9+ Free Printable Power of Attorney Forms
A power of attorney form legally authorizes another person to make important decisions on your behalf. They will then become your agent, or “attorney-in-fact,” acting in your best interests in your legal, financial, medical, and personal affairs—if you are incapacitated and otherwise unable to make these decisions on your own. You may also see Attorney Templates.
Naturally, this is crucial in long-term planning.
Using a contract form template could save you precious time and energy when considering these legal moves. Here we have provided you with a range of power of attorney (POA) forms to help you get started in assigning your agents.
Subscription Form and Power of Attorney Template
Unlimited Power of Attorney Template
Limited Power of Attorney Template
General Power of Attorney Template
Revocation of Power of Attorney Template
Free Printable Medical Power of Attorney Form
Free Printable Durable Power of Attorney Form
Free Printable General Power of Attorney Form
Free Printable Texas Power of Attorney Form
Printable Temporary Power of Attorney Form
How to Choose a Power of Attorney
First step is understanding the different kinds of powers of attorney.
Based on scope of power, there are 2 basic POA types:
- General. This is a broad power granting decision-making authority over all important areas of your life.
- Limited. Also called “special” POA. This power is limited to certain areas and under certain circumstances as you dictate.
Based on duration of power, there are another 2 types:
- Durable. Also called “enduring” POA. In this case, the agent’s power is in effect as soon as the contract is signed and notarized (in the presence of a notary public and witnesses).
- Springing. This comes into effect only after you have been incapacitated or are otherwise unavailable.
How to Use These Templates
Our website has included templates for the most common limited/special POA areas:
- Medical power of attorney forms. Agents will deal and make decisions on things like your daily routine, medical care, life support, etc.
- Custody and care of a dependent child. This grants parental rights to an agent for a limited duration.
- Business power of attorney. Dealing with your assets and other business-related decisions.
- Army power of attorney. This is a special kind of POA that comes into effect when you are drafted for military duty and are unavailable for certain decisions.
Just like when signing a nondisclosure agreement form, your chosen agents have to be willing to take on these responsibilities, hence the agreement forms.
All templates are available to download for free as Word docs and PDF files. Just download, edit the provisions accordingly, and print.
Child Power of Attorney Form Printable
Printable Financial Power of Attorney Form
Limited Power of Attorney Form Printable
Printable Army Power of Attorney Form
Business Power of Attorney Form Printable
How to Choose an Agent
Here we offer you some reminders below how to choose the best possible agent to act on your behalf:
- You can have more than one agent. If assigning more than one, decide whether they’ll make decisions separately or jointly. This should be stated on the form.
- Must be of legal age. Your agent can be anyone you trust over 18 years old: a close relative, a longtime friend, or even a trusted professional (e.g., a solicitor, lawyer, personal accountant). Remember to take into consideration how well they take care of their own affairs, such as their finances.
- Set an appointment. Meet with and talk to your candidates before having them sign the contract. Explain their scope and limits, and the reason why you’re granting them this power.
- (At this point, any sharing of sensitive information might also require a confidentiality agreement form to be signed, even if you trust these people with your life.)
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