Side by Side 1 Student Book 1 Audio CDs (7)
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By (author) Steven Molinsky , By (author) Bill Bliss
In addition to Bonus Gazette Audio CD included with each Student Book, Side by Side Plus offers comprehensive audio supplements on audio CDs and audio cassettes. *The Side by Side Plus Complete Student Book audio offer comprehensive language practice in the classroom, in the language laboratory, and at home. Through their highly interactive format, the audios serve as a student's speaking partner, making conversation practice possible even when the student is studying alone. The audios contain all unit vocabulary practice, all conversation models and exercises, listening exercises, pronunciation practice, and reading selections. *The Side by Side Workbook audio contain listening and pronunciation exercises along with GrammarRaps for entertaining practice with rhythm, stress, and intonation. Side by Side Plus is a standards-based and grammar-based English language program for adult and young-adult learners, The program builds students' general language proficiency and prepares them for their life-skill roles in the community, family, school, and at work.
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Product details
- Mixed media product | 1 pages
- 172 x 238 x 5mm | 219g
- 01 Jan 2001
- Pearson Education (US)
- Upper Saddle River, United States
- English
- 3rd ed.
- 0130267481
- 9780130267481
Back cover copy
In addition to Bonus Gazette Audio CD included with each Student Book, Side by Side Plus offers comprehensive audio supplements on audio CDs and audio cassettes. -The Side by Side Plus Complete Student Book audio offer comprehensive language practice in the classroom, in the language laboratory, and at home. Through their highly interactive format, the audios serve as a student's speaking partner, making conversation practice possible even when the student is studying alone. The audios contain all unit vocabulary practice, all conversation models and exercises, listening exercises, pronunciation practice, and reading selections. -The Side by Side Workbook audio contain listening and pronunciation exercises along with GrammarRaps for entertaining practice with rhythm, stress, and intonation. Side by Side Plus is a standards-based and grammar-based English language program for adult and young-adult learners, The program builds students' general language proficiency and prepares them for their life-skill roles in the community, family, school, and at work.
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