Earth science tarbuck pdf free download - idea
Earth Science Laboratory
Instructor: Terry J. Boroughs (American River College)Summer 2020
1 PM to 4:10 PM (1st 8-weeks) (Tuesdays and Thursdays) (Synchronous on-line via Canvas and Zoom) (Lab - 10097)
Syllabus (pdf) Summer 2020
ARC Office Hours for Summer 2020 Semester: Mondays , Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1 PM on-line via Canvas and Zoom, or by appointment.
Textbook: Applications and Investigations in Earth Science, (9th Edition Only!!)by Tarbuck, Lutgens, and Pinzke.The 9th edition had substantial changes from the previous editions, so be sure to get the 9th edition only!!
Textbook companion web site
Link for Student Instructions for accessing Mastering Geology
Geology 306: Earth Science Laboratory
Tarbuck/Lutgens/Tasa/Pinzke, Applications and Investigations in Earth Science, Lab Manual, 8e
-New code!!
Geology 306: Earth Science Laboratory
Tarbuck/Lutgens/Tasa/Pinzke, Applications and Investigations in Earth Science, Lab Manual, 9th edition
You will need to bring a calculator to the first week of class as we will be working on the metric system, which will include making conversions between different types of units, some of which will be very small and very large. For example: A light-year is approximately 6 trillion miles or 6,000,000,000,000 miles or 6 X 1012 Miles. Some cell phone calculators can't deal with such numbers very well, so you should bring your calculator!
Welcome Back!!
Warning: If you do not come to the first day of class you may lose your space to someone on the the wait list who does show up for class!
All ARC Students:
This is just a reminder that the Science Success Center will be open for the Fall and Summer Semesters.. students are taught Study Skills such as annotation of text, paraphrasing, concept mapping, graphics reading, etc, within the context of their science course. All of the homework students do comes from the text, notes and handouts of YOUR course. Research shows that students who finish the SSC have about 15-20% higher success rates than students who do not complete the course. Students are required to have 6 to 8 meetings of 20 to 30 minutes with an IA, and they must complete all of the required homework assignments.
If you have any questions about the Success Center, please contact the Success Center directly and talk to one of the IAs (484-8204 or
The ARC Career and Job Opportunity Center offers an array of resources to assist students in choosing career options, preparing for employment, and researching current job openings.
The campus IT department recently changed the server for our websites, which changed the addresses of most of the links included in my pages. I have updated my website, but if you come across a link that doesn't work, please let me know, by contacting me at:
Quiz and Exam Reviews:
Additional diagrams and/or links that may be of use:
Assignmentsand/or pre-lab videos for Summer 2020(as based on the 9th edition of "Applications and Investigations into Earth Science) As of 06/09/20: See assignments on Canvas, using the following Single Sign-on Link: or
Welcome Back!!
Warning: If you do not come to the first day of class you may lose your space to someone on the the wait list who does show up for class!
Office Hours for Summer 2020 Semester: Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 12:30 PM to 1 PM via Canvas and Zoom, ARC, or by appointment.
All Students:
This is just a reminder that the Science Success Center will be open for the Spring and Summer Semesters.. students are taught Study Skills such as annotation of text, paraphrasing, concept mapping, graphics reading, etc, within the context of their science course. All of the homework students do comes from the text, notes and handouts of YOUR course. Research shows that students who finish the SSC have about 15-20% higher success rates than students who do not complete the course. Students are required to have 6 to 8 meetings of 20 to 30 minutes with an IA, and they must complete all of the required homework assignments.
If you have any questions about the Success Center, please contact the Success Center directly and talk to one of the IAs (484-8204 or
The ARC Career and Job Opportunity Center offers an array of resources to assist students in choosing career options, preparing for employment, and researching current job openings.
The campus IT department recently changed the server for our websites, which changed the addresses of most of the links included in my pages. I have updated my website, but if you come across a link that doesn't work, please let me know, by contacting me at:
All Students Spring 2020:
"Official" Gades have been posted!
Have a great great Semester Everyone!
