Christian ebooks free download sites

Christian ebooks free download sites

christian ebooks free download sites

GlobalChristians. Bibles for America is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to distribute free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian literature throughout. Christian Ebooks downloadable for free! Designed for Kindle, iPhone, iTouch, Smartphone and other open source ebook readers. christian ebooks free download sites
Showing results: 1-10 of 652

My Ever-Present Help

Published: Nov 2020
Downloads: 40
Pages: 52

My Ever-Present Help is an Anointed Book of Emergency Prayers & Confirming Scriptures... Along with Powerful Declarations of Faith to Validate and Encourage Yourself in Every Situation! Plus, God's Promises of LIFE – HEALTH and PROSPERITY, Positions of Gods Generosity, and How To Get Favor With...

The Word of God about the apocalyptic trumpets

Published: Nov 2020
Downloads: 20
Pages: 98

"I am The Lord Jesus Christ. I am not body, but spirit. I have descended with The Holy Spirit on Earth to choose a nation and to tell them about the mysteries for this time. I am God’s Word and I have come to speak on Earth,..."

Unleash Your Inventions

Published: Oct 2020
Downloads: 33
Pages: 224

Unleash Your Inventions: The Secret Origin Of Creativity and Inventions brings a much needed fresh perspective to the subject of creativity and invention. The book makes a bold claim that anybody, anybody at all can unlock unlimited capacity for creativity and inventiveness.Have you ever had an...

Satanic Poems 1-310

Published: Oct 2020
Downloads: 5
Pages: 223

Homage and praise to Satan! A set of 310 poems paying homage, praise, and honor to him. Poetry expressing Satanism and Satanic minded things as found in the mind of a Satanist. Focusing on worldliness, worldly pleasure, and individuality- all things with a Satanic nature behind them. Pride and...

A Torah Verse By Verse Commentary Of Paul's Epistles

Published: Oct 2020
Downloads: 36
Pages: 345

Very Deep , Torah, Hebraic, Bible, Christian, Messianic Study For The Serious, Patient Saints Who Love Truth. No Interpretation Of Bible, But Precept Upon Precept, Line Upon Line.

Branches of the Satanic Tree

Published: Oct 2020
Downloads: 39
Pages: 104

A book of growth for both a Satanist and Satanism. A book of knowledge that Satan gave me to hand down. One that makes the basis of Satanism worldliness and worldly pleasure. A book of rich Satanic philosophy, magic, our perfection and our expansion. As well is is a book that guides a Satanist...

Gospel From The War Front

Published: Oct 2020
Downloads: 77
Pages: 258

This book is made up of a series of sermons and lessons which make use of real war stories and probable war scenarios as examples to explain a spiritual war which has been going on since the history of mankind.

Surfing the Scriptures

Published: Sep 2020
Downloads: 43
Pages: 304

Scripture-Surfers survey the Bible for patterns that teach about the God’s Character. Scripture is out of fashion at the moment but it will be back - history’s pattern shows it. Surfing the Scriptures follows the theme, ‘What has gone wrong with the world and how will God put it right’?

Discovery, Knowledge And Extremism

Published: Sep 2020
Downloads: 39
Pages: 108

This book is a means of defence, not offence; as the main purpose of it is to record and explain the reasons that pushed me to leave the religion (Islam). There isn't any personal reason in them; rather they're information that was not available to us previously, and to prove that the...

Lessons of Demonic Magic

Published: Sep 2020
Downloads: 41
Pages: 103

An overall view of Satanic Magic in its most powerful form. An excellent guide for any witch or warlock to use. It teaches what magic is and how it can be used in its demonic form. It is a book of spells, rituals, and lessons for any Luciferian that wishes to grow in power.

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