Free download die cut a4 svg envelope template

Free download die cut a4 svg envelope template

free download die cut a4 svg envelope template

Free A4 Envelope Die Cut vector download in AI, SVG, EPS and CDR. Letterhead template vector, minimalist style, printing design, business advertisement. Aug 9, 2014 - many free box cut files (ai, dxf, gsd, pdf, studio & svg) Free Templates, many different envelopes and boxes. Great for gifts. Just print on. Similar Images, Stock Photos & Vectors of Box packaging die cut template design​. mock Download whatever, cancel Free Doll Sized Louis Vuitton Printable's – Migues Miniatures Barbie Miniatures, Paper Toys CD case template, DVD case, cd envelope, dvd envelope, cd box, dvd box, 8.5x11, A4, svg, pdf, Cricut.

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A typical paper bag that can be stored completely flat. This template can be used to create both a slick little goodie bag or a large grocery bag. This design is also used a lot for gift wrapping wine bottles. The top of the bag is folded for reinforcement.

Box with lid

Print template for box with lid, for example a shoe box or a board game box. Length, Width and Height are all inner dimensions.

Cake Slice Box

A piece of cake. Quite literally. A wedge-shaped box that can be used to store pieces of cake. The box consists of an downper and a lower part. The downper part is the cover. The lower part, the tray, does not need glue because it will be locked by the cover. By default, the cover is 5% larger then the tray but this can be adjusted in the expert settings. The angle is a measure for how big a piece of cake can fit in. Look in the figure if you don‘t know what to enter here. For example, an angle of 30º is large enough for 1 piece from a 12-piece cake. The length is the length of the piece, which should be about half the diameter of the complete cake. But, be sure to add quite some allowance here.

Card Box

The most common box. A long, thin, box. The default dimensions are fine for a set of standard, European, playing cards (“bridge size”).


Coffin or Casket shaped box for Halloween, decoration or maybe for a deceased pet. Do you want to serve your ‘trick or treat candy‘ in style? Present the candy in a coffin! This design consists of a box and a lid. Use some extra scotch tape to secure the lid to box, or it might open at midnight… allowing the content to wander around your house. Mwhahahaha!

Cone (truncated)

A cone, optionally with the top cut off. (In that case, it’s called a frustum). Can be used to help create the geometry for a beaker, vase, party-hat or lamp shade. If you'd like a real cone, just use zero for the top-diameter. Tip: do not score or fold the fold line this template to keep seam smooth.

Counter Display

Or ‘open storage bin’. Open, cut-away box for storing and displaying items. This design is well suited for storing cards and for sorting small items.

Cylinder with mitered ends

Tube, pipe, cylinder or toilet roll core. Optionally ‘mitered’, which means it is truncated at an angle. With default settings, this template gives a standard toilet roll. You can also choose to have a ‘mitered’ cylinder, with different miter-angles for the top and the bottom and with a twist between these two. Use these settings if you need to create tubes that are welded (or glued) together at an angle.

Elliptical Box

An elliptical or oval box. The template consists of 4 parts and comes with a paper jig that can be used to assemble the box in a neat way. The top and bottom parts are duplicated in the template. When they are cut out you are left with the jig plus 2 top pieces and 2 bottom pieces. You can disregard of each. The jig will need to be folded into a fork shape.


Classical letter envelope, most often used for personal letters.

Exploding Box

A box consisting of a tray and a lid. The sides of the tray are not glued, but kept together by the lid. Once the lid is removed, the box ‘explodes’ as the sides fall outward.

Gem Stone Box

Gem stone shaped box, consisting of two identical polygonal pyramids, glued together at their bases. It‘s a real box that can used for packaging. It can be stored (and shipped)completely flat. When you pull the two apices (‘tops’) apart, the box will get it‘s full shape. It‘s easiest to glue this shape when both halves are flat. Just fold the glue tabs all the way in an glue the top to the bottom. Just remember not to glue the rounded flaps.

Gift Box

A typical, straight-forward gift box. This box is very similar to the Card Box, but the layout is different. This template makes most efficient use of your sheet of paper if the dimensions are close to eachother. Templatemaker will try to correct impossible values automatically. Be aware of this if, for example, the thumbhole is smaller then you expect.


The mailer is an extra thick envelop that can be used to pack items that are flat, but thicker then just a sheet of paper. It can hold, for example, a pile of cards of a bag of flower seeds. Use a piece of sticky tape to keep the cover in place.

Match Box

A simple Tray and Sleeve Box. The dimensions are inner dimensions. The clearance is added twice and to both the height and width. The tray can be assembled without glue, although a little glue won‘t hurt, of course.

Milk Carton

Tube-shaped box with a gusseted opening. This model will not be water tight if you make it at home, though!

Multi Sheet Box

How annoying that a sheet the size of an A4 or a Letter is so small, isn‘t it? This template allows you to construct much larger boxes by using 6 separate sheets. It takes a bit more glue but you can make a much more impressive box! Use some sturdy material. You might use scavange some old cereals boxes or pizza boxes. Be aware that your desktop printer might need some ”convincing” to accept these.


A three-dimensional figure formed by six parallelograms. This model can also be used to create a simple brick shape or a dice (cube). In that case, keep the angles at 90º.


Passepartout, Photo Frame or Shadow Box. Glue-less, hollow, double-walled tray. Create a photo frame for your photo‘s with a posh, wide and deep frame. Enter the dimension of the “inner space“ (the size of the picture or object to display), together with how thick and wide you‘d like the border of the frame to be. The eventual model will be larger, because of the width of border of the frame. The model can be constructed without using glue, although a bit of glue won‘t hurt.

Pillow Pack

A simple, economic yet charming shape for packing items like vouchers, jewelry or clothing. Do not make the pillow pack too thick, or the paper will tear when you fold the ends﹕ keep the width at least twice as long as the height. Once folded, the width and length will be slightly smaller then the values you entered because of the curvature of the cardboard.

Polygonal Box

Tube-shaped (or prismatic), polygonal box with gusseted, integrated lid. This box is very decorative and ideal for gift wrapping odd-shaped presents. The lid uses both mountain and valleys folds. The glue tabs on the bottom fit together precisly. The lid will fold easier if you remove some material from the place where the five fold lines meet. (The model does not work for 3 or less sides)

Polygonal Pyramid

A pyramid shape with custom height and a regular polygon as base.

Polygonal Shaped Box with Lid

This is a prismatic box with a regular polygon as a base. The dimensions determine the geometry of the base. The clearance determines how much the lid is scaled.

Pyramid-shaped box

A box in the shape of a pyramid. The base of the shapes functions as the lid, so to open it, you would hold it downside up. (The default values yield a pyramid in the same ratio as the Cheops pyramid)

Rhombus Shaped Box with Lid

Rhombus (lozenge, or lop sided), prismatic box with lid. The box consist of a base and a lid. The dimensions are given for the base. The lid will be scaled with the given percentage (clearance).

Round box

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Free download die cut a4 svg envelope template

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