Hirens 15 iso download - remarkable
Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 iSO Download – BroExperts
Last updated on November 20th, 2019 at 01:29 pm
Best rescue disk for resolving issues auch as Password Recovery, boot problems, hard drive etc.
The Ultimate computer repair tools Hirens BootCd is the 1st choice of IT professionals for every day use.
You can Download Hiren’s 15.2 iSO file from the below link:
Hiren’s Boot CD 15.2ISO File Link ( Zip File ) 592.5 MB
Latest Hiren’s BootCD PE x64 version which is based on windows 10 Pre-Installed envoirment
BootCD PE x64 (v1.0.1)ISO File Link 1292.04 MB
Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 Description
Hiren’s bootCD 15.2 last updated on 21 June 2018 since then there is no official update.
It is also knows as windows rescue disk which can help you to solve different kind of computer malfunctions such as Computer booting Problem, Virus Scanning, Data Recover, Password Recover and alot more.
It is must have tool for all IT Professionals.
As an IT Professional i do recommend to add this set of rescue tools in your collection.
Tools Available on Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 / PE x64
There are list of Useful tools available in Hiren’s CD.
Mini Windows XP ( Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 )
If you are in a situation where you are not able to boot from your windows pc and you wanted to access your hard drive.
It could be a situation like:
- Virus Attack
- Booting Problem
- Hard Drive Problem
- Operating System Corrupt
- Forget your windows Password
If you are in any of the above situation then the Mini Windows Xp can be a life saver.
You can boot from Hiren’s BootCD and launch full OS, and have access to all the rescue tools from the CD to get rid of problem you are facing.
Mini XP is very useful, it will load in your RAM and can give you access to your windows pc as your physical.
Password Recovery Tool
Hiren’s BootCD is mostly used for recovering windows 10/8.1/7 passwords, either you forget or lost your admin password Windows Password Reset tool can be very helpful.
Being and it guy i met with password recovery issues many times.
And it was Hiren’s BootCD which helps me to recover windows passwords.
So make sure you keep this rescue disk always in your reach.
