How to download a gif from Giphy
Recently, when I was trying to download a gif file from Giphy, I noticed that when I went directly to the file, https://media.giphy.com/media/14kdiJUblbWBXy/giphy.gif for example, that it was actually loading a web page instead of the gif file.
Now, on this page, you could choose to alternative/right click on the image and then click “Save Image”. But, this will download the image with a extension. From there, you can choose to change the extension to if you’d like. But, I’ll be honest and tell you that I didn’t consider switching the extension at first. So, I dug further.
I figured that Giphy was probably detecting that based on who/where the request was coming from, so I tried downloading the gif file by running a cURL command. This worked, but it’s not convenient to have to open up a terminal window to run a cURL command.
Luckily, a kind person left a very helpful comment below with an even simpler approach, which I think is the simplest approach overall.
Simple approach
When we go to a standard Giphy source URL, like https://media.giphy.com/media/14kdiJUblbWBXy/giphy.gif, a web page is loaded instead of the gif that we want. Now, the only thing we have to change for the actual gif to load is to change to .
So, if we take the above example, we could load the actual gif by going to https://i.giphy.com/media/14kdiJUblbWBXy/giphy.gif
From here, we can alternate/right click to download the gif with the correct extension and go on about our day.
Downloading via cURL
This resulted in the actual gif file that I wanted being placed on my Desktop as .
Published by Eric Binnion
Father to a Hero, Code Wrangler at Automattic, WordPress core contributor, and alum of Midwestern State University. View all posts by Eric Binnion
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