Supernatural Role Playing Game

Supernatural RPG Quickstart Guide
by Jamie Chambers
DriveThruRPG.com (Free download. Not a print product)
The Hunt Begins is an introduction to the Supernatural Role Playing Game, based on the hit show on The CW. This quickstart package contains introductory rules, four pregenerated hunter characters, and Of Wolf & Man, a Supernatural scenario based on the legend of the Beast of Bray Road. Grab some players, some dice, and hit the highway. Silver bullets optional.

Supernatural Role Playing Game
by Jamie Chambers, Cam Banks, Jimmy McMichael, Aaron Rosenberg
Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but the truth hurts and there’s no use sugarcoating it. Ghosts are real. Demons too, along with those bumps in the night and maybe even the monster under your bed. The world’s a scary place. If you’re lucky the nasties that creep around in the dark won’t get hold of you.
‘Cept maybe you aren’t lucky. Maybe you’ve already lost something – or somebody – to the darkness. All the booze and therapy in the world can’t put your life back the way it was. And evil has a way of finding you again once it’s had a taste of blood.
So you decide to fight back. It’s not gonna be easy — as this kind of on-the-job training can get you dead. But you can stop being the hunted and become the hunter. There’s no fame or glory in it, and there sure as hell isn’t any money. But if you get the job done, you’ll save lives and send the bad guys screaming back to hell where they belong. If that sounds good, then you’ve got some work to do.
In the Supernatural Role Playing Game you and your friends play hunters from the world of the hit television series. Play characters from the show or use the Cortex System rules to create your own hunter. You’ll also find gory details on ghosts, demons, and other nasties for the Game Master to throw your way. All you need to start the hunt is this book, some friends, some dice, and some time to kill…

Supernatural Role Playing Game – Adventures
by Graeme Davis, Ralph Dula, Jess Hartley, George Holochwost, and CA Suleiman
Edited by Cam Banks
Ghosts, demons, and monsters aren’t going to take a vacation, so neither can you. Whether you’ve been hunting the supernatural your whole life or just this summer, this book’s got more than enough to keep you busy. From demon bikers to diabolical alchemists, evil never lets up in this collection of five adventures for the Supernatural Role Playing Game.
Bring your own hunters to the party or play as Sam, Dean, and other characters from the hit show on the CW network. Play each adventure as a stand-alone story or string them together as a mini-campaign. It’s the perfect accessory for full-throttle horror action-adventure in the world of Supernatural.

Supernatural Role Playing Game – Guide to the Hunted
by Cam Banks, Rob Donoghue, Jason Durall, Jimmy McMichael, Floyd C. Wesel
Amazon.com (Pre-Order)
Everybody knows rock salt keeps out ghosts and silver kills werewolves. That’s just Folklore 101. But when you need to get rid of a crocotta, banish a tulpa, or deal with an Angel of the Lord, you’re going to need a really good guide. Centuries of monster lore meet years of seasoned hunting experience and a handful of potentially unreliable Internet files in this essential sourcebook for the Supernatural Role Playing Game.
This full-color hunter’s manual features dozens of spooks, freaks, and threats that have challenged the Winchester brothers on nearly five seasons of the CW network’s hit show, Supernatural. Each monster is fully detailed with Cortex System game statistics and plenty of lore, ready to drop into any campaign. With extra material on how to play monsters as hunters and create your own supernatural threats, the Guide to the Hunted is an indispensible resource.
Supernatural RPG: Road Atlas
by Jimmy McMichael, Margaret Weis Productions
Amazon.com (Pre-Order)
Description: Horror's practically a roadside attraction in the Supernatural universe. The Winchester brothers have been all over the United States in their fight against demons, monsters, and ghosts, and now, so can you. This supplement for the Supernatural Role Playing Game is packed with supernatural locations, weird places, every fictional town and city mentioned on the show, adventure hooks, and maps. Game Masters can open the book to any random location and run an adventure right from there. A bonus poster map of the United States, with a key that ties into the book's various entries, is included.