Madden nfl 2008 pc download - thanks
So you’re still enjoying Madden 08 on PC and the idea of Madden NFL 19 coming to PC really has you interested in trying it out. You may have questions or concerns or just want to know how things work with today’s digital platforms and purchasing games through services like Origin. You may also have more specific questions that I’ll try to address to the best of my knowledge. If this sounds like you or you just want to know more information about what it would take to move from Madden 08 to Madden 19 on PC then this is for you.
Purchasing Options
First we are going to go over how you would go about acquiring Madden 19 on PC. In years past you would of gone to your local store and picked up a copy of Madden that came in a nice box and brought it home to put in your CD or DVD drive and installed the game from there. This isn’t common practice anymore and at time of writing the ONLY way to purchase Madden 19 on PC is through EA’s online distribution system Origin.
Origin is EA specific software that allows you to legally purchase and download a large number of EA published games. These games range from the upcoming Madden 19 to the Battlefield series and even many older titles. Origin functions as both an easy way to download games easily and as DRM for the software. Previously the physical disks would act as DRM and be required to be in the computer in order to run the game. This is no longer the case and you can now purchase and run games without disks. The flip side of this is now you will need a near constant internet connection in order to enjoy your games purchased on Origin. If you would like to try Origin for yourself ahead of Madden 19’s release you can download from them directly.
The next question after familiarizing yourself with the Origin client is figuring out how much Madden 19 is going to cost you. Currently there seems to be three options for gaining access to the game on your computer. The first two I’ll go over involve paying a one time payment and owning the game. The two version available to purchase are the Standard Edition ($59.99) and the Hall of Fame Edition ($79.99). Below is a break down of the differences but either options gets you the game for a one time payment depending on version you select and that’s it.

Origin Access Premier is not available at the time of writing.
The third option is to subscribe to Origin Access for $5 a month and you would be in essence renting the game for that $5 a month. This would mean that you don’t own the game but would get full access to it and play it whenever you wanted for a low up front cost. If you’re unsure if you are going to like it or want to find out how well your computer will run the game I HIGHLY suggest going this route initially. You can also cancel at any time.
System Requirements
We now have official minimum system requirements for the game and they are:
OS: Windows 7 or newer
GPU: GTX660 or equivalent passmark
CPU: i3-4350 or equivalent passmark
Memory: 8GB of RAM
HDD Space: 40GB
How do friends work in Madden 19 ?
Unfortunately this is another “currently unknown” answer as this will be the first Madden game on PC. There is a built in friends list in Origin so we may be using that to invite each other to games and into leagues. I expect it to work similar to how FIFA works but my personal experience with the FIFA franchise is extremely limited. This section will be updated as soon as information becomes available.
How will online leagues work ?
Online Leagues have seen a huge improvement since Madden 08 where you can now host a connected franchise with fantasy draft all taken care of by the online system. No more sharing files with each other, it’s all taken care of in game. This is a huge relief for League managers and they can focus on playing and less about making sure everyone is getting the right files. This also removes the necessity for spawn files.
Is this game a port of the console version ?
According to an interview by Tomas Franzese with the producer of Madden NLF 19 Ben Haumiller on “You’ve seen some PC ports where it seemed like it is an afterthought. Our version was co-developed with the console game and will get the same updates.” So the short answer no, the PC version is not a direct port of the console version. That’s exciting news for many of us.
Is there cross play between PC and Xbox/PS4 ?
No there is not, it’s something they are open to in the future but current there are no announcements or functionality. Thanks DualShockers again for that insight.
Will the PC and PS4 Pro and Xbox One X be the same version ?
In short yes, the article also indicates that they try to keep everything locked down and the same between versions.
Thank you BKGiantsFan for helping with research and answering questions.
Have any more questions you want answered ? Feel free to leave them in the comments below.