Download masm software for windows 10 - opinion
How to install MASM611 in windows 7,8 and 10
MASM611 is a one of the software Package for writing assembly language program. Here, I introduce a new concept of installing MASM611. We know MASM will not work with other windows except Windows XP. So how to install MASM on windows 7,8,10?
Steps to install in other windows :
1. Download this ZIP
Click to download
2. Open zip & extract to somewhere.

1. Download this ZIP
Click to download
2. Open zip & extract to somewhere.
3. Then run DOSBOX0.74 & install.
4. After that copy 8086 folder to your C: drive or in which you've installed windows OS.

5. Open Dosbox now and type this in command window.
> mount c c:\8086
> c:
> edit (your progame name).asm
7. After typing a blue screen will prompt.Type your programs there.
Enjoy programming in window 7,8 and 10.
