Dont see download button on netflix windows 10

Dont see download button on netflix windows 10

dont see download button on netflix windows 10

Hey I just downloaded the netflix app for my windows 10 computer. but for some reason when i ive downloaded before on another computer. there is no download option anywhere how do. Please try these options one by one and check after each option. Do let me know if these don't work for you. Want to watch your favorite films and TV shows on Netflix but don't have On Windows 10 devices, it will be the penultimate option underneath. Netflix app for Windows 10 now allows you to download or save movies and TV shows on and delete movies, and TV shows that you don't want on your PC anymore. Once you navigate to the above directory, you will see all downloaded for Windows 10 doesn't offer an option to change the default download location.

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dont see download button on netflix windows 10

Dont see download button on netflix windows 10

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