How to download xml file on iphone - remarkable
The strings converter is free to use without registration.
The converter takes the form of a strings editor, where you can load either Android or iOS strings and then save as either iOS or Android strings. The interface is the same editor used in the full Loco translator dashboard.
> Try the converter
Loading, editing and saving strings files
Drag an Android file or iOS file onto the drop-zone (or click and select one) and you will be presented with an in-browser editor where you can review and edit your translated strings.
Other file formats supported by Loco will also work here to load your translations, including Apple property lists and XLIFF files.
Once you've reviewed your strings (and made any edits) click one of the green buttons to download your converted file in Android or iOS format. You can also convert your strings to a full-blown Loco project at this point.
If you have any trouble loading or saving any of these file formats, please get in touch and let us know.
The editor displays your "keys" with windows for editing the source (English) text and a target language. You can switch the target language by typing it into the text box above the editor.
When saving your strings you are offered two downloads: one for the source texts () and another for the target language (). Note that the XLIFF format is different as it can contain both the source and target language in the same file.
Android strings support plural forms neatly within the XML format. Load a file and you will see plurals represented in the editor. Saving the Android XML file will keep the plurals in the downloaded file.
iOS plurals are more complicated and can be done in various ways. As such this simple converter doesn't deal with iOS pluralized strings.
The full Loco system offers more powerful plural support including a export for Xcode projects.
The free converter supports XLIFF files exported from Xcode using the "Editor > Export for Localization.." option.
The export XLIFF option will also work with Xcode's "Import Localizations.." feature, but note that Android plural forms are excluded from this file.
See also
