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As mentioned earlier on in this guide, torrent sites hold torrent files that allow you to download and share data with other users using the same torrents and trackers. Therefore to download something, you must go to a torrent site and download a torrent file which will then open with BitComet. BitComet has a list of torrent sites on the left bar of the main window, double click one of the links to open it. Once you have found something you'd like to download click the torrent file and it should automatically download, When it opens automatically in BitComet, a window will popup with a list of files that are in the torrent and where you'd like to save the data. Choose your download location and let the download begin. You can also add torrents to the BitComet list by simply dragging a torrent file into the main window or click
File - Open Torrent (or
CTRL+O). You can add many torrents to BitComet.

Click on any of the torrents in the list and you will see something similar to the pic that accompanies this text. Some data has been removed from the picture including the torrent name, some of the save location, file has and the tracker announce url. But this is basically what you will see in the
Summary Properties when you click a torrent. Having the summary properties right under the list of torrents is very handy as with most other clients, properties are kind of hidden, or do not exist at all. This gives you information on your torrent, its tracker, its progress and average upload and download speed, so it can be quite useful information when you are assessing the performance of your torrent maybe for when you are testing out a new torrent site? We will now take a look at the files properties.

Files in the torrent properties. You will now see a list of all the files that are in this torrent and how much of each file has downloaded. Some files you may want to get quicker than others, so you can set a
priority by right clicking on on the file. One of the priority options is disable, which helps with selective file downloaded, which is explained in just a moment. The ability to see the list of files you are downloading using your client comes with most BT clients now but some still don't offer this feature. Another way to see all the files you are downloading and manage your download is through the
Task Properties.

The task properties is the properties of a single torrent and can be gotten by right clicking on a torrent in your list and clicking
Properties. As you can see it also offers a list of files that will be downloaded using this torrent and gives you the option to unselect a file, meaning it wont be downloaded. We will see more about this later. If you set a default Save Location in the
Task Preferences earlier, it will be automatically put into the
Save Location field. I have this torrent stopped, therefore it is set as
Start Later, this window is the same window that pops up right after a torrent is added to the list. Now that you know how to download and share files using BitComet, you must know a small bit about Share Ratio's and why they are so important.
A share ratio is the ratio of your uploading and downloading. An acceptable ratio is over 1.000, this means (as most of you would know) that you have uploaded as much as you have downloaded. If you do not upload as much as you download, you are hurting the performance of the torrent. For example, if more and more people started stopping after just upload half of what they downloaded, the overall upload would drop the torrent would get slow and die much quicker than a torrent where everyone keeps a good ratio. Some Torrent sites make you register and keep overall Share Ratio's and can put limitations on those who aren't uploading enough, or completely ban them from the trackers. It is very important that you upload as much as you download, this is filesharing after all.
If you have several files in your list, seeding or leeching, you can set priorities for them easily by right clicking them.

As mentioned earlier you can stop some files in a torrent from downloading completely. There are two ways to do this. The first is what is shown here in the pic accompanying this text. Click the torrent and click files in the properties below the list. right click on a file that you do not wish to download and change its priority to Disabled. Another method is to right click the torrent in the list and click properties, which will bring up the Task Properties. Here you can simple untick a file in the list if you do not wish to download it. Some users believe that this practice of selectively picking what files you download is bad for the torrent because if a lot of users start doing it, then some files in a torrent will spread much slower than others, and those who need the the slow files may be waiting a long time to get them. So far though, this practice hasn't had a dramatic effect on Torrents.