Download driver fujixeroc docuprint c4350

Download driver fujixeroc docuprint c4350

download driver fujixeroc docuprint c4350

Just Download Fuji Xerox DocuColor 5065 II Fiery Command Workstation 340A Postscript printer Driver · Fuji Xerox DocuPrint C4350 PostScript Driver · Fuji Xerox You can download the Multifunction drivers for your Fuji Xerox DocuColor. Appendix E: Fuji Xerox Supported Devices. We make all three driver types readily available for download from. as independent DocuPrint C5005 d DocuPrint C4350 DocuPrint C3290 FS DocuPrint C2255. Multifunction Laser Printer, the Fuji Xerox DocuPrint M225 dw is the perfect solution for its been expanded in version Fuji Xerox Docuprint C3290 Fs Driver Download. DocuPrint C3290 FS DocuPrint C3300DX DocuPrint C4350. Fuji Xerox.

Download driver fujixeroc docuprint c4350 - was specially

I have a Docucentre C4350 Fuji Xerox printer which does not have postscript installed. The normal drivers from Fuji assume you have Postscript installed. Here’s how to get the non-postscript printer going.

1. You need to install a special non-postscript driver.  I have searched everywhere and I can’t find where I downloaded it from. They were from a fuji Xerox site in Singapore, they are not available from the USA site that I can find.  Here is version 1.3 for you to download:  fxmacprnstd1112am105iml.dmg

Update– Fuji Xerox have released a newer version 1.5  You can download it from fuji here.

Update 2:  The version 1.5 drivers have been upgraded again and they are now here. You want the version that says “Driver Type: Non PS.”

2. Go to System Preferences, Printer and add a new printer (‘+’ button).
Choose ‘IP Printing’ and LPD and enter the IP address of the printer.

It will find your printer automatically and it will choose the right driver (Eg FX Docucentre-II C4300 v3016.103 PS’ above). This will NOT work with a non-Postscript printer!

You need to Choose ‘Select Software’ then choose the ‘FX Print Driver for Mac OS X v1.3’ that you just installed.


This works on OSX 10,7 10.8 and 10.9 (Mavericks).

You need this newer version for OS 10.10 and 10.11


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download driver fujixeroc docuprint c4350

Download driver fujixeroc docuprint c4350

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