Welcome to the Library Genesis Guide – Updated for November 2020!
Last Updated on November 24, 2020
Library Genesis Guide: Table of Contents
Library Genesis – also known as libgen – is a fantastic digital shadow library that gives you free access to millions of your favourite books and papers as eBooks – from fiction books to fantasy, crime to science fiction and romance to thriller, as well as textbooks, journal articles, academic works, graphic novels, comics etc – in epub, pdf, mobi and many other formats. Perfect for reading on your Kindle, Ipad, Android or any e-reader device capable of reading books in any eBook format.
In this guide, I’ll explain how it all works and how you can get access to this amazing free library in five easy steps – going through every detail and avoiding any possible issues. You can click on any image to make it full size.
I keep this guide updated and test all links and mirrors on a monthly basis to ensure that you can always access this resource. Of course if you have any questions or issues – contact me here.
How to download books from Library Genesis and libgen
Step 1 – Go to the Library Genesis website
The main addresses of Library Genesis are:
http://libgen.rs/(New for November 2020 – Library Genesis recommend it, but seems to be up and down)
https://libgen.is for March 2020)
http://libgen.li(New for April 2020)
https://libgen.lc(New for May 2020) for May 2020)
(New for May 2020 – *SITE DOWN*)
These generally work fine, but if you need an alternative try searching for:
“library genesis proxy”
“library genesis mirror”
The Library Genesis Reddit is also a great resource in case of issues.
Step 2 – Search for your book in Library Genesis
So, you should now be at a page that looks like this – this is the main search page of Library Genesis.
Simply enter your search term into the search box – there’s no need to change any of the settings.
You might enter an author, book title or subject.
For our example we’re going to search for Lewis Carroll’s classic “Alice in Wonderland”.
Enter in Alice in Wonderland or Lewis Carroll and press search.
Step 3 – Find your book
So, now you should be seeing the below (click on image to show larger version). You can click on the relevant headers – “Authors”, “Title”, “Publisher”, “Year”, “Pages”, “Language”, “Size” and “Extension” – to sort the columns. Also remember that there may be more than one page of results – these can be navigated via the numbered links at the bottom.
The important things to look for are:
- Language
- Extension – generally, .epub and .mobi are the most compatible with e-readers like Kindle, Moon+ Reader (read our review here), iBooks and Calibre. PDFs are also compatible, but tend to be much larger (and sometimes more difficult to read) as they will often be scans of books, rather than e-books. Other formats might work, but they might not.
- Size – if you are using a device with limited storage space, like an iPhone etc, you might want to steer clear of really large files!
Step 4 – Click on the download link
You’ll see on the right hand side of the screen 5 download mirror links in the “mirrors” column.
So, click on one of the recommended mirrors as outlined below (you might want to right click and “open in new tab” – especially if you are downloading multiple books).
Step 4.1 – Alternative download method
You can also click on the book title – this will take you to the following page:
Here, you can click on the mirrors 1-5 (please not that, despite the names, the urls are the same as in the mirror guide). There are also some torrent links, but they don’t seem to work very well.
The procedure is the same as below – its just another screen to go through.
Step 5 – Download from mirrors (Updated for November 2020)
Here I’ll show you the 5 current download locations:
I recommend:
- Mirror 1 – can be a little slow though
- Mirror 2 – nice and fast – OUR CHOICE
- Mirror 3 – good, but 2 stages to go through
I do not recommend (unless the good mirrors are not working):
- Mirror 4 – you have to go through 2 extra screens and then you end up at Mirror 1!
- Mirror 5 – due to popups and ads – definitely NOT recommended!
Mirror Guides – Click links below for individual guides
Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 | Mirror 3
Not recommended:
Mirror 4 | Mirror 5
Mirror 1 – http://library.lol/
November 2020 UPDATE: Seems to be fine. Has some new download options that are very fast.
Click on “GET” and save onto your computer or device.
NOVEMBER 2020 UPDATE: you can now download via the “Cloudflare”, “IPFS.io” and “Infura” buttons as well – they all seem to work and seem to be faster than the “GET” button.
Mirror 2 – https://libgen.lc/
November 2020 UPDATE: Pretty much the same as Mirror 1 – works fine though (and it’s nice and fast!)
Click on “get” and save onto your computer or device.
Mirror 3 – https://b-ok.asia/
This url may be different for your geographical region.
November 2020 UPDATE: Seems to be working fine – 2 stages to go through though…
- Click on the book title, which take you to:
2. …This screen. Just click on the blue “download” button to download your book.
Mirror 4 – https://libgen.pw
November 2020 UPDATE: Works – but you have to go through 2 screens to get to Mirror 1 – I would not bother!
- Click on the “get links” button.
2. After some jazzy animation, you’ll get to the below – click on the download button (next to my arrow).
Mirror 5 – http://en.bookfi.net/
November 2020 UPDATE: Works, but a lot of popups, ads etc – avoid if possible.
This will not work with ad-blocker enabled. It has a lot of nasty advertising and popups, so I would probably avoid.
However, if you do need to use it, follow these 2 stages.
1.Click on the book link (where the arrow is in the screenshot below). Don’t click on anything else!
2. Click on the download button. Do not click anything else!!!
Download and enjoy your reading!
So there we have it – an easy guide on how to use and download e-books from Library Genesis, libgen, genesis.lib and all sites like Library Genesis. Any questions, you can contact me here. I’m more than happy to answer your questions and help you in your quest to read more!
You might want to check out our awesome Free Book of the Weeksection – highlighting our favourite free books from the excellent Project Gutenberg archives -as well. There are more and more fantastic books coming into the public domain every week and we discuss and list some of our favourites – we also have a great guide on how to use Project Gutenberg.
Good Reading!!!
“To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.”
W. Somerset Maugham
PS – read our recommendation for the best Android E-Reader App here!
PPS – On a totally unrelated note, ever wondered why your Facebook images are blurry and pixelated when you upload them to Facebook? Worry no more – we have the definitive guide at our new section – the snappily titled Why do my Facebook cover and event images look blurry and pixelated?
Please note that https://librarygenesis.net is not affilated with gen.lib.rus.ec, https://libgen.is or any other sites operating under the Library Genesis banner.
No books or other material are hosted by https://librarygenesis.net.
https://librarygenesis.net merely acts as a guide on how to use this resource.
Any copyright or DMCA requests should be directed at gen.lib.rus.ec and its affiliated sites.
All material on this website © Library Genesis Guide 2020.