon as chrilith has updated his port to work with 0.3.0's OSystem architecture.

A quick update on CMI (COMI/Monkey3) support. Within just several weeks, remarkable progress has been made on support for this game, but work will likely be slowed for the next week as various developers are otherwise occupied. Currently, except for some bugs that make the Cannon scene rather difficult and unstable, it is possible to play some way into Part II of the game.

The current main issues remaining include a bug with flObject allocation (causes a crash in some dialog sequences), some script termination issues (causes various game-crippling crashes in the cannon scene and several Part II puzzles) and the various problems with the opening cannon puzzle.

As usual, please remember this work is still experimental, and please do not file any bug reports regarding it. Patches, however, are very welcome! :)
Dec 30, 2002: And a Happy New Year!
Posted by ender
.. to everybody except Casa Addams, many users on the Clie Source forums (whom obviously have brains as big as their PDAs,) and that other idiot who is bundling ScummVM with warez LucasArts games on UseNet. This is somewhat of an open plea, although we do not really expect morons who have done something so idiotic to listen.

Sorry for this open message being so harsh guys, but do you not realise that by associating and bundling ScummVM with pirated copies ("Abandonware" or otherwise) of LucasArts games, you're basically giving them even more excuse to take legal action against us (and bring possible financial ruin on the developers of this program :)... I'm especially disappointed in chrilith who has almost certainly guaranteed that, unless we feel very forgiving, there will never be an official Palm port of ScummVM integrated into CVS.

If you appreciate what we are doing, and have done, then do not abuse it. Otherwise you are damaging the reputation, and possible legal status of both ScummVM and its developers. I've seen some VERY ridiculous comments on the Clie Source forums to the effect that LucasArts do not sell these games anymore. With the exception of some versions (specifically Zak256 and LoomCD), this is stupid. Most LucasArts games can be ordered in collection packs from Amazon or the LucasArts store (if you live in America.). Heck, I saw a bunch of LucasArts classic adventures in Electronic Boutique when I was Christmas Shopping.
In other news, Curse of Monkey Island support is progressing nicely! Be sure to try out the latest Daily Builds if you like living on the wild side (but of course do not file bug reports on CMI support).
Dec 26, 2002: Murray Christmas
Posted by ender
We here on the ScummVM team hope everybody had a good Christmas!

First we would like to mention that LucasArts has put out a pack, at least in the UK, featuring updated versions of Sam and Max and Full Throttle, designed to work with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP. This pack (entitled, imaginatively, "The Entertainment Pack") also comes with The Dig and Grim Fandango... these versions have not been updated, and are the original Windows versions (yes, these games DID come with native Windows ports in some of the earlier LucasArts Adventure Packs).

The updated Sam and Max and Full Throttle engines were not ported in-house by LucasArts, likely because of a lack of time AND because most people who worked on SPUTM/SCUMM have left anyway, but by Aaron Giles - the original Mac Porter (and renown MAME developer :). There are no modifications except for a DirectX wrapper around the graphics code and a really really bad graphics scaler.

Our take? Call us biased, but unless you need perfect compatibility, want to play Full Throttle now, or are missing more than two of these games - it will probably be far cheaper to buy these games second-hand or individually. The included updated binaries are inferior feature-wise to ScummVM, as you miss out on our enhanced features, such as support for platforms -other- than Windows (such as Macintosh, Unix and PocketPC), our graphics scalers, etc. Of course, if you do purchase the pack, the game datafiles are unchanged and of course compatible with ScummVM anyway. It is nice to see LucasArts releasing something like this, and doing something positive to try and revive their classic games - or at least drum up marketing hype for the sequel :)

Final conclusion, buy it if you want it or are a collector - but it's not worth the money simply for Windows compatibility. However if you do purchase it, you ARE encouraging LucasArts to update more classics in the future - although hopefully ScummVM will make such a need obsolete shortly. We suggest LucasArts spend it's development costs on re-releasing it's lost and RARE classics, like the FmTowns 256 color version of Zak Mckracken. For those interested, the updated versions were compiled on October 2nd for Full Throttle, and October 24th for Sam and Max.

In development news, several ScummVM developers have actually been really boring people and coded this Christmas, coming up over just a few days with the basics for Curse of Monkey Island support. I'm sure our Macintosh users will be happy to hear they will, in maybe as little as a month, finally be able to play this game. Support is in the latest CVS and Daily Builds, but do NOT file bug reports as we know it doesn't really work or do anything at the moment. Full support will be available "When It's Done".. or the day after Duke Nukem Forever comes out. Whichever is first.

Ho Ho Ho!
Dec 14, 2002: Media Blitz
Posted by ender
I forgot to mention this when we released 0.3.0b, but ScummVM has recently been spotted in a UK magazine: PC Zone mentioned ScummVM in a review of the iPAQ 3870. A page scan is available. In addition, the german computer magazine c't had an article about games for PDAs which also listed Pocket Scumm (sorry, no picture available right now).

Monkey in your pocket? Definitely.

If anybody else notices ScummVM in the media, we would appreciate it you dropped us a line at Remove the NOSPAM from the address, obviously. If possible, please also send us a scan of the page.

If you work for a magazine that wants to mention ScummVM, maybe in an article on retro-gaming (*hint hint*), then also feel free to drop us a line. We can probably arrange an interview, screenshots, help... and/or large bribe-like quantities of bananas.
Dec 07, 2002: Can it be true? Is it a bird? Is it a plane...?
Posted by ender
No!, it's ScummVM 0.3.0b, our first official release since LucasArts decided to go after us!

Small update, we've also added a few links to our Links page that you might want to check out. Expecially VOGONS, please stop asking us if we're going to do things like add support for Beneath a Steel Sky :)

That's right, since the many many months since LucasArts first issued us with a DMCA notice (and wisely decided after the subsequent slashdotting and fan backlash from you, our users, to negotiate a deal :), we have been waiting for a settlement with LucasArts before releasing a long awaited new version. The wait is over. No, we haven't reached a settlement, we just got tired of waiting to release this gem.

There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of bugfixes since our last 0.2.0 release... not to mention support for at least three new games (The VGA version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and support for The Dig and Simon the Sorcerer 2)... and new features such as a vastly improved in-game gui and a built-in launcher to make it even easier for you to add, configure, and run your classic LucasArts (and AdventureSoft) games. Experimental support for Full Throttle is here, as well as many bugfixes for the games introduced in our last version... such as the FmTowns 256 color version of Zak McKracken, and the VGA floppy version of Monkey Island.

For a short summary of changes, check out the Release Notes, or even better... just head over and download the dang thing.

Hopefully we will be able to come at you with new releases more often from now on, hopefully at least monthly. Please enjoy this release as much as we've became frustrated making it, and remember - if you give all your money to LucreArts, maybe they'll let us live instead of abandoning us on... on.... Monkey Island! (Ugh, Bananas... I hate Bananas).

For those interested in the boring news, here's both a summary and an update on our legal situation, for those users who are just now discovering ScummVM.
We've been at a deadlock with LucasArts for some time now. LucasArts simply do not like our current license, the GPL (General Public License). While we do not think it necessary, we have agreed to change the license to something more LucasArts-'friendly'. However, LucasArts wish us to include distribution terms which are against section one of both the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) and the Open Source Definition. We cannot agree to this, nor the condition they wish to require (no commercial distribution)... because it conflicts with the DFSG and OSD, which we require, and it is something we legally cannot be sure of enforcing - several Linux and BSD distributions already include ScummVM packages, and we cannot be certain they will notice a license change. Oh, and we WANT distributions to be able to include our software :)

To date, LucasArts has not been able to give us any firm complaints regarding ScummVM, besides some vague claims that if they didn't enforce these conditions on us, it would effectively give up their rights to their own Intellectual Property. We do not believe this, there certainly have not been any documented cases of the GPL leading to such a challenge in the past, and far more important properties have been licensed under the GPL in the past, such as the Quake titles from id software. LucasArts isn't releasing any of their own code under the GPL, and we really do not believe that they should require us to change our license - all we want them to do is leave us alone to create our emulator. Sanction us, if it makes them feel safer legally. But if they are going to require such a major step on our part of changing our license, they at least have to capitulate on the point of OSD/DFSG compliance.

We here at the ScummVM team would like to thank the people at LucasArts who are supporting us, and attempting to help us come to an arrangement. But guys, we're your fans. All we are doing is updating the engine for games, in a form of an emulator... because you haven't - although we've asked you to for years. We've even made more money for you, as quite a number of us have went out and BOUGHT your classic bundle packs, just to play it with ScummVM.

These last few paragraphs have been brought to you by the "Please don't sue us for making a new release" department.
Nov 08, 2002: Downtime notice
Posted by ender
Greetings fellow Adventurers!

SourceForge, our host, is moving hardware on the 14th and 17th of November. During this time, there will be a number of outages:
  • 14th: ScummVM Downloads and Mailing Lists will be unavailable between approximatly 16:00 Pacific Time (GMT-8), till 19:00.
  • 17th: The main ScummVM site, and CVS tree, will be unavailable from 10:00 Pacific. This may last up to 12 hours, but hopefully less!

Thank you, and please shop at Snuckeys again!
Nov 05, 2002: It's a SCUMMy job, but someone's...
Posted by ender
Well, we seem to have lost contact with LucasArts, as we haven't heard from them for several weeks now. So, assuming they don't suddenly e-mail us and veto it, we are preparing for a 0.3.0 release.

Firstly, ScummVM 0.3.0 will include support for:
  • Zak McKracken (FmTowns 256 Color Version)
  • Monkey Island (VGA Floppy and Enhanced CD)
  • Monkey Island II
  • Loom (CD Talkie version)
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • Day of the Tentacle
  • Sam and Max Hit the Road
  • The Dig
  • Simon The Sorcerer 1

The next major release, 0.4.0, will include support for:
  • Simon The Sorcerer 2
  • Full Throttle
  • Indiana Jones and Last Crusade (256 color version)

So, what can you do to help? Well, we currently require people to test all of the supported games and let us know if there are any major bugs that mark them as uncompletable. For details on how to do this, please see ScummVM 0.3.0 Release Info.
Oct 17, 2002: State of the SCUMM
Posted by ender
A message was recently posted to the scummvm development list detailing the current status of ScummVM, including things such as details on where we are heading for our next release, and an update on the legal situation.

Here's a link to the State of the SCUMM e-mail
Oct 04, 2002: Not dead, Murray, just cursed.
Posted by ender
And now, for our semi-annual news update!

The legal situation is still pending, as we are waiting on a response from LucasArts to our last e-mail.

Progress-wise, people following the daily build will have noticed the new in-game GUI we have implemented. It's still very much a work in progress, so expect odd things to happen.
Some of our wonderful developers are currently working on improving compatibility with The Dig and Full Throttle, as it seems we might even get one of these completable by the time the legal situation is resolved and we can get our next release out.

Meanwhile, the CVS tree and daily builds are somewhat in an experimental form.

On to other matters, we are seeking mercenaries to kidnap two people so we can torture them into revealing the two current 'problem areas' in ScummVM.

We need the person who primarily extended iMUSE for Sam and Max Hit The Road. Pretty much every remaining bug with ScummVMs support of that game is related to the iMUSE system, so if anybody can 'acquire' a person or any information on this subsystem, please contact Ender to arrange discrete delivery of the... package.
Secondly, we require Vince Lee for questioning over the INSANE cutscene engine used in games such as Full Throttle. Our lack of information on this system has left us at a dead-end as far as progress in this game goes. If you can acquire this person, or any information regarding INSANE, you will be well rewarded. Anonymity will be honored, if the 'acquiree' desires it.
As an alternative, we can negotiate a deal if someone wishes to raid LucasArts HQ and persuade it's occupants to part with source or information regarding this two items. Our own attempts as infiltration of this facility have failed, due to some mysterious person called "Management".

Seriously, if anybody does have any information on these two headaches for us, please get in touch with Ender. If you've previously worked at LucasArts and wish to help anonymously, we'll respect that. I wouldn't be too afraid about giving assistance, as our own negotiations have revealed they are quite willing to let us exist, they are just not willing ('at the moment') to share any actual information or source.

Thanks for playing, and remember - "never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game"!
Sep 15, 2002: Hip-Hip Mur-ray!
Posted by ender
At 16:57 (GMT), on September 17th... I - ScummVM - will officially be a year old!
Unfortunatly, nobody told me when my birthday was, they told me I was an orphan! But I'm going to try and throw a party anyway. So everyone is invited to attend my IRC channel, #scummvm, on!

If your someone like famous, or you like me, or whatever, and you want to pop in and say 'Hi!' to me and my parents... come on by! Or if you just want to send me a birthday card, or RSVP for the party, go over to the Contact page and e-mail Endy or someone. Or post in my new shiny Birthday Forum. We should be around pretty much all day.

If you want to actually meet a ScummVM developer in real life, and buy him (I don't have a mummy! Wahh!) a beer or something.... you can always drop a post in the Birthday Forum and see if theres anyone else in your area. I'm sure they would appretiate it!

Oh, and I lost a small, fleece sweater with three blue roses on it. If you see it, please commit it to CVS for me!
Aug 29, 2002: Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game...
Posted by ender
Ladies, Gentleman, Three headed monkeys, and alien mindbenders... lend me your ears.

Firstly, an update on our legal negotiations with LucasArts. We are hopefully very close to finalising our arrangement, and sometime in the next week hope to make an announcement regarding this. Of course, we had hoped to make an announcement a good month ago. Unfortunatly things are rather busy at LucasArts, so it has taken a while to talk to the relevant people.

On another note, I would like to address something that comes up at least once a week. No, ScummVM is not currently in any kind of position to start supporting OTHER non-SCUMM games. The inclusion of Simon support aside, the current team has far too much on their hands trying to complete support for existing LucasArts classic adventures. Although we may add support for other games in the future, we do not currently plan on it... and any requests to do so will be promply ignored.

Unless it is accompanied by a donation of money over $2,000.

Meanwhile, we would suggest asking for help at the wonderful VOGONS (Very Old Games on New Systems) site if you require help with other games on modern operating systems.

Anyway, thats all for the moment. Donations have been rather nonexistant lately, so if you havn't already, please consider using the PayPal button under the menu on the left... and send us some cash. Currently we are using donations for legal costs, and purchasing software (such as a copy or three of IDA Pro, as well as games some of our developers may not already have).
Aug 12, 2002: Wanted: One bar of soap
Posted by ender
Good afternoon people. I know it's been a long time since you have heard from me, and you may be wondering why I called you hear today.

I have heard rumors the project is dead, and I would like to assure everyone that's not so. We have been working very hard lately, and many bugfixes have been made to various games. In fact, we are almost ready for another release.... but we are waiting for a resolution to our Legal Drama before that happens.

So, what is happening on the legal front? Well, our erstwhile project leader (James 'Ender' Brown) has had many phone conferences with LucasArts, and we should shortly be announcing an agreement that will make both parties happy. I would like to thank LEC for being open to helping keep the project alive, instead of just forcing us to shut down.

Hopefully within the next week, news of our future will be announced. Until then, keep donating, and keep telling everyone how much you love ScummVM. Remember, it's not people saying 'LucasArts SUX' that will convince them to keep helping the project... it's people saying 'ScummVM Rules' that will!
Jul 01, 2002: We've got more lives than LeChuck!
Posted by ender
Well people, we are still alive so far. We are currently talking to LucasArts to see if we can negotiate a deal. To be honest, while we hope it is possible, we are dubious that the deal LucasArts may provide can give us certain freedoms we need to develop. One of the biggest fears of most companies is the GPL (General Public License). Some companies feel this gives users far too much latitude in use of their software. Unfortunately, if LEC feels the same way, we may have to reject their offer. It is close on impossible to relicense GPLed software, as it would mean getting permission from anyone who ever wrote even one line of code included in ScummVM.

So far most of our communication has been off-the-record and fairly vague, but be assured we haven't vanished, and we'll give you the latest news as it happens!

Also, thanks to people donating. We are currently at a little over $100, which is tagged to be spent on both buying versions of games for testing, and also saving up to our target of $300 to purchase a copy of IDA Pro, arguably the best disassembler on earth. Keep donating :)
Jun 25, 2002: Oh, the legalities!
Posted by ender
Update: The text of the letter, and the teams response, can be found in the scummvm-devel list archives
Today was a milestone for the ScummVM project, as we finally received the long-awaited for e-mail from LucasArts Legal regarding the project.

Thankfully, they do not yet appear to have a valid complaint. Their message requesting the removal of the site is based on the presumption that we are distributing LucasArts own engine on this site. Of course, ScummVM is a fully original work based equally on reverse engineering and original decoding work by many different people in the community, so this request doesn't really affect us.

We're safe for the moment, and will continue to work on bringing the wonderful classics of the LucasArts company to your computing devices for, hopefully, a long time to come!
Jun 16, 2002: Progress report, redux
Posted by ender
Not much to report really, but don't worry, we are far from dead. Most of the ScummVM team is very busy with real-life school and work at the moment, but we are hoping the worst will be over very soon and we can get down to crunching some more bugs and releasing a new version! Here is a very rough draft of what we are considering to be ScummVM milestones:
  • 0.2.5: All supported games next to bugless
  • 0.3.0: The Dig and MI1 VGA Floppy supported
  • 0.4.0: Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade supported, more bugfixes
  • 0.5.0: Full Throttle supported, basic CMI and Maniac Mansion support
  • 0.6.0: More work on CMI, MM and further bugfixes
  • 0.7.0: Maniac Mansion completable, Zak McCracken and Loom16 playable
  • 0.8.0: Zak McCracken and Loom16 completable
  • 0.9.0: Bugfixes and CMI completable
  • 1.0.0: The end of the beginning
Obviously this is a very rough outline, and is subject to change if we suddenly make a break-through in a game. But this is just to give people a basic idea of where we are going. CMI support will be the hardest, as it is quite drastically different compared to the versions of SCUMM we have been dealing with to this point. Happy adventuring!
May 27, 2002: Progress report
Posted by ender
The Windows daily builds don't contain any virus's, some anti-virus scanner like AntiVir are falsely reporting the recent xbox emulator trojan (TR/XBoxEmu.2) in all self extracting files created by SFX Maker

Work on ScummVM has been proceeding very slowly of late, as the main devteam is quite busy on other matters.

We are aware of quite a few issues in Zak256 and some very serious ones in Simon that were found for 0.2.0, and plan to do an interim release (0.2.1) as soon as they are fixed. We are of course looking for more developers willing to help out, as there is only currently one person working on the game interpreter itself (although several are working on more specialized parts of the engine).

We are also aware of a GP32 port in progress, and urge anyone who knows the developer to get him to contact Ender. Besides the fact we are quite interested in his work, and wish to invite him to join the team... we are quite peeved he has released binaries and there appears to be no way to contact him for the source code to his port (as is required by the GPL license ScummVM uses)!

Until the next update... I can't pick that up! No really! Read my lips.. I... Can't... Pick... That... Up!
May 14, 2002: ScummVM 0.2.0 released!
Posted by ender
After much waiting, ScummVM 0.2.0 has been released! So head over to the downloads page and grab it for your favorite platform.

Currently we have downloads for i386 Debian Woody, Windows, Dreamcast, MacOSX, Familiar/Intimate, and Windows CE. Over the next few days we will also be adding downloads for MorphOS, RPMs, and maybe a BeOS download.

Besides many major fixes, ScummVM now supports several new games, such as the FmTowns 256 color version of Zak McKracken, the CD version of Loom, and (strangely enough) Simon the Sorcerer! Several games supported in 0.1.0 are now completable in 0.2.0, such as Sam and Max.

ScummVM release 0.2.0 also includes several new platforms, better support for different CPU architectures and endians, many more commandline options and experimental (e.g., do not report bugs on it!) support for Full Throttle, The Dig, the VGA version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and the VGA version of Monkey Island (floppy).!

So don't delay. Download it now, and if you really like it, click that little paypal button under the menu to donate money to help the ScummVM team buy tools and software to continue this project.
May 11, 2002: The latest news.
Posted by ender
The ScummVM team is still working hard on fixing all the remaining bugs so we can release our next milestone (0.2.0). In the meantime, here is some news regarding the project.

Of particular interest may be the fact that Zak McKracken 256 (the enhanced graphics fmTowns version) will be officially supported in 0.2.0, and can currently be completed with only two major bugs in the current CVS.

Also, we currently have someone working on a GBA port. This has been a popular request, and hopefully will be ready in time for 0.3.0. You can see proof of it's existence in this development screenshot. The port is currently too early to be placed in CVS, so just hang tight :)

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